What makes a city great? The location? The architecture? The ambience? In this 6 x 50 min series, we circle the globe on a quest to discover the beating heart - and seething underbelly - of the world's most extraordinary cities. Join us as we venture through the grandest old capitals and most modern metropolises on the planet. It's Venice and New York, Hollywood and Bollywood, Cairo, Jaipur, Jerusalem, Rio and more.
热播电视剧最新电影驱魔怪谈天文馆绝对控制2002汉娜(2017)中山装坟头村巨石之谜火星少女队蓝白红之红香江花月夜(1995)扫毒2天地对决国语碗小厨闯江湖之麻辣爱情楼上,楼下 第五季新娘航班天字第二号传奇中国节清明当心小孩审讯室:英国第一季危机边缘 第五季民间怪谈:水猴子亿爱小姐国语挎斗摩托车里的狗鼠胆英雄铁面御史泽夫卡特
今晚(周二)明珠台播到9:30p.m.的就很适合做听写材料和口译篇章(bushi有罗马 伊斯坦布尔 京都 布拉格 等
Pearl播出, 当做疫情期间的旅游节目好了