• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:Andrew Bargsted,Hugo Medina,Bastián Bodenhöfer






  The five most ruthless torturers of Pinochet’s dictatorship are serving out sentences amounting to several hundred years in a luxury prison at the foot of the Andes. The place has a pool, gardens and aviaries where they are watched over by guards who feel more like their employees. When one of the inmates gives a TV interview, his declarations fuel an unexpected backlash. The fear of a possible move will make the men do everything in their power to stay put, unraveling the delirium and the violence.热播电视剧最新电影英雄梦今天开始契约恋爱亚当斯一家19912024年中央广播电视总台“六一”晚会大祸临头第一季芝加哥故事 第五季汪汪队立大功 第四季亲爱的小课桌灵魂战车恋情告急世界奇妙物语特别篇全集艾米丽在巴黎 第三季恋爱中的维多利亚发丘陵冢年少轻狂2016少年英雄斯托姆致我们甜甜的小美满怦怦连连看迷离劫美少女的谎言第二季张震讲故事之合租屋深渊2019美女与野兽1991海边的女人大话西游之大圣娶亲(粤语)男与女2023甜心萌探

