It’s now 1955 and Chief Inspector Sullivan and Mrs Devine have grown closer since we saw them last – something that hasn’t escaped the notice of Father Brown and Brenda. With a food fayre to die for, a real-life crime at a crime writing festival and a village rivalry that turns deadly, there’s plenty for the gang to be busy with. And when his old friend Sister Boniface is implicated in a murder at an arts and craft fair, Father Brown must prove her innocence – before it’s too late.
热播电视剧最新电影血与水第四季机不可失2015伤物语1:铁血篇废弃公园哈利·波特与魔法石囚室211大海在呼唤面包的艺术名利场和爸爸在一起的3天幽灵医生老兵(2014)无物申报爆笑虫子:荒岛求生记偶像的代价瑞奇·斯坦尼克魔法纪录:魔法少女小圆外传僵尸复仇1973候选人2016还是要将恋爱进行到底 番外伯格曼岛终于爱神枪手与智多星真假学园2台北爱船