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广告狂人 第六季





广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.1广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.2广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.3广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.4广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.5广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.6广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.13广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.14广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.15广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.16广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.17广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.18广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.19广告狂人 第六季 剧照 NO.20


广告狂人 第六季美剧免费高清在线观看全集。
  美国经典电影台(AMC)自制影集阵容中最受赞誉之作品《广告狂人》第六季将在美国东部时间四月七日晚上九时隆重首映。由艾美奖得奖作品《黑道家族》编剧马修.维纳担纲制作和首席编剧的《广告狂人》二〇〇七年首播以来共计获得六十八项艾美奖提名及十五座艾美奖大奖,包括连续四届艾美奖最 佳电视影集殊荣,《广告狂人》成为新千年第一个十年首部也是唯一一部保持这一得奖记录的电视作品。同时《广告狂人》连续五年位列《纽约时报》、《电视指南》、《今日美国》、AV Club等数百家美国主流媒体年度十佳剧集名单,连续五年被权威的AFI美国电影学会评为年度最佳剧集,《滚石》称赞其为“永不过时的经典
  ”(The greatest TV-drama of all time)。
  AMC是近年来最受瞩目的美国有线频道,成功制播《广告狂人》、《绝命毒师》、《行尸走肉》、《谋杀》和《地狱之轮》等倍受评论界赞誉、收获超高收视的佳作,全新定义了美国电视剧的标杆。2013年4月,AMC推出全新台标,频道宣传语由“荟萃好故事”(Story Matters Here)升级为“更多精彩”(Something More),显示其“顶级制作,雅俗共赏”开辟更多节目的目标热播电视剧最新电影京城81号2阿拉底恋歌健与和图书馆战争:最后的任务艾塞克斯男孩的秋天东京战争战后秘史星之人因爱而伟大冰封迷案热血废柴中介 第三季文学少女剧场版矮子当道狼性赦免闪虾亮晶晶婚戒物语冒险乐园寂静的房子阿衰第一季最后一班地铁1980家教噩梦2023千阳放手爱虎与龙SP芝加哥警署第七季


 1 ) [s 6 ep 9] 那些再也回不去的曾经


感情的流逝是如此迅速。你听到背后有人喊你,转身想要抓住,却发现斯人已远;你沉浸在私欲和虚荣之中,恣意索取、挥霍着感情,偶然一次打开心灵,却发现那里面已经空空如也。曾几何时一瞬间的心有灵犀,再也无法找回。本集Mad Men,献给那些回不去的曾经~





 2 ) Find your Peace——真正的Don女郎

冲着剧名来学做广告的,失望着没看到大放异彩的创意;冲着男主来看艳遇的,被一个老女人的床戏深深伤了荷尔蒙。如果你只看到了这些,或许并不能说你没看懂Mad Men,但至少可以确定,你还没读懂Don Draper。

Don有过很多女人。你可能惊艳于风情不变风尘不染的Betty,你可能因那段挥之不去的Zou bisou而默认Megan的性感,你还可能沉迷于海洛因一般迷恋Midge,你还可能感激Faye为爱不顾一切的痴狂,还有田园诗歌般的小学老师,还有娇柔放浪的异国空姐,还有渴望婚姻的犹太女人,还有不谙世事的普通秘书,还有莫名其妙的加州艳遇,还有太多太多...
虽然不是每个女人都足以惊艳时光,但的确每一个都可谓一芳尤物。但所有的女人之于Don,都只是一个过程的存在,就像酒吧摇曳的红唇里突出的那股袅袅的烟圈 “Are you alone?”

但如果只能选一个最特别的女人。我想一定是Anna。只有你读懂了Ann对于Don的意义,才会读懂第六季老女人那句“Find your peace”,才能真正读懂了那个从高处坠落,又被轻柔唤醒的Don Draper.

其实,Mad Men无关广告人。

 3 ) 无处可走 便要重头开始

第六季终于结束了。季末的Don,可谓中年危机的一次爆发。情人在败露后彻底崩了,女儿还偏偏撞见,这等羞惭事也亏得是Don能撑住。女儿在boarding school停学,自己本来想远走加州,又让給了ted。回来家,Megan对他的出尔反尔也是忍无可忍,估计这婚姻的分崩离析也不远了。I don't know Don. We don't have kids. 人家Megan都说的很明晰了,美剧又不是过日子,一般台词都是草灰蛇线,何况Mad Men编剧一直水准颇高。

这部剧播到第六年,Don为首的这群mad men,也从上升期到了鼎盛期,现在已然是强弩之末。对生活的激情早已耗尽,哪怕是对广告本身,也未必再如以往那么创意无限。不过多年经验积攒下来的老辣,倒比创意本身发挥的作用更大。看这一季合并之后的Don和Ted,Don阴谋阳谋一起,把Ted收拾了个服服帖帖。最后俩人因为心理处境的相似,反而惺惺相惜,也是Don愿意把去加州的机会拱手送给Ted的原因。Don到了此时,对对手就不再咄咄相逼了,能举重若轻抹掉威胁,又能在关键时刻伸手相帮,是精明老辣,反过来看,也是一种心灵救赎。

同样强弩之末的也是Ted. 他虽比Don小几岁,人看来也直接单纯得多,没有Don那种心里能藏事的本事,这次和Peggy的确是玩得太过火了。他一边强调是真爱,一边回家看到妻儿还是觉得以全局为重。Peggy就更是了,穿着性感洋装和丝袜故意甩脸给Ted看,没让我觉得可爱,反而有一种desperate的感觉。而最终在办公室里加班的落寞,更是有种清冷,前尘已了,怅然若失。

最后孑然一身的Don选择了带着孩子去回顾自己的过去。正视历史,等于重新定义现在。同样地,讨人厌的小背头peter,还有和得罪了女儿的Roger,都定格在和孩子一起的时刻。和孩子在一起,是不是暗示着他们已然没有多少未来可盼,或是暗示着他们都得重头再来,从能从目前这份迷惘里跳脱出来呢。看着Don长大的妓院残破不堪,门口却又坐一个小黑孩,仿佛看到不断闪回的那个穿背带裤脸色苍白的童年的Don。愿他能通过“过去”,搭上那辆开往未来的车,能reconnect to this world.

 4 ) 【609 Recap】A Traumatizing Experience

Mad Men 609 'The Better Half' Recap

So. This was the episode that Mad Men went totally MAD.

‘You obviously had a traumatizing experience.’ Peg said.

‘Don’t patronize me.’ Abe answered.

S6E9 revisited the traumatizing experience, casting the shadow of confusion, chaos and violence on those who were not on the spot and claimed that a few lunatics would not ruin their gorgeous nights.

As if answering to Don’s epiphany in the last episode - It is nothing but history that holds people together, people of the past did appear or was mentioned in this episode. Here was Duck. And they mentioned the late Pryce and Gleason and Robert Kennedy.

Due to its role that drew people together, the past was obliged to be something precious and wonderous. Or, as the popular ‘Planet of the Apes’ indicated, the past was ‘the paradise’. Soon after Duck disclosed that the wellspring of his confidence was his family, we saw a family-reunion - in a camp site or a countryside b&b. Lost in the amazement of the oozing sweetness of Bobby and his handsome father and beautiful mother, we found ourselves cannot but agree with Duck- Family could be paradise-y.

Or could it?

Because it was an episode about the collapsing of family and of loving couples. Its theme wasn’t Duck’s motto, it’s Betty’s - ‘Loving you is the worst way to get closer to you’.

The couples, if not families, broke up. It sent a thrill down the spine of mine to see Abe accused Peg ‘you are always the enemy’. Maybe he was confused, or maybe it was true and it was because he said nothing and we couldn’t tell that he had long been frustrated about his girlfriend being a conservative high-brow bread-maker. But the accusement still was horrible, as horrible as the stabbing (why people keep stabbing??), considering of the high possibility that he might not survive and the accusement would hurt and haunt Peg, for, like, ever. To quote Arlene, you could not disagree, but you didn’t have to embarrass or in this context destroy, her. This scene resembled the previous quarrel between Pete and Trudy. Pete could not tell Trudy the unspeakable deeds of her father, yet he did. Anyhow, thanks God Abe made it.

Then it was the issue between Peg and Ted. It did not work out. It was like a blow in the face to see two men closing the door with unconscious indifference in front of Peg, in the acme of her vulnerablity. But in the end, there was nothing wrong with Ted being the guy who went to bed before 2 p.m., otherwise it would be too confusing.

To stop the confusion, Joan asked Roger to stop dropping by without notice. ‘I know you want to. But I can’t count on that’, Joan shrugged when Roger claimed that he only wanted to be around.

‘The forbidden zone is once a paradise.’ This depressed episode was a manifesto of the invalidity of love of all sorts, showing that love was a mere intermezzo, a midway thing. It was in the constant threat of violence - the robbery, the neighbourhood chaos, the stabbing spines, the words of wrath. Midway it was cut short. And you went astray, finding yourself alone in the darkness of the forbidden zone.

Maybe Matthew Weiner was confused or maybe it did happen. Alert when you are in love, but the other part just says ‘I missed you.’

Don’t count on that. Take a note.

 5 ) 【613 Recap】‘If you wanna run, I’d do it now.’

MM 613 'In Care Of' Recap

The last episode of season 6 of Mad Men encapsulated runaway of all forms besides showing all the serious and casual commitments being made and broken.

‘If you wanna run, I’d do it now.’ - Pete

S6E13 wrapped up the whole season of the mad late 1960s showing the aftermath of being casual at decision-making whilst tagging the whole period as ‘not serious’.

‘Hershey’s isn’t serious’ about advertising. Teenages were not serious about drinking and law; men were not serious about their families and children; people were not serious about making promises. Don, the most notorious among all, breached work taboo and were considered not serious about clients and campaign presentations (Hershey’s, Sheraton, newspaper and tabacco, to name just a few). All they wanted was run.

Ted promised that he would leave his wife and escaped to Hawaii with Peg. Don told Megan they would move to L.A. and be happy again. Sally went to a boarding school to stay away from her always-occupied-and-couldn’t-pick-her-children mother and her ‘immoral’ dad. Even Pete’s mother ran away and got married with Manolo, both of whom ended up disappearing into thin air. Trudy said to Pete, who lost his mother, left his families and moved to the south, ‘You are free from everything.’

The men made decisions easily. To shoot two not one presidents, to start a war, to kill civil rights leader and innocent people on a foreign land. They were the decision-makers. And those who were being made the decisions were voiceless and vacant in the pictures.

‘You probably dictate the memo right to her and had no idea she’d be affected.’ - Stan

Stan’s remark was not just about Dawn, whose appearance and subplots in the whole season were disappointly scarce and had no punchline whatsoever, it also rang true for Peg and Ted.

Though I was for a moment believing that Ted would leave his wife and be with Peg and got really excited for the next season of this couple-to-be, I felt punched in the face when the guilty-look Ted showed up in Don’s office asking Don to put three hundred miles between him and Peg. But you must admit, what Ted did was right. Nevertheless, whatever he decided to do, the memo of divorce or breaking up would still hurt the other woman in his bed, badly.

The words were broken. The women were left to be disappointed. Yet as Roger pointed out, ‘you learn more from disappointment than you do from success’, will the women whose husband, lover, dad failed them, stood up and learned something? Looking at the silouette of Peg in Don’s office, I knew she would (and Peg&Elizabeth Moss was never an disappointment on the screen). Sally was looking at her father in the eye before the deserted two-story house that had once been a brothel and home to her father. I hoped she would pull her young self together and saw something big from the experience that her father went through, from a ragged boy to a man in clean suits and tie and hat. As Meg darted out of the flat, I was fingercrossing and wished she would not be written off the show(as what was done to her part in her show). The scenario of Don taking away Stan’s opportunity bore a resemblance to what Megan did to her European friend in the last episode of season five, yet we failed to see more dark and manipulative side of Megan this season. I hoped to see the independent-minded Megan of power return next year.

SC&P decided that they could survive with a casual vacancy. And indeed, it would not be too much to ask that this casual vacancy could remind Don of his responsibility since he would sure see the firm run normally, if not perfectly, without him.

Take a break.

‘Don’t you always go home, though? ’ - Peggy

 6 ) 如何优化你的《广告狂人》观剧体验




Nelle Engoro: http://open.salon.com/blog/silkstone


Speaking of Don, the guy’s a horrible, horrible, horrible asshole, just horrible. Horrible! Did I mention he’s horrible? A hollowed-out shell of a handsome man. A tyrannosaurus rex among bastards. Sick. Hateful. A selfish prima donna and reflexive user of other people. Toxic beefcake. He should have a warning label on his forehead.

The preacher's line in the mandtory whorehouse flashback really stuck with me.'The only unpardonable sin is to believe God cannot forgive you.' Substitute 'the viewer' for God and you've got cable's philsophy of drama.



Nelle的解读非常细致,也有一些自己独到的理论(把Don落水解读为Don经历的一次重新改过、埋葬the false self的洗礼),很妙的是,Nelle的评论本身就极具文学性,在写到Don在第13集里讲述自己的童年经历和好时巧克力棒(Hershey's bar)的苦甜交织的记忆时,指出“bar”的一语双关:

A bitterness not alleviated by the other kind of bar we’ve often seen him hitting, especially this season

将Matt和Nelle的剧评放在一块儿看,可以发现两人对一些情节的理解和猜想的差异,Matt认为Bob Benson是一个良性的sociopath,并认为在Bob&Pete的膝盖戏后,Bob走出时是一种平静的姿态,而Pete可能是一个深柜gay,最后发现并接受自己的这一身份能帮助Pete重新lovable。


Nelle在S6的recap外,还每集录制了一集 Mad Men Talk(http://www.blogtalkradio.com/madmentalk),可以晚上睡觉听。

http://www.tomandlorenzo.com/category/television/page/3 (其中的Mad Style系列)
服装设计设Janie Bryant讲解MM的戏服:http://blogs.amctv.com/mad-men/fashion-file/

Mad Style有着丰富的截图,将戏服对人物性格、剧情推进的作用挖掘做到了极致:绿-蓝象征的adultery,黄-红为SCP的公司主色调;黄-蓝象征unconnect的人际关系;波点VS条纹;不详的Sharon Tate的暗指…



对于后来Don改变主意,决定留在纽约,Megan穿着海军蓝的毛衣愤怒摔门而去的一幕,Janie说,Megan的蓝色毛衣切合着本集sink, boat, water的motif,暗色调也与早晨的白裙相反,可以从一个角度上解释为Don&Megan婚姻的死亡。





【607 Recap】Above the Cloud http://movie.douban.com/review/6187903/
【609 Recap】A Traumatizing Experience http://movie.douban.com/review/6187908/
【613 Recap】‘If you wanna run, I’d do it now.’ http://movie.douban.com/review/6187912/


看到这里的Mad Mania们,送你们一颗(需要翻墙的)彩蛋:



乱世浮华背后的无尽苍凉,依然是这个时代最伟大的严肃戏剧。这一季整体平了一些,但收着是为了最后的华彩吧。P.S. 你也不可能在别的剧里听到Joni Mitchell的歌了~~~

  • 小老鼠
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与上季相比,拍摄手法有点老套,几处剪辑都有点笨拙,但这一季的波澜起伏却为多个人物加入了新维度,时间像一个完美的圆环,终于析出起点。最后的配乐催人泪下,使第六季成为整部电视剧一个至关重要的中转站。I see tenderness in the dark.

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  • 忆秋
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what a man ,what a show.

  • doherty
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希望永远不要完结 让我们在普通生活中有疯狂的理由和宣泄途径

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  • 黄小米
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don Draper what a fucking jerk

  • 轴系北悬臂
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露营的时候,betty 对Don说,Poor Girl, she doesn't know that the worse way to get close to you is to love you .怎么可以在这里出现总结性的台词啊。编剧已经黔驴技穷了吗中心思想都说出来了还有什么可以继续啊。简直岂有此理。

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  • JulianaFrink
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  • 猫龟🐌
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4.22-4.23 其实这季我真的很喜欢Peggy和Ted线

  • \t^h/
  • 还行

2015.05.30 ~ 2015.06.04本季水准略有下降,不过也应和了剧情时间正从典雅的六十年代向混乱的七十年代过渡……很奇怪,无论怎样,剧中的每个角色我都不讨厌,即使是Don。那个女孩将废旧听诊器按在他胸前:I think it's broken.他吃了一惊:You can hear that?他知道自己早已心碎。

  • 小悬子
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一下变成历史题材 可以睡别人老婆却不能忍自己老婆演吻戏 烧街总舵手马丁路德金 Peggy:为毛躺枪的又是我?? Joan每天都在孤身与公司里一众直男癌斗智斗勇好累 pete的发际线岌岌可危 唐终于撞上一个捉奸小能手了 喜大普奔 OMG They Kill Kenny You Bastard!

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