Season four of the six-time Emmy-nominated series, the first since 2019, will consist of six new episodes parodying documentaries such as Burden of Dreams, Three Salons at the Seaside, The September Issue, When We Were Kings, Gleaners and I, Beaches of Agnes, My Octopus Teacher, and more, according to IFC. It’s too early to speculate, but perhaps season five will lampoon the inevitable, yet-to-be-created documentary about the response to Queen Elizabeth’s death, and Mirren can pull double duty hosting and reprising her Oscar-winning role.
热播电视剧最新电影刀剑乱舞-花丸-突围突围9号秘事:圣诞特别篇星际宝贝2:史迪奇有问题无敌破坏王行走的幽魂射雕英雄传之降龙十八掌苦果怪诞第一季佐恩之子天赐的声音第五季霉菌之花白蚁:欲望谜网追光吧!哥哥我与上帝战斗的那一夜超迷你战士 第五季监狱疑云刀不留人笔仙诡影蓝眼武士伸冤人第三季红蜘蛛6:欲海沉沦蓝色大海完美对垒翡翠麻将龙虎门 (粤语版)