• 电影
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男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.1男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.2男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.3男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.4男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.5男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.6男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.13男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.14男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.15男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.16男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.17男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.18男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.19男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马 剧照 NO.20






 1 ) 男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马‖ to love and be loved

⭐️影片名字:The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse ⭐️国家和上映时间 英国 2022 ⭐️影片时长:34分钟 同名绘本改编,书名《 The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse》,原作者查理·麦克西。 讲述的是一个男孩在寻找家的过程中,先后遇到鼹鼠、狐狸和马,结伴而行相互治愈,温暖。充满善良、友谊、勇气和爱的一个童话故事。 这是2023年,我的第一部观影。 我已经有很长一段时间精神焦虑,大脑很疲惫,没办法长时间集中注意力了。 这个动画真的很神奇,它让我静静的看完这30分钟。 故事很简单很温暖,语调很平静,画面很美。甚至看完之后,整个人觉得格外的清醒,之前疲惫的大脑好像放下了一些负重。 这个故事很治愈我,希望也会治愈顺利渡过2022年的你。 #治愈精神内耗 #治愈 #童话 #动画 #绘本 #治愈自己 #缓解焦虑

 2 ) 善良是我 凶恶是我 奔跑是我 飞翔是我


 3 ) 你说过的最勇敢的话,是什么?









 4 ) 这是一场心的探索和接纳






小小的脑袋 说Hello的时候声音很温暖




















 5 ) The boy the mole the fox the horse

周日十点多钟,躺在床上晒太阳,在b站刷到了这个动画。点开,看完,还挺喜欢。原因如下: 1. 配音不错,英音,语速慢,适合练练听力。 2. 画面挺唯美,也有很多我喜欢的要素:雪景,白桦林,白马,马的眼睛,飞翔的翅膀。 3. 有些画面就那样留在了脑海,突然自己想试试:在雪地上打滚。白马左右翻来翻去,小男孩躺在雪地上,呈大字型,手脚不停的开开合合。等下个冬天我也要试试。 4.有些话让我有了联想,想到了曾经阅读的书或遭遇的事儿:小男孩站在河里的一块石头上,看水中倒影,说只能看到外在,却看不到内在,可更重要的是内在。一瞬间想到的就是张德芬的:亲爱的,外面没有别人,只有你自己,所有的外在事物都是你内在投射出来的结果。 白马收起了飞翔的翅膀,因为别人的嫉妒。 鼹鼠(画的真如弹幕中说的,太像地瓜了,哈哈哈)说:人最大的自由,就是如何对事物做出回应。我们无法选择遭遇,但是可以选择如何应对遭遇。

 6 ) The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse全篇台词

the Mole: Hello!

the Boy: Hello!

the Mole: What are you doing here?

the Boy: I'm...lost.

the Mole: Oh dear! Well, that's no good. So how did you get here? Well, HELLO!

the Boy: Hello, who?

the Mole: Hello, cake!

the Boy: What cake?

the Mole: That cake! It looks delicious, spectacular, I mean it's magnificent.

the Boy: I can't see a cake.

the Mole: It's...it's...Oh it's a TREE.

the Boy: It is a lovely tree, and it did look a bit like a cake.

the Mole: So...Yes. Well, no cake, and you are lost.

the Boy: Yes.

the Mole: An old mole once told me:"When you're lost, follow the river, and it will take you home."

the Boy: But I can't see a river.

the Mole: Perhaps you can see one from that branch. And if you happens to see a cake while you are up...

the Boy: I'm so sorry!

the Mole: Oh no, I am sorry.

the Boy: Are you ok?

the Mole: Completely my fault.

the Boy: I'm really sorry.

the Mole: Well, no. Thank you. I was feeling a bit warm actually. What can you see?

the Boy: Nothing, really.

the Mole: Oh...What do you want to be when you grow up?

the Boy: Kind.

the Mole: Mmm. Nothing beats kindness. It sits quietly beyond all things. So much beauty we need to look after.

the Boy: Yes. So much. Are you all right?

the Mole: Yes. Sorry. Totally fine. No, just thought we should start looking for that river. Lemon drizzle! This is quite a hill.

the Boy: Is this better?

the Mole: Oh! Well I don't want to be so much trouble.

the Boy: It's okay.

the Mole: Oh well, thank you!

the Boy: What's that over there?

the Mole: It's the wild. Don't fear it.

the Boy: Look! I can see a river.

the Mole: Wait! What? I said don't fear it, not charge straight at it. I mean, really. Good Grief!

the Boy: Do you have a favorite saying?

the Mole: Yes.

the Boy: What is it?

the Mole: If at first you don't succeed, have some cake.

the Boy: I see. Does it work?

the Mole: Every time.

the Boy: Did the old mole say which way we should follow?

the Mole: Mmm...I didn't ask her that.

the Boy: Oh. Isn't it odd, we can only see our outsides, but nearly everything happens on the inside? Is there...something there? It's getting dark.

the Mole: Shall we...hmm?

the Boy: Good idea!

the Mole: We can set off properly tomorrow.

the Boy: What was that? Imagine how we'd be if we were...less afraid.

the Mole: Most of the old moles I know wish they'd listened less to their fears, and more to their dreams. What do you dream about?

the Boy: Home.

the Mole: Oh. What's that like?

the Boy: I don't know. I'm...not sure. But, I know I need one.

the Mole: Oh, golly! He looks hungry!

the Boy: He does. It's ok. The fox is gone. What was that?

the Mole: I'm not sure.

the Boy: Do you think someone is hurt?

the Mole: Maybe.

the Boy: Should we go and check?

the Mole: Good idea. I'll stay in here to... keep you warm.

the Boy: Okay. Thank you. It's the fox! He's...trapped.

the Mole: Oh dear!

the Boy: Please, be careful!

the Mole: I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I am not afraid...

the Fox: If I wasn't caught in this snare...I'd kill you!

the Mole: If you stay in that snare, you'll... die!

the Boy: You did so well!

the Mole: One of our greatest freedoms is how we react to things.

the Mole: Lovely morning! Should we get go...?

the Boy: Whoops! You're rolling! You look like a snowball. No, a mole ball, a snow mole... Stop rolling!

the Mole: Goodness me!

the Boy: Oh gosh! No! The river. Look out! Take my hand! Oh no! The fox! No! No! No! No...

the Mole: Thank you!

the Boy: Thank you. Oh the fox is back. Do you think he's coming with us?

the Mole: Oh, I do hope so.

the Boy: Maybe he's lost, too.

the Mole: Well I think everyone feels a bit lost sometimes. I know I do. I know what a home looks like.

the Boy: Do you?

the Mole: Yes. It has walls, a roof, a bell above the door, and cakes in every window.

the Boy: I think that's a cake shop.

the Mole: Oh! Is that not a type of home?

the Boy: You can't live in a cake shop.

the Mole: Well, why ever not?

the Boy: I think home is somewhere warm, and kind, with lights.

the Mole: Oh! Hello!

the Horse: Hello!

the Boy: Hello! Have... you been here a while?

the Horse: It feels that way.

the Boy: Are you lost?

the Horse: No.

the Mole: We are, but we... have a plan. Oh...the snow on the trees, it really does look just like icing!

the Boy: You are obsessed. Doing nothing with friends is never doing nothing, is it?

the Mole: No. Oh! Look at that! I am so small!

the Boy: Yes. But you make a HUGE difference!

the Horse: So, what are we doing?

the Mole: Well, we are on a quest for cake.

the Horse: Are you now?

the Mole: No no, not really. We're following the river to find a home.

the Horse: How far is it?

the Boy: We...don't know.

the Horse: Well, let's get going then.

the Boy: How fast can you run?

the Mole: Well I wouldn't say I was a natural athlete, but I did once win a digging competition.

the Boy: I don't mean YOU.

the Mole: Oh, I see. Well, oh! Golly!

the Horse: You fell. But I've got you!

the Boy: Sorry!

the Horse: It was an accident.

the Boy: It was my fault. I let go. Oh gosh! Sorry. Sorry.

the Horse: Ah no, tears fall for a reason. And they are your strength, not weakness.

the Boy: I think you believe in me, more than I do.

the Horse: You'll catch up. Life is difficult...but you're loved.

the Boy: Look! Lights! That looks like a home.

the Mole: Yes, it does, doesn't it?

the Boy: The fox never really speaks.

the Mole: No. And it's lovely he's with us.

the Fox: To be honest, I...I often feel I've got nothing interesting to say.

the Horse: Being honest is always interesting.

the Boy: What's the bravest thing you've ever said?

the Horse: "HELP!" Asking for help isn't giving up. It's refusing to give up.

the Mole: Sometimes I want to say "I love you all", but I find it difficult.

the Boy: Do you?

the Mole: Yes. So I say something like "I'm glad we're all here".

the Boy: Okay.

the Mole: I'm glad we're all here!

the Boy: We are so glad you're here, too!

the Mole: Ahh!

the Boy: What should we do? That didn't sound good.

the Mole: Good grief! I don't like this!

the Horse: When the big things feel out of control, focus on what you love right under your nose.

the Boy: Oh I like that!

the Horse: The storm will pass!

the Boy: Oh no! Where are the lights? I can't see them anymore. It feels like we have such a long way to go.

the Horse: I know. But look how far we've come.

the Boy: I just...don't think we can do this. I'm never going to find a home.

the Fox: You know, sometimes your mind plays tricks on you. It can tell you you are no good, that it's all hopeless. But I've discovered this: you are loved, and important, and you bring to this world things that no one else can. So hold on!

the Boy: Are you all right?

the Horse: There's...something I haven't told you.

the Boy: What?

the Horse: I can fly.

the Boy: You can fly?

the Horse: Yes. But I stopped, because it made the other horses jealous.

the Boy: Well, we love you, whether you can fly, or not. Come and join us.

the Fox: Oh I think I'll stay here. Thank you!

the Boy: Please? Wow~~Wow~~

the Horse: Look! There it is!

the Boy: You found it. It...looks like a home, doesn't it?

the Mole: Well, here we are then.

the Boy: Yes. Thank you! Goodbye!

the Fox: Always remember: You are enough, just as you are!

the Mole: I'm glad we're all here!

the Boy: I'm so glad you're here, too! Goodbye! I'm really going to miss you... No! Home isn't always a place, is it?

the Mole: Well, this is warm.

the Fox: Mmm...and very kind.

the Horse: And look at the stars!

the Boy: So, you know all about me.

the Horse: Yes!

the Boy: And, you still love me?

the Horse: We love you all the more!

the Boy: That's why we are here, isn't it?

the Mole: For cake?

the Boy: To love, and be loved.


虽然是一碗高浓度鸡汤 但手绘的风格实在太好看了 笔触之间都是温度

  • YiQiao
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  • 乍暖
  • 推荐

明亮的,安静的,治愈的,又是童话一样的落寞的。“always remember: you’re enough,just as you are.”

  • fluffyyy
  • 推荐

其实不值得五颗星,鸡汤味太重了。但是画风太好了。讨论着爱与被爱,如何表达爱,家的定义,自我的迷失…这是我一直深知却也一直需要的。请记得去爱具体的人(或个体),那会给你巨大的勇气。你是重要的,你是值得被爱的,你不是一个人。记得要成为善良的人。善良一点,祝你和我。我们是马,隐藏自己委屈自己;是狐狸,保持警惕和距离;是鼹鼠,渺小且胆小;是男孩,失去了信心和无助。但是还好我们是被爱的,是值得被爱的,别怕要勇敢。I‘m glad we are all here.为了去爱,与被爱。

  • 废话大王-
  • 力荐

“To love, and be loved ! ”,今日破大防…

  • 大罗
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  • Esse
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  • Mr. Infamous
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  • 艾晨
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  • 巴士底的猫
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  • mills
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“当你感觉困难超出了控制,就把注意力集中在眼前你所爱的东西上” 成年人更需要被温暖、被鼓励,如果别人给不了,那就自己安慰自己吧(看那些让你感觉温暖治愈的书籍、影视)

  • 人余🌈
  • 力荐

Sometimes you are lost, sometimes you fall, sometimes there’s a storm coming, you are loved. Always remember you are enough, just as you are. To love and be loved. 会飞的马我真的太爱了!还有一双隐形的翅膀!

  • 力荐


  • 囍弗斯
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  • 匡轶歌
  • 还行

齁甜齁甜有点吃不消我还没伤到需要这么每一句话都是宽(教)慰(诲),着实是没有内容只有说理。动画硬功夫没得说线条飘逸动物动态超绝写实,同时集结了Idris和Gabriel Byrne啊voice porn啊(赶脚后者念love这个词口音挺重的哈)

  • paradiso
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  • 私~川流
  • 力荐


  • 爱影
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  • PrussiaMatrix
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  • bird
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好喜欢这种水彩画一样漂亮干净唯美的画面 所以即使我平常不喜欢鸡汤也觉得这个短片很温暖 doing nothing with friends is never doing nothing, is it?

  • Taekii
  • 力荐