The Netflix Afterparty is a first-of-its-kind weekly comedy panel show where comedians, casts, and creators come to chat about the streaming giant's buzziest shows and films. Each episode will be dedicated to one of the latest Netflix movies or TV shows to hit the cultural zeitgeist, with the stars of that title participating in interviews, pop culture discussions, sketches and segments. Each week, the co-hosts will be joined by a different Netflix comedian to round out the panel.
热播电视剧最新电影审判1962侍者一片深情躲避的爱狼乾劫追龙(粤语版)自白1937天堂村的笑声纳妾记 第一季道元东游记钻石岛百变大咖秀 第三季开始推理吧第二季钢之炼金术师 完结篇 复仇者斯卡逐梦自行车老婆万岁末日哲学家新唐山大兄国语诡订餐行动目标希特勒圆梦2020青春不解风情9号秘事:圣诞特别篇
对于一个大部分空闲时间都被Netflix统治的人来说,after party还是蛮妙的,能听best shows里面的演员们出来聊两句,就还挺期待的
afterparty,这个形式没人能比Netflix更合适了,《眼镜蛇道馆》做开篇略失望但期待接下来的F is for family,要是首集做《后翼弃兵》或者《怪奇物语》更吸引人些,想到以后上完新剧都过来聊会儿,蛮开心,形式是众望所归,支持人大概是美剧粉最羡慕的工作了。