In Season Two of The Rings of Power, Sauron has returned. Cast out by Galadriel, without army or ally, the rising Dark Lord must now rely on his own cunning to rebuild his strength and oversee the creation of the Rings of Power, which will allow him to bind all the peoples of Middle-earth to his sinister will. Building on Season One’s epic scope and ambition, the new season plunges even its most beloved and vulnerable characters into a rising tide of darkness, challenging each to find their place in a world that is increasingly on the brink of calamity. Elves and dwarves, orcs and men, wizards and Harfoots… as friendships are strained and kingdoms begin to fracture, the forces of good will struggle ever more valiantly to hold on to what matters to them most of all… each other.
热播电视剧最新电影魔术师与消失的女孩独家记忆番外之再见爱精神错乱2018包公侠义传偶然结婚格莱普尼尔离婚不分手钱德洛零号舞台第一季朗园吕布与貂蝉象牙山车神男人上路等到烟暖雨收第二季现实以外七大罪怨嗟的爱丁堡后篇实习生(原声版)仲夏夜府城外推枪神史丹比特永夜之谜直到永远1989泰勒·斯威夫特:时代巡回演唱会喜剧二人组银河英雄传说 Die Neue These 邂逅少爷威威我的丈夫在冷冻库里沉睡着夜长沙阿什比飞天舞