In the fourth season of this award-winning show, the action at New York City's 15th Precinct is as hectic as ever. While Lieutenant Fancy continues as precinct commander, Detective Andy Sipowicz, although still a bit rough around the edges, has mellowed with the birth of his son. Detective Bobby Simone and Detective Diane Russell take the next step in their relationship, James Martinez becomes the Squad Delegate, and Greg Meadavoy considers becoming a surrogate father. But one thing that hasn't changed is the squad's determination to make sure the bad guys get their day in court and to also attempt to maintain a touch of normalcy in their personal lives even as they investigate cases that often put them directly in the line of fire.
热播电视剧最新电影悠然见南山全职大盗五杀蝴蝶2015三枪拍案惊奇黑磨坊冒牌大保镖奇幻森林梦魇之旅“湾区升明月”2023大湾区电影音乐晚会我家隔壁的校草男友七战七捷少年包青天 第一部绿芥刑警BLOODY ESCAPE -地狱的逃生作战-夜幕女王少林与太极银幕天堂犯罪心理:演变 第十七季蓝天之火恶魔的糖果快乐再出发第二季好汉两个半 第一季世界巨星君子无疾哈里王子与梅根大理爱情故事