In the fourth season of this award-winning show, the action at New York City's 15th Precinct is as hectic as ever. While Lieutenant Fancy continues as precinct commander, Detective Andy Sipowicz, although still a bit rough around the edges, has mellowed with the birth of his son. Detective Bobby Simone and Detective Diane Russell take the next step in their relationship, James Martinez becomes the Squad Delegate, and Greg Meadavoy considers becoming a surrogate father. But one thing that hasn't changed is the squad's determination to make sure the bad guys get their day in court and to also attempt to maintain a touch of normalcy in their personal lives even as they investigate cases that often put them directly in the line of fire.
热播电视剧最新电影狐墓迷影38岁的伊丽卡纯情罗曼史OAD报告医妃浮草1959标号人现代爱情故事反叛中年好声音羞辱姐妹联谊会惊魂2009摇滚天堂爱我给我一个家胡杨的夏天有家可归的恋人们横道世之介决战天门海柏利昂超能家族图书周警局无贼无处藏身黑服物语超级英雄医院第一季你的管家夜店北京萤火虫小巷 第二季桃色交易1993家庭相册幸福快递十二道锋味2