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主演:卡雅·斯考达里奥,汉娜·穆雷,杰克·奥康奈尔,莉莉·拉芙莱斯,凯万·诺瓦克,劳拉·普沃,克雷格·罗伯兹,艾米·雷恩,Christian Roe,海韦尔·摩根,凯瑟琳·普雷斯科特,杰森·库克,蒂姆·唐尼,布伦丹·帕特里克斯



皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.1皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.2皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.3皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.4皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.5皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.6皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.13皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.14皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.15皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.16皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.17皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.18皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.19皮囊第七季 剧照 NO.20



一群荷尔蒙分泌过往的年轻人,一段张狂而跋扈的残酷青春。 谁爱谁?谁不爱谁?重要么? 谁是谁?谁不是谁?谁在乎?年轻的天空总呈现魔幻般的彩色,当日复一日的乏味生活让我们无法忍受,就注定了叛逆的因子要从此刻爆发,且一发不可收拾。那澎湃卷涌的蘑菇云会遮天蔽日,冲破万物,直上云霄。 一生只得一次的半熟时光,难道不能用来挥霍? 莫非必须要用一份漂亮成绩单来换取一盎司的大麻?那不是我们,我们想到就说,有屁就放,肆意狂妄,横冲直撞。

热播电视剧最新电影无耻之徒(美版) 第六季恶搞之家第十三季残屋尸骸缉魔2019女忍2011雷速登闪电冲线热血燃烧最后的冠军2020夏天的故事1996黑神驹太阳海岸谋杀案代课教师天城峡疑案美里藏针宇宙追缉令(国语版)宇宙与人别紧张,我来自未来双重躯体动态漫画·弟子都说我无敌台灯生活阳光灿烂 大海珊瑚小小的奇迹达拉斯舞男俱乐部龙珠DAIMA暗潮汹涌2000


 1 ) time's changing everyone?time's changed everyone.

记得"傻乎乎"的sid唱着wild world
记得chris和jal的生死恋,葬礼上的"Fuck It"
记得effy马路上对着呼啸而过的车辆大喊"I'm not afraid"
记得naomi的那句"I love you so much that it's killing me"


time's changing everyone?
time HAS changed everyone.
AND more
time's still changing everyone

 2 ) I'm just so sad that it ends like this



这一季里的Eff跟COOk都长大了,都事故了,但是最后还是没给他们一个好下场。豆娘还在旁边写贴了个“喜剧”的标签。。。最后看着cook离开的背影,真的觉得好心酸,想到之前他哭着说过为什么所有人都离开我,背叛我。那个时候真的希望这个孩子能有个好结果,找个爱他的姑娘,让他安定下来。但是最后黑心的编剧还是这么让他孤零零的走了。I just so sad that it ends like this.

 3 ) About Effy Stonem and the Other

Effy the same, others the same. As skins season is back, the same somehow is and isn't the exact description giving the circumstances do change as they always are.


There's always an Effy and the other in one's hearts. This is one thing doesn't change. Effy sits quite deep in thought in the middle of a room of the wasted, indifferent, independent the Effy who is observant and insightful of nature of things, and always sides with the truthful ones: friends with Naomi of the justice, with Pandora of the innocent, when everyone shuns in one way or other JJ's honesty, Effy is the only one that embraced it and returned with the same. Now though grown up, Effy still Effy, accasionally rises in defence for poor dom, spitting fire to the mean malice forces. She always stands up in moment like that, moment that a rightful decision need to be made, and on behalf of others and herself, she always made it right. Or she thought she did, with so much convinction that bring us all on board.


The others around her are necessarily complimentary reflections of the multiple facets in the same person. It's no surprise Naomi's now in a bad shape because she stays who she was, after all she's never been the normal kind of smart anyway, she's smart the way Effy is, her judgment piercing through the essence of things, tearing off masks faked by Effy and Cook, and love for who they really are behind the walls, the vulnerable Effy and tender Cook. She even shares Effy's fear, fear for true love that would hurt and kill, therefore she cheats on Emily the same way Effy fucks Cook instead of Freddie. For the unmistakenable alikeness, no wonder she and effy becomes close.


Yet it is their distinction that sets them apart. One of unyielding, the other flexible. The real world tends to favor the latter and leave the former beaten down, as it turns out. I am not sure which one should be accounted more lucky though. Probably sharing my doubt, there is Effy struggling in deep water, shifting between dreams and reality, between crazy dancing floor and big bad world of work. The fancy dance sequence is just a form of ideas, not necessarily happened for real, given that it's highly unlikely that she would still have streighth to go clubbing after an exalting day of work. But we have to give it up for that gesture, a hint at where she came from and still wanna be. Same old Effy, still the same, never change. But the brilliant of the show is how the inside struggle is subtly concealed. Instead of the cliche of pouring out emotions to appeal to the audience, it only suggests to mass of a turmoil underneath a tip of iceburg that being shown. "No one breaks my heart" is what Effy used to say. Rather it could be rephrased: no one sees my heart's breaking. The girl who thinks she knows it all but at times gets herself in situations she couldn't possibly handle. And this time again, she's slipping into a sprialing down without forseeing it.


No matter how Effy's story ends, it is about time. Time to have an end. Those young crazy and rebelious kids, full of attitude and character, coming to age, face their ends. It's better to end them tragically. After all, skins is all about dark and twisted. What is more beautiful than the beauty being ruined. The ruined beauty lives forever. Effy Stonem and the other, under one's skins. My skins.

 4 ) S7,Fuck off。









 5 ) 皮囊和黑镜合体了

在快要忘记skins的时候,第七季悄悄出现在眼前。 effy的两集,标题Fire,是她故事的属性。 可即便是火,也是黑暗寂静的淬火,在危机四伏的都市丛林里闪着寒冷的光,缓慢转动,瞬间折射的焰锋利灼然,令人退避。 当她离开了Bristol,就已经决定告别青春记忆,告别Cook,Panda,JJ,Katie这些年少岁月里的名字,还有为了她那么无畏的Freddie。站在泰晤士河上,看着灰色的天空,她却丢了自己。 在冰冷的都市背负起独自生活的责任,摸索着进入另一个陌生世界。十几岁时的狂妄和随心所欲已无处放置,自负而强硬的性格却让她不甘无声地沉寂在职场底层。为此的一切无视规则,摆弄操纵,精明计算,第一眼看上去都是有意摆脱和忘掉过去的努力。直到获得了Boss的关注和情感,孤独痛苦得以暂时缓解释放。沉浸在想当然的满足和快乐里,对他的需索一度膨胀,超过了理智,牵引着她滑向黑暗。 悲剧性的人格决定悲情的命运,其实从一开始,上天从没有眷顾我们的Effy。 得知自己的前路,痛苦地闭上眼睛。 "I thought it was real." 可为什么是他? 午夜梦回,看着身边这个男人的轮廓,为了使他舒展眉头而以身犯险不惜代价,她在自欺什么?可以挽回什么?可以替代什么?可以慰藉什么? 影片里一直贯穿着若隐若现压抑的情境乐,场景设置持续冷灰色调,人物内心的情绪压住了七成,却彰显得更加彻底。 青春到底有没有散场的那一刻?如果有,是什么时候? 那些五彩斑斓仿佛青烟的日子再不回来。最美好的事情发生时,我们永远不自知。追忆时才缅怀,青春罩着朦胧光圈的那些细碎时刻。

 6 ) Steps of Rebirth into a Human-- Fire part 2

Effy's going to jail, Naomi's going to die, Emily's going to be even worse than death. Most of the viewer of the last episode of skins, cannot cope with tragic endings like that, including me at least for a while. For me, personally, it's not the death or prison that bothers the most, it is the non-dramatic way of telling almost nonchallently, of the most tragic ending that one can think of is happening right in front our eyes while pretend not a big deal of it. Instead of showing meanings to us, all is simply impled by. Those viewers seek for some kinda closure of the whole skins series aren't gonna get it, for there left so many lose ends; those who hope for drama aren't gonna get it, disappointed by its realistic telling of dramatic event and its anti-clamax of an ending; Those who expect twists and turns would surprise and flip at the extreme lack of it. Despite all that, we should decide to love it, after all that is the end we get in life.

The first thing needs to be clarified is that television becomes no less inferior than literature these days, at least for some good television shows like Skins, it is true. A fact we need to come to terms with. And as no sensible readers would curse the writer and demand him to rewrite an ending that he doesn't like, television is not an negotiation as well. For those who think it is, well you are so self-involved to hook on the delusion of it. That's the sole lie the life-shows nowadays are depending on you to believe, a conviction that the power's in your own hand. For Christ sake, what a convenient flattering that is! As sensible viewers, we see right through it, we accept what we got and try to appreciate the beauty of it.

After all, Skins fire. As the title suggests, it is about lights, destruction and rebirth. And a terrible beauty is born. Adulthood is such a terrible beauty. Especially for Effy, once aloof, indifferent, omniscient goodness in her little circle, washed by fire, and reborn into human. Of course, there's some sacrifice along the way. So walking out of paradise full of drugs, parties and hormones, here she is, taking three steps of becoming human as we know it.

Step one, compassion.
"I want to feel something, I want to be hurt! Come and hit me!" The girl ran into the middle of the street and exclaimed a death wish in front of world. That's near the ending of Effy's teenage years, almost the last we see her. Since then, apparently, the wish has come true. In fire, we see Effy's feeling, invisible as it always is, all over the place. The way she bites her finger nails watching Naomi on stage doing shitty comedy and being laughed at, the way she cries when being yielded at the truth of Naomi's illness, the way she goes blank hearing the doctor said the drug doesn't work and the way stares Naomi lying on the CT scan thereafter runs out of room, and the way she panics holding Naomi in her arms puking all over the place-- we never have seen Effy going through all levels of emotions before, not merely for herself, but for her best friend, for Naomi and Emily. With herself, she can be tough, takes it on her own: "I am fine", when Naomi asks she used three words as such to conclude it, even if she's not. Far from doing nothing, as Naomi accuses her to be, she's doing everything she could to hold it together, being tough for her, can't stop feeling for her but has to conceal it for her. That is not sth she told us, That's sth we sense. For those who love Naomi and Emily with such a bias to take in everything they say, myself included, might look beyond the surface and see they are blocked by own individuality as well. In fact, compassion is all Effy is in fire, "she has such big love inside of her, just needs to be let out, and the possibility to let out scares the hell of her" Effy's mom knows her nature well. Well, at least she smiles at the end, typical Effy smile, as if to say "you don't know me at all", or maybe this time, it says: "I can feel after all, i feel something". Compassion we know that is what makes us all human, and from the moment she feels it, Effy is no longer mysterious and inappoachable fairie, she is one of us, human.

Step two, mortality.
Naomi's death really provided an occasion for mourning, mourning for the beauty being tragically destroyed. It is sad, true. But it is sensible, as we consider it. After all it becomes a tradition of skins, to kill one favorite character at a time of generation. And for generation 2, Freddie is definitely not the most favorite one. It is the thing had between Naomi and Emily that makes the most wonderful thing that the make-believe world of skins had created for us. And let's face it, the most beautiful thing as it always, is irreplacable. There's no carnation for that, no reborn in it (as they are lesbians) therefore, it is immortal. This is the reason they can't survive the mortal world of adulthood. One of them has to be destroyed, and the other along with it. And as if killing our favorite couple isn't cruel enough, Effy needs to witness and learn from the tragic of all this, to see the only positive unyielding love that exists in her past world being worn out by an incurable disease of mankind. From the moment her best friend told her the illness, Effy knows it's gonna go down like this, she knows it too well, so she can't stand watching Naomi pretend like nothing and make fun of herself in a comedy, yet she complains in the most minute ways, pissing Naomi about the rent which essentially means the burden all weighs down on her- she needs to be the rock, and it's fucking hard. Neither can she offer comforts to her like innocent Dom, cause she knew it better, the truth hurts so much that she can't fathom a way to act it otherwise. Again, like I said, Mortality takes its toll, for Effy, it is the farewell paid to the old world of her past with Naomily in it, a burning ritual she has to experience descending to the world of works in her fantasy, a brave new world of men. And Naomily is the sacrifice, given that Homosexuality implies in literature a longing for death in itself. The poet and beauty must die, so the rest of us can keep on living.

Step three, helplessness.
At times we can't help but wonder why things always go terribly wrong with Effy, no matter how fucking together they all seem in the first glimpse! The onmiscent soul of this childhood circle stumbles way out of their idealistic small world and find she's merely a tool used by more onmiscent forces way sophisticated than she is. Helplessness is the condition of humanity. It breaks her charm, make her helpless. Emily says: "We idolized her." Cook's fucking Dad: "You are too pretty for your own good, that's why you destroy everything you touch." Such are the contrast between surface and core of Effy. Lights and destruction all sealed in one, waiting to be born. And in skins fire, it burst alive. It is interesting to note that in retrospect, everyone around Effy ends in various tragic ways: her parents separated, her brother got hit by a car, Freddie got killed and Cook went down for his revenge, and we thought Naomily is the only exception for they are special, how naive we are! There's a certain helpless gravity for tragic in Effy that makes her so appealing and at once so heartending. It almost seems nothing stays with her, under circumstances like that one almost certainly can't help but hold itself to blame. God knows how she serectly took the fault herself for all lost in life! In front of the mass of life, for the first time, we see her had no clue about what to do? It is Naomi in sick bed push some sense in her again, "Seriously what do we got, Effy? Well, I am going to die, what you gonna do? " That probably reminds her who she is and should be. After that, we see her picking up Emily at airport, possibly she called her up and reveal the truth as she should in the first place; then she made deal with victoria to tell on boss under sole condition that dom is untouched. She made the right choice eventually, as she used to be. Better late than never, taking responsibility for what she did like a fucking adult. It takes her edge off, which still makes me angry, not at her, but at the fucking real world of ours that rounded with such a flame in the first place. Yet the most helpless as it always was in Effy is the fact that she has to play the help all her life, which means no one helps Her, that she is truly THE most helpless one. That leads to off-putting love affair with her boss. But seriously cut her some slack, please. Leave aside the fact that boss is adulthood look-alike of Freddie, probably an unintended happy coincidence, she's lonely, and extremely so after a load of pressure landed on her, taking care of best friend mentally and financially, watchig them being happy and all that. What do we expect her to do, instead of cutting herself and going mental in the bathroom, isn't it much healthy distraction to find a man to love and entertain a little fantasy that somebody got her back? Dom and Boss, she picked the one who pays her rent, so that Naomi didn't have to. And that, for me, makes character of Eff, most lovable and lamentable beyond all.

The Effy who used to smile her mysterious smiles that says "you don't know me at all", still smiles at us in the end. Is it sort of mock or self mock? for many a thousand viewers shall this, her mock, mock out of their retardness after seeing all she went through still don't see who the hell she is; mock herself from dreaming our world to be hers therefore making effort to it; mock grown-ups down, and others yet ungotten and unborn that shall have cause to curse the city that bereaves her Eden and beloved from earth.

Skins fire comes to an end. The followings, in this order, comes pure and rise. It is interesting to note that in the trailor the order has been rearenged: it should be rise, fire, and pure. That is to say the actually serie begins in the medres, classic order of story telling. And it should be expected to return to rise in a circle, suggesting to a eternal reoccurrence of the proccess. Therefore, we have reasons to believe fire is the brutalest one, perhaps things would pick up tone a bit: in pure, it might smooth out a bit, going for depth; rise probably going to be full of struggles but worth it. But eventually, as the trailor so artisticaly hints at: three individual under one skin, going through phases, transforming into one another's life. Step by step, we walk out of ourself, into hers, into his then eventually back to our own skins. All change and changed utterly, a terrible beauty is born.



  • Sharky🦈
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我老了 原来她们也跟着一起老了

  • 不勤劳的小院长
  • 力荐


  • Giosuè Ψ
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  • 1零一一
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Time changes everyone.再叛逆的青春也会向现实妥协。

  • ⊙o
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  • 金魚J
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  • 七十三
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Liam Boyle成大猪头了

  • 大红苹果
  • 较差


  • titanicat
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  • 远神Ol拉
  • 力荐

always , always .

  • 唱²
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  • 男孩像你
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so predictable. 2 for Jack O'Connell

  • sarah🇺🇦
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  • 较差


  • 如夜穿行
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  • 飞行员-721C
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所以编剧就用不停地性性性、毒品毒品毒品、痛苦痛苦痛苦,来重复证明No one change,青春期什么样子,未来还是什么屌样子,即使装作很上劲未来会更好的到了30岁,本质上还是没过残酷青春期的人啊?对不起哦,我真的过了青春期了,看不懂你们的世界了。

  • ArenA
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  • 派翠克
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Jack O'Connell脑残粉只爱热血硬汉cook大魔王●′ω`● 这季还是Cook最屌 虽然勾二嫂 后因救了不该救的人导致女友冚家铲,但最后对于自己所做的直认不讳,恩怨分明有情有义坦坦荡荡,还打倒恶BOSS够劲爆。比迷失在权欲里见色忘友装B过头的小爬虫Effy和边玩小清新边脚踏两船暧昧不清的cass有人情味多了

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