CSI让人看着惊悚和实在让我觉得有点大同小异,我被Bones感动了,我预计在80小时连看六季,不过做不到,所以才到第五季,不过就是这样进入了一个新的阶段。真的无限爱了,一样成为感情剧,跟他们走到结尾吧。bones and booth,hodgins and angela,还有就是那个不可替代的zack,第四季居然找了四五个人轮流的来替代zack,但是大家对zack的感情从来都不会变。很感人啊,bones的配乐一点也不吓人,反而好听得不行,温柔得不行,我表示真的不解,但是真的喜欢,应该放弃看CM的欲望了,bones已足够占据这个角落了。顺便得都觉得我的小小心脏在被治愈中。
里面有太多感人的部分,理性和感性之间有很多灰色地带,不知道,我记得刚开始的时候cold fish一样的bones就是对很多感性的事情不了解,她听不懂平常人言语中隐喻的部分,她不会与人交流,booth呢,BFI,编剧们最喜欢这个话题了。其实有时想想觉得我们真可悲,没有bones的天才,没有booth的经验,我们面对被活埋的时候可要怎么办啊,可悲死了。平凡就说明了我们也一辈子不会遇到那样的变态,对吧。好想看完第五季的温馨,好想见识第六季人人喊打的小三,好想看看bones被逼得从心里说出一些感觉来,觉得那样一样很cool吧,好期待。
S04EP01 - Yanks in the UK (1)
Ghost of a Chance by Ron Sexsmith
http://www.debbiebennett.com/cd/a_ghost_of_a_chance.mp3Raise Today by Peasant
http://ting.kuuai.com/ting/0903/raisetoday.mp3S04EP02 - Yanks in the UK (2)
Raise Today by Peasant
http://ting.kuuai.com/ting/0903/raisetoday.mp3S04EP03 - Man in the Outhouse
Ghost Town by Rancho Deluxe (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP04 - The Finger in the Nest
I Hurt Too by Katie Herzig (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP05 - The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond
Set Free by Katie Gray (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP06 - The Crank in the Shaft: N/A
S04EP07 - The He in the She
River of Sorrow by Antony and the Johnsons
http://www.brainwashed.com/common/sounds/mp3/antony_and_the_johnsons-river_of_sorrow.mp3Share by Robert Tait (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP08 - The Skull in the Sculpture
Happy Ground by Pete Murray (NOT FOUND YET)
Shiver by Madita (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP09 - The Con Man in the Meth Lab
Some Of Us by Starsailor (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP10 - The Passenger in the Oven
Godspeed by Jenny Lewis
http://iawcc.com/blog/music/Cities/Cities/02-anberlin-godspeed.mp3S04EP11 - The Bone That Blew
The Sun Will Rise by Brendan James (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP12 - Double Trouble in the Panhandle
No Envy No Fear by Joshua Radin
http://www.digitalcitrus.com/songs/Joshua%20Radin%20-%20Simple%20Times%20-%20%2811%29%20-%20No%20Envy%2C%20No%20Fear.mp3S04EP13 - Fire in the Ice
Double Down Under by The Crystal Method
http://lindesigns.us/files/mp3/Electronic/Breakbeat/Chemical%20Breaks/The%20Crystal%20Method/The%20Crystal%20Method%20-%20Double%20Down%20Under.mp3S04EP14 - The Hero in the Hold
When The Pain Dies Down by Chris Stills
http://www.chrisstills.com/upload/songs/When%20The%20Pain%20Dies%20Down.mp3S04EP15 - The Princess and the Pear: N/A
S04EP16 - The Bones That Foam
Stuck to you by Nikka Costa
http://jzyearinmusic.com/2008/tracks/01%20-%20Stuck%20to%20You.mp3S04EP17 - The Salt in the Wounds
Hope There's Someone by Antony & The Johnsons
http://www.f3video.com/upload/BSO-La%20Vida%20Secreta%20De%20Las%20Palabras-Anthony%20And%20The%20Johnsons-Hope%20Theres%20Someone.mp3Breathe Me by Sia
http://www.lotechdesigns.com/mc_bob/tunage/Sia%20-%20Breathe%20Me.mp3Heartbeats by Jose Gonzalez
http://user.hjenglish.com/hjmusic/stanley/heartbeats.mp3Fade Into You by Mazzy Star
http://bagofsongs.com/samples/01%20Fade%20Into%20You.mp3Lullaby Of Loneliness by Aaron English (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP18 - The Doctor in the Den
In the Jungle by Rootz Underground
http://www.bsidebeats.com/open/mashups/rootdowninthejungle.mp3S04EP19 - The Science in the Physicist
El Diablo by ZZ Top (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP20 - The Cinderella in the Cardboard
Life Boat by Miranda Lee Richards
http://www.iphoneringtonesmaker.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Life-Boat-Miranda-Lee-Richards.mp3Check Out the Sound by Boomish (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP21 - Mayhem on a Cross
Get to the Choppah by Jameson
http://www.8bitcollective.com/items/music/get%20to%20the%20choppah%21.mp3Turn To Dust by Tondra Soul (NOT FOUND YET)
God Of Anger by Droid (NOT FOUND YET)
Better by Blue Shoes
http://www.kbdrecords.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/03-blue-shoes-better-1980-usa.mp3The Resurrection by Droid (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP22 - The Double Death of the Dearly Departed: N/A
S04EP23 - The Girl in the Mask
Tronica by Electric Street Police (NOT FOUND YET)
S04EP24 - The Beaver in the Otter
Time Lapse Lifeline by Maria Taylor
http://www.djdoctorzero.com/kidfish/02%20Time%20Lapse%20Lifeline.mp3By & By by Natalie Walker
http://www.wa3.cn:8088/store/2/r2g01/224107/224107-01-010.mp3 Save you by Matthew Perryman Jones
http://c.wrzuta.pl/wa6852/d27dd06f00038681478fdcec/0/matthew%20perryman%20jones%20-%20save%20you.mp3S04EP25 - The Critic in the Cabernet: N/A
S04EP26 - The End in the Beginning
Neverending Summer by Dayplayer (NOT FOUND YET)
Now You Know by The Classic (NOT FOUND YET)
Ridin by Miss Eighty 6 (NOT FOUND YET)
Don't Know What I Want by Random Impulse (NOT FOUND YET)
Push That Thing 08 (Sharooz Remix) by Dave Aude - DJ Dan
http://previews2.trackitdown.net/preview/508787/preview_dave-aude-push-that-thing-dave-aude-2008-remix-audacious-records.mp3Let's Get it Crackin' by Deetown Allstars (NOT FOUND YET)
Caveman by Dayplayer (NOT FOUND YET)
Dirty Dancin by The DNC (NOT FOUND YET)
Dr. Feelgood by Motley Crue
这季质量太高了!每集都很爱~飞机上的,马戏团的,当然还有Gravedigger!Teddy Parker!Booth太感人了~冷知识实习生也很萌啊!还有飞机上那个热爱侦探小说随身带探针的老太太!
我宣布:【识骨寻踪】一跃成为我最爱的美剧~!恶补中疯狂爱上~陷入没日没夜看+扫描豆瓣评论破坏不被剧透的良好习惯…太想知道后续发展了~ps:我怎么会那么爱虐恋情深~!话说最近做梦都是Forensic Anthropology…
起初很不習慣zach不在,跟每集換intern.可是他們都好好玩.最喜歡fisher & randall. Sweets跟他們的磨合得越來越好玩啦.最後那集想怎樣呢... booth想太多了啦.不過booth真的失憶?! oh no~~~
弃。看了四季实在看不下去了,女主说话做事跟她所谓的原则完全inconsistent and full of shit; 强行lack of empathy强行说自己高智商。
disgusting corpes+ridiculously funny=cannot let it go
评价如此之高的电视剧 怎么不火呢!
即便是CSI LV 也不能与我心中bones的地位相媲美S4结束……编剧……你……去死
You love someone, you open yourself up to suffering, that's the sad truth.