一直到去年年底的时候,我才读过了这本书,是任溶溶的那个译本。这个译本经常被有识之士瞧不起,认为绝对不如1979年康馨和2000肖毛的作品。我读完了也觉得是,因为读完任溶溶的译作,我根本没觉出这本小说有什么好,有什么地方可以像吴彦祖吸引女同胞苍井空吸引男同胞那样搞得很多人神神叨叨。通读全篇,我只记住了一句话:It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer.因为,这句话说得俏皮。
一直到去年年底的时候,我才读过了这本书,是任溶溶的那个译本。这个译本经常被有识之士瞧不起,认为绝对不如1979年康馨和2000肖毛的作品。我读完了也觉得是,因为读完任溶溶的译作,我根本没觉出这本小说有什么好,有什么地方可以像吴彦祖吸引女同胞苍井空吸引男同胞那样搞得很多人神神叨叨。通读全篇,我只记住了一句话:It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer.因为,这句话说得俏皮。
I suppose it would be a great leap in my growth if I won’t be sad about parting and death one day, especially when it is set in some fairytale.
It must be confessed that fairytales are losing their conventional readers children while adults are inclined to pay more attention on them, as our life steps are accelerated by desires of materialistic achievements , which consequently lead to increasing pressure and anxiety. Fairytale appears to be a best choice when someone need to pace down for a break or a nap. It’s not naïve but chaste, not tardy but touching, not simple but always kicking out some sensible affection and kindling people’s latent goodness. Absolutely Charlotte's Web made it as a modern American fairytale, and what makes it different is that its targets are candidly avowed to be adults. We are captivated unconditionally at the sight of the terrific pig and the creepy good spider being the most different friends in the world. No man can achieve it, however, in our so-called superior society rules. We need it to wake something up, which has been sleeping for so long a time at the bottom of the heart that can’t be recognized at once. Anyway, it will arouse more than we foresee if awake.
“Promise is something that I will never break.” That’s the most brilliant definition of Promise I’ve ever heard, since it’s impossible for a human to say like that, in spite of a child. But a talkative spider simply took it up, because she did realize it, till the end of her life. And I think that’s why the fable moves such numerous peoople. That’s a dream which many people hold for lifetime without a success. It is also a comfort to see it can be completed by something else in this world. No matter how leggy or despised it is. Power of the miracle, which astonished the whole town, sprung up in this process. Regardless of the marvelous words Charlotte chose for Wilbur, web is the miracle itself. A spider is capable of creating miracle as a result of its promise, meanwhile, it’s rather a tough task for a man, isn’t it?
Nature’s cycle of life is calling everyone to march on all the time, without abeyance, never stopping. I hope I won’t cry if it advents in my life someday in the future, and it requires a more mature girl, I think. The mature know when something dies, there’s always something new is trying to be born. Life never ends. Charlottes and Wilbur are good friends. They would be merry forever. That’s beyond question.
Promise makes ordinary miracles everyday. Believe it or not.
6 ) Ordinary Miracle
春假的第一天,找了部电影,一个很经典的童话,<Charlotte's Web>。我是很喜欢看这种轻松的童话片,不用思考太多,尽管可能中途有些许遗憾,但最后一定是个happy ending。这年头的好莱坞电影,就算是动画片也大都在潜意识里宣传所谓的美国精神,个人英雄主义种种。自然,这部片子也不能落俗,美国式的教化依旧贯穿全篇。但对于我们这种fob而言,美国梦还是要做的,小鲤鱼有一天也会跳过龙门的。其实不一定非要登天变成凤凰,就像片子里说的那样就挺不错的了,sometimes when you take two ordinary things, and put them together just the right time. there's a chance that they become two less ordinary things. 生活中常常也会有这种ordinary miracle。我想,这也许就是美国梦的精髓吧。
第一次读到这个故事的时候看的是中文译本,年纪尚小。当个故事读过去了,笑笑,也就没有什么了。后来去新加坡,刚开始Mrs. Jane Khoo给我们补习英文的时候,读了一堆书。其中有两个故事,都是猪做的主角。一个是George Orwel的Animal Farm,另一个就是Charlotte编制的那张网了。可以说从某种意义上讲,两个故事都是童话,前一个讲的是权力,后一个是做人。跟格林兄弟编的那些王子公主的故事不同,这个关于做人的童话故事里,坏人不是老妖丑八怪,好人也并不是美丽可人儿。故事中的“好人”是一只丑陋的蜘蛛,Charlotte就是她了。
范宁越长越歪瓜裂枣,o(︶︿︶)o 唉
= =其实其实更喜欢书里写的= =
When you wake up everyday/Please don’t throw your dreams away/Hold them close to your heart/Cause we are all a part Of the ordinary miracle