故事发生在阳光普照的得克萨斯州,比克(洛克·哈德森 Rock Hudson 饰)是成长和生活在那里的一名牧场主人,德州和煦的阳光将他的性格也照耀得温厚而老实。东部来的漂亮女人莱斯利(伊丽莎白·泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)吸引了比克的目光,常年生活在西部的他从未见过像她一样的女人,很快,两人就坠入了情网之中,并且最终携手步入了婚姻的殿堂,就这样,莱斯利成为了农场的女主人。 杰特(詹姆斯·迪恩 James Dean 饰)是在比克农场里打工的长工,一次偶然的机会里,他获得了一块可以自行开垦的荒地。哪知道杰特走了大运,在这块地的地底下竟然埋藏着价值连城的石油,杰特一夜暴富。
热播电视剧最新电影谁陷害圣诞老人叶挺将军腼腆英雄第二季寄居者喜羊羊游世博芝加哥落头氏之吻2奔跑吧蔷薇犯罪心理第二季约翰和洞恭喜发财2蕃尼魔法少女第二季谋杀大厦天使坠落人间富江5最终章:禁断的果实富江吉隆贡3水上乐园杀戮安市城愿此刻永恒 Next Season功夫2004枯草遇见恶魔空中浩劫第二季如果你只是把本片当做詹姆斯·迪恩的最后一部影片来缅怀英年早逝的青年偶像,那就太浪费这部西部史诗了:十项奥斯卡提名展现了其全面(当年提名最多的影片。但那一年好片太多,奖项太分散,所以本片最后只获得一项——乔治·史蒂文斯的第二个最佳导演奖),4千万票房凸显了其人气(保持华纳兄弟的票房纪录直到20年后的《超人》),烂番茄95%印证了其口碑,收录在国家影片登记表肯定了其历史地位……不过我在这里更想为原著点赞。这是女作家Edna Ferber的又一部畅销小说,讲述上世纪上半页德州农场主的发家奋斗史,特别是新晋的石油大亨和传统的畜牧产业之间的对立。不过从今天的视角来看,这更像是来自蓝州的民主党老婆(泰勒)在几十年时间里逐渐感化来自红州的共和党老公(哈德森)的价值观宣传片。家族荣耀、勤劳本分、虔诚传统、各(等)司(级)其(分)职(明),这些美国保守主义珍视恪守的信条,在男女平等、种族平权、开放包容、尊重个体的自由主义面前只得让位。
“a significant American tome that takes us through an elemental learning-curve of open-mindness
George Steven’s epic western GIANT, based on Edna Ferber’s roman-fleuveabout a wealthy Texas rancherhousehold that spans over decades, rightfully won him a second Oscar for BEST DIRECTOR, but this is the sole trophy out of the picture’s 10 nominations (although Mercedes McCambridge’s coattail nomination is a fluke in hindsight, she has nothing to wield but a frosty front), mostly lost out to Michael Anderson’s less time-honored AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS (1956), another taint forever besmirches the Academy’s credibility.
The couple under the limelight is Jordan “Bick” Benedict Jr. (Hudson), the said rancher and his wife Leslie Lynnton (Taylor), a socialite from Maryland, who must adapt herself to the a completely different lifestyle but never flinches from her modern view of treating their Mexican employees (yes, they are referred as wetbacks) with equal respect, which collides with Bick’s more entrenched racist frame of mind, and this “progressive East Coast vs. traditional Western Inland" leitmotif maintains as the pillar of the film and later evolves into Bick’s epic defeat of his paternalistic arrangement in relation to their three children. Throughout, it is Bick’s glacial change of his old-world attitude that flourishes during all the long years, Rock Hudson gives an endearingly no-nonsense impersonation that not unlike his first name, becomes a bedrock of the film, a pretense-free Texan learns to brave a new world that beyond his widest imagination and eventually transmutes into a better person, a titular “giant” in the end, even he is beaten up for standing up for the right cause, why it is so inspiring because it is a personal victory, and means the world to them, good deeds must be carried out no matter how formidable adversity looks, who can refute that?
Taylor, on the other hand, dazzles in Leslie’s bluff honesty and impeccable integrity that makes us root for her right out of box, Leslie’s life orbit is less tectonic, but incredibly, both she and Hudson acquit themselves convincingly under their senior makeup, to parent fresh-faces like Dennis Hopper and Carrol Baker,and a strong sense of affinity between the two never get attenuated, not even during their not-so-infrequent spats.
Of course, the biggest selling point is James Dean in his final picture, although for sentimental reasons, he received his second posthumous Oscar nomination in the leading actor category, but his indecipherable upstart Jett Rink is a substantial supporting character in the whole picture, and he would be a shoo-in to win if he could have competed in the category where his character truly belongs, however, his name had already become too big a legend to be relegated at that point. His portrayal of Jett, emphatically registers a false layer of insouciance that defies operatics, vaguelymasks his touching vulnerability and troubling uneasiness towards the unattainable object of his desire, Leslie, whose footprint inadvertently strikes gold for him, but whose heart he can never conquer.
Thus, it is the black gold that sounds the death knell of the Western genre as we know it, Stevens and DP.William C. Melloremploy stunning imagery to exhibit the burgeoning modernization that invades the vastness where materialistic gain lies beneath and beckons, as an answer to the prior un-warped long shots which retain the Old West in its most august splendor, the cattle herd sequences, or the majestic take on Benedicts’ singular mansion for instance, but at the end of the day, it is the story’s sagacious message that transcends its racist, patriarchy milieu, and makes GIANT a culturally, historically and aesthetically significant American tome that takes us through an elemental learning-curve of open-mindness and righteousness that flouts the specious “winner takes it all” precept,without forging its tangy nostalgia for a bygone era.
referential entry: Stevens’ A PLACE IN THE SUN (1951, 8.1/10).
可能是George Stevens最好的作品。James Dean去世前拍的最后一部电影。富于张力的剧情描述了跨越几十年的爱恨情仇。当年获奥斯卡十一项提名,但最终仅获得最佳导演奖。三位主演皆有上佳表现。个人认为是一部容易被忽视的杰作。
这么冗长 而且给dean的镜头这么少直降到三星。简直可以拿去拍电视剧了 怎么得了这么多奥斯卡题名
严重好于预期。泰勒与迪恩都有上佳的表现。故事尤其好,一气呵成。"you can just raise them. You can't live their lives for them."
用现在的眼光看有些太苛刻了,但我不是很能接受一部史诗片最后“矮化”成知更鸟。It's Texas in 1950s. They serve all kinds of racism.
If a film wants to be dramatic, do it the Giant's way. It's both an honor and an irony that Rock Hudson brought flesh and blood to this unforgettable role of a white macho ranch husband/father. He's the beacon light for all of us. Top 100