• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧










类型:电影地区:美国语言:英语 / 北印度语年份:2005


巨大的惊喜 剧照 NO.1巨大的惊喜 剧照 NO.2巨大的惊喜 剧照 NO.3巨大的惊喜 剧照 NO.4


影片讲述的五个故事就发生在纽约人日常的生活中。特拉布勒斯是一名心理医生,他的病人桑的在经历911事件后,对周围的人、事感到愤怒和失望。特拉布勒斯运用自己独特的方法重燃桑的对生活的热情。艾米基勒是纽约市糕点主要供应商之一,为了揽到生意不择手段,把他的敌手一家逼上了绝路……911事件后,美国进入了后911时代,所以这是第一部直接反映911事件后,纽约人生活百态的喜剧,以及他们对于那段记忆的态度。注意,它决不是对劫后余生的悲剧反思。影片讲述了各成一体的五个互不相乾的故事,表现了故事中的人物经历了911事件后的心路历程。幽默的手段挥去了这个主题下的阴冷和沉重,体现了编者不同凡响的智慧。热播电视剧最新电影毁灭战士:灭绝五年模拟三年高考夺命双娇奇迹粤语我为车狂境界触发者 第三季秋天的童话两个人的独角戏豪门弟弟惹人怜国礼总书记来信禽兽1953友情大作战率真如我第一季兽兵卫忍风帖下方的恶魔天狗的厨房 第二季阴守忍者唇膏分歧者3:忠诚世界(国语版)蚁人2:黄蜂女现身(原声版)花季年华秘鲁大冒险2:迈达斯国王的秘密


 1 ) Comparisons Between Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close And The Great New Wonderful

Apart from the classical HLW story of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, it also features the classical narration.The boy has a desire to maintain the feelings(the goal),and the key give him a way to achieve it.With the numerous Blacks and his character flaws serving as the indispensable counter force, the basic elements are in line and Oscar starts off all alone.However, the expedition of a powerless lonely boy is both unreal and dull,so the director put in an assistant ——grandfather ,another injured man,and meanwhile put in the beloved cue——the recovery of a family.Subjective narration, unusually running through the film, restricts what we see and finally repays the surprises of mother and the return of the grandfather.
There are still several innovations.The ubiquitous flashbacks not only make up “father”who serves as an invisible promotion of the development of the story, but also bring the whole constructure alive.Considering the contents,flashbacks convey more details that cannot show by pure subjective narration. It is the division of details that impresses me because it requires we audiences to restore what happened that day and grasp the inner relation.
The second lies in the parallelism between two father and son and Oscar’s contrast attitude to father and mother.The two together effectively enrich the story layers and promote more about American ideology.
 The great new wonderful is more complex.It overall breaks the convention owing to the parallel montage of 5different stories and comparisons just stand to reason.Montage editing takes us across various group of characters,various life styles and various hidden troubles .And our range of knowledge is significantly broadened due to a more unrestricted narration,which though decreases some curiosity or surprise,displays a more credible life with little drama and describe both people and society in a calmer and more serious way.The objective narration meanwhile deepens the story information via dialogues,action and mise en scene but inevitably decreases the direct details to show character’s psychological states.
Innovation ,especially in commercial films ,will be useless if it ignores basic expectations of audiences.The chief challenge is the continuity rule.That is,how to make it novel and more importantly avoid being scattered.And then we are displayed the endeavor of director in the design of each story’s constructure and the utilization of technics to bond them organically.
What worthy of attention is that when we make up the pieces of each story,we can find the classical convention inside them——the worse situation stimulates the desire to change,and after a fierce inner struggle,characters wake up from self-deception, face the music and try hard to conquer obstacles ,then the film achieve the climax ,finally without exception ,end up with a happy closure.This constructure,as mentioned before ,is beneficial to enhance the continuity.
And when we think about the constructures of each story ,we do more than purely watching. With its unusual form ,the film invites us to analyze the parallelism across the entire film,which is strongly required than the former film.We are expected to search the inner relations the plots hint.On one hand,we audiences are expecting the meeting point. On the other hand ,we compare them to look for something universal.The innovation is that what 5 stories share is not something concrete (there are few meeting points among the 5 stories )but the similar abstract frustration.
Frustration is perfect along with another helpers——sound bridge and music. While song bridge help smooth over the edit point between two shots, music works in unifying the whole. But the music is less efficient in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, strictly can be described as disappointing which is always discordant with the plots.

     Unlikely films about World War Two or Vietnam War, those about 911 seem to be more cautious and soft, lacking necessary introspection in either race conflict or society improvement. Both of them are short of the patience to explore and display the deep frustration, insecurity or disappointment featuring 911 but tedious lack of interaction and character flaws(Though they are still indispensable).And the recovery comes so quickly that it is somehow fake and over-optimistic. The absence of specific analysis or opinion weaken them when compared to super hero films equipped with specific effects and those focusing on race(My Name Is Khan).


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