A US politician (Sam Waterston) visits his poet friend (John Heard) in Mont. St. Michael, France. While walking through the medieval island discussing their philosophies of life they happen upon Sonja (Liv Ullman), a scientist in recluse, who joins in their conversation. The two men listen to the ideas of this brilliant woman and discuss how her ideas can work in their own politician and poet lives.
热播电视剧最新电影悬崖热血街区电影版2:红雨篇Menina宝莱坞机器人2.0:重生归来(普通话版)竭尽全力玩尽杀绝2水中火谜之夏日祭BanG Dream! 第二季三角铃灵魂伴侣都会探险家下一个圣诞节见守夜者雅克·里维特2022SBS演艺大赏愤怒的天使有情感的机器人欲望的火花借宁安飞速追杀地平线系列:猫咪观察罗小黑战记血战阿拉曼SICK'S霸乃抄~内阁情报调査室特务事项专从系事件簿~间谍同盟(国语版)
It's pattern and relationship and connections that create the reality of nature
If sustainability means the enactment of same values for generations, I'd rather look for unsustainability./She describes knowledge as a curse, but only through knowledge can we transcend parochial factors ,stop our existing misconceptions and ignorance from misleading us / Cartesian thinking actually dies with newton
一开始要游神了一圈一圈最后诗人那一段we are fish trapped in wind最喜欢,所以喜欢那个没怎么讲话的诗人,即使在讲可持续system thinking到底还是艺术至上的电影,只可惜这么多年过去了,我们的改变是极为有限的。
自然辩证法课看的 还挺有意思的
节奏好慢好慢,断断续续看完的。3个人在讨论一些哲学话题,讨论世界运行的规则,以及它该走向何处。“fish trapped in the wind”真是好美的意向呀。无处不在的Pablo Neruda。
2022最后一部,物理学家政客和诗人,也许一切起意于聂鲁达那首叫做Enigmas的诗,永远在疑问,在找寻人生和解决方式,也许以为望进真理,而自己只是被困在网中一条赤裸的鱼,也许任何系统或机器都会有最终解释,但对于系统和机器本身将永远存在于证明过程里。life feels itself
对世界观影响最大的一部电影, 女主角阐述的观点是世界上的事物是相互关联的,不能割裂开看,这种系统的、整体的视角跟佛家的因缘观很吻合,遇到一些比较难接受的事情时可以转换到这种整体的、系统的视角,有助于调节情绪,也让我比较容易接受 "be the change you wish to see in the world" , 和 "use your free will to choose what you offer to the world independent of what the world offers to you."的立场
Twenty years debate
谈人生谈理想的最高境界,就像Thomas在片中说的:"Even the parts I didn't understand felt right",从头到尾都有种不明觉厉的感觉……
科学、艺术、神学、文学、日常琐事、政治等,都是意识表述自己的不同呈现。被历史海浪洗刷沉淀下的 是更Evolve更深邃全面的意识。色不异空是也。
20050104 cctv6 译名 心灵之旅