亨利(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)是一名英俊帅气的法国军官,在前线,他结识了前来应援的美国陆军妇女队军官凯瑟琳(安·谢里登 Ann Sheridan 饰),尽管两人之间的交流经常伴随着吵吵闹闹,但随着时间的推移,亦产生了真挚而奇妙的感情。
A post-WWII Howard Hawks screwball comedy transpires in the Allied-occupied Germany, Cary Grant plays a French Army Captain Henri Rochard, who is teamed up with American Lieutenant Catherine Gates (Sheridan) in his last mission before bowing out of military service once and for all.
It starts as a typical ill-matched pair reluctantly bundled together (even sharing the same bed one evening), who are constantly at each other’s throatsthrough comedy of errors, more often than not, at Henry’s expense, but, improbable to audience, a budding romantic is bound to emerge from both sides and by the end of their task, they are going to tie the knot. Honestly, the first half is very pleasurable with Grant adopts his tried-and-tested winning formula to juggle goofy, loosey-goosey innocuousness with snit-driven prolixity, meanwhile a proactive Ann Sheridan pulls no punch to prove that as a woman, her Catherine is no lesser to any masculine peer of hers, she can operate a spanking vehicle as competent as fast-tracking their mission.
In truth, it is this conformity-defying, role-swapping gender politics that gingers up the film right out of the box, however, in the second half, when the narrative is mired in overwrought red tapes, only to put the newly weds in the quagmire of a repeatedly deferred marriage consummation, and laboriously plays up the same source of amusement that Henri must apply as a war bride in order to be emigrated to USA as Catherine’s spouse, the film’s allure starts to pall, and its objectionable ethnocentric overtone doesn’t help either. When the plot reaches that mane-clipping, nurse-impersonating climax, it only leaves a first-time viewer gobsmacked, not by the plan’s wits but the whole idiocy which Hawks condones, maxing out Cary Grant’s belabored discomfiture but largely relegating Ann Sheridan on the sideline, an utter betrayal to its promising premise.
Another Golden Age Hollywood crowdpleaser doesn’t come through the test of time, as at one point Henri jests that woman is, au contraire, not the weaker gender to man since they are blessed with more sleep, the joke is in fact on the film and Hawks himself, a blatant tokenism in addressing gender equality, but cranked out inside a masculine hothouse, it is the same old blarney that now borders on offense.
referential films: Hawks’ BALL OF FIRE (1941, 7.5/10), BRINGING UP BABY (1938, 7.4/10), Billy Wilder’s A FOREIGN AFFAIR (1948, 6.8/10),
在小旅馆的部分是在致敬春闺风月 The Awful Truth (1937)吧。。。这部电影如果和柏林艳史一起观看会别有一番乐趣。。。霍克斯再一次恶搞性别互换但是剧本写的不理想,谢里登和格兰特也没啥化学反应,而且所有的噱头都用在了格兰特身上她根本没有表现的机会。。。
Cary Grant都被玩坏啦哈哈哈哈
还好吧,Grant演法国人没有说服力,Ann戏份太少,而且跟男主也没火花= = 性别互换让男性体会女性艰辛倒还挺有意思(虽然男主角色性格很讨厌)。Grant的女装真的有丑到。
有些《育婴奇谭》的味道 前半程笑料集中 后面淡了 格兰特都被玩坏了最后的女装实在是太坏了啊哈哈哈哈
"I am an alien spouse of female military personnel en route to the United States under public law 271 of the congress."
2022.12.11 12:00 密集的笑点,如此窘迫的加里格兰特还真有点让人心疼。
Scénario peu ficelé, dialogues plats, cette screwball comedy poursuit la thématique chère à Hawk - rapport masculin-féminin marqué ici par l’inversion des rôles dominé et dominant jusqu’au travestissement de l’homme,qui reste le seul gag drôle de ce film mineur.