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法国香颂 剧照 NO.1法国香颂 剧照 NO.2



  故事发生在1997年的巴黎,卡蜜尔(阿涅丝·夏薇依 Agnès Jaoui 饰)是一名风风火火的热情女子,她不仅当着兼职导游、正在撰写毕业论文,与此同时,她还揽下了帮助姐姐奥戴尔(萨宾·阿泽玛 Sabine Azéma 饰)寻找新房子的责任。一次偶然中,卡蜜尔撞见了默默流泪的男子马克(朗贝尔·维尔森 Lambert Wilson 饰),马克的眼泪让卡蜜尔怦然心动,巧合的是,马克正好是一名房产销售员。
  漂亮的卡蜜尔身边不乏追求者,西蒙(安德烈·杜索里埃 André Dussollier 饰)就是其中的一员,然而,尽管他创造了很多和卡蜜尔接触的机会,但卡蜜尔对于他的殷勤似乎视而不见。一幢豪华公寓将这一干人等联系到了一起,摩擦出了灿烂的火花。

热播电视剧最新电影卡夫卡2024芝加哥烈焰 第十一季世界奇妙物语 2011年秋之特别篇片场日记 第一季领袖水准奔跑吧第三季花街时代偶然的社长第三季打扮美国、装点自己:九旬女神的美丽传奇误入歧途2006心灵传输者斯托克2013骄傲越莞记巍巍天山——中国新疆反恐记忆火线追凶之冲破黑幕性奴养成记恐怖歌剧恶魔债主东京罪恶第一季我们的费尔斯特先生去世了彩虹风雨路双城记 1958年英国版孤夜寻凶


 1 ) 非常,非常高级的电影





 2 ) 人人都爱唱老歌——《巴黎香颂》

阿伦•雷奈 Alain Resnais小组:http://www.douban.com/group/15627/




 3 ) 居身当代的存在之痛



至此,电影的主题也变得通透,它表现了一种当代性空虚的存在之痛,一种工业时代侵占历史记忆之痛,一种不知思考什么、如何思考之痛。影片开始于纳粹首领肖尔蒂茨违抗希特勒炸毁巴黎指令的往事,而这则历史事件由本片的女主——历史系学生及巴黎兼职导游卡米叶向游客盘托出。这里的双重身份值得玩味,它意味着卡米叶在空间(导游)与时间(历史研究员)双重维度上守卫着巴黎的历史。同时有趣的是,她是全片唱段最少的人物,仅仅歌唱过两次,是在她爱上全片中最可恶、最世俗、最利益熏心,也最具当代性的马克时,并且两次唱毕后失音,最终陷入胸闷气短的痛苦。在卡米叶这里,史籍/古迹与录制歌曲在象征层面构成巨大的对立,并借由生理之痛揭示出当代生存之痛:过去知识与精神的丧失(卡米叶的研究受到诸人的嘲笑,并被质疑其当下效用),以及当代的虚无与贫乏(现代喷泉艺术被当代庸俗人物解读为“一摞碟子”)。最终,在影片的结尾,象征达到高潮:在不久的将来,经由当代者马克所中介的房产前会拔地而起一座高楼,从而阻挡在公寓观赏巴黎景致的视野;女主人奥迪尔在一段近乎神迹的“闪前”(flash -forward)中预见了这一残酷事实,如同卡米叶一般,她陷入了身体的巨大痛苦与疲惫。在这一刻,巴黎坍塌的预言性未来与当代的存在之痛降临于这一尊象征性容器中。这种类似心悸的生理之痛还同时于显现于唯唯诺诺的男主人克洛德,风流倜傥、满口谎言的尼古拉,甚至是被卡米叶驱逐出屋、徘徊于街的马克。这些痛楚的人物连同面向银幕共情(亚里士多德意义上的净化/卡塔西斯)于人物及歌曲的观众,共同构成了居身贫乏当代,饱含存在之痛的“我们”。

 4 ) 惊喜

今天在法培正式注册了,急不可耐的就去图书馆借电影看。其实我之前并不知道这部电影,只是看它没有其他DVD那么“沧桑”,而且封面很有趣,就先借了看。一看就是个惊喜呀,女主角竟然也叫Camille,这是我第二次看到Camille了。电影中的音乐很不错,尤其搞笑的是男人发出女人的歌声,and vice versa...

 5 ) Same Old Song Commentary

How did Same Old Song come about?
Alain Resnais: After Smoking and No Smoking, Bruno Pesery asked me to film an opera written for the big screen. It probably would have been easy to finance the project in English but I felt that my knowledge of the language was insufficient for such an undertaking. I therefore looked for an alternative. During the work on the adaptation of Intimate Exchanges, the series of plays by
Alan Ayckbourn that led to Smoking and No Smoking, I had become close friends with Agnès Jaoui and Jean-Pierre Bacri. I admired the musicality of their dialogue and their performances on
stage and screen. I therefore asked them if they would be interested writing a screenplay. They replied that they would but, having not appeared in our two "twin films," they didn't want to
write for other actors than themselves. This suited me perfectly. We then spent three or four afternoons talking about characters, outlines, what we wanted or didn't want to do on film. We
ferreted through my subject box. I think I even gave the "Jaoui-Bacris" a totally outrageous halfhour improvisation, a little like automatic writing, that I had recorded on audio tape. The theme
of the outer appearances that we wear throughout our lives rose to the surface along with other elements, like a guide and her visits and the psychology of the hermit crab. Then, as I am a great admirer of the English writer, Dennis Potter, I showed them extracts from his TV films. In some of them, the characters regularly lip-synch to popular songs. And gradually, the outline of the
film came into shape. The challenge was the following: how not to copy Potter, given my passion for his work? We therefore decided to use French songs rooted in an everyday climate, excluding
any notion of fantasy. The songs, with two or three exceptions, don't describe the characters' imaginary world either. Nicole Vedres, with whom I worked as an assistant in 1947 on Paris Mil
Neuf Cent, told me one day that the novel, in its descriptions of love and its melodies, could never match so-called popular or music-hall songs. And I've often noticed that popular songs accompany the acts of our everyday lives. If we behaved at all naturally, we'd use song lyrics in conversation.

Your love of musicals is well known and yet it is hard to find an illusion to the genre in Same Old Song.
Alain Resnais: I was particularly determined not to stray into that area. A musical almost always contains dancing or at least movements and gestures by actors to evoke dancing. Once
again, we were aiming for a more everyday style. We wanted the songs to enter the scenes without any warning. If the audience, even only once or twice, could forget that it was hearing a song and think that the words were dialogue, then we would be happy.

Jean-Pierre Bacri: In this way, the songs have a direct link to the theme of appearances because the medium of song is both universal and imprecise or approximate. True, people use it to
communicate and form bonds, but this is also a mask and it's not an ambitious and personal way of communicating. If someone is sad, you say "Every cloud has a silver lining," and he understands what that means. And, at the same time, you don't really reveal your own personality. They are merely a semblance of contacts and relationships. In the film, the family photo shown by my character (Nicolas) that looks like an ad for breakfast cereal is an image of success. The ad for breakfast cereal is a photographic song: "I show you a certain idea of happiness and you think I'm happy."
Agnès Jaoui: We also aimed to talk about happiness and the difficulty of being happy, of what happiness means. For me, one of the reasons why people feel unhappy is because they compare
themselves to others. We are bombarded with images of young, healthy people with a happy family... and we continually compare ourselves to this image of happiness. If you're over twentyfive,
if you're a bit fatter, a bit thinner, a bit taller, a bit more single, a bit more childless, etc.... not only do you feel unhappy, but you also feel lonely, excluded and abnormal.
Jean-Pierre Bacri: In the film, the theme of appearances is balanced out by the thesis. This is a successful relationship. It's taken to its complete and logical conclusion. in this case, on the
yeomen of Paladru Lake in the year 1000. You do 800 pages to deal with the issue fully, and you end up within something thick, solid, expansive - the ideal way of boring other people silly. We
need brief and simplistic signs, as in advertising or these songs that don't mean anything but that we identify with. They talk to everyone, providing a sort of secret for success encapsulated in
three words.
Agnès Jaoui: And, at the same time, the consumer society, like popular music, is reassuring. We're not saying that it shouldn't exist.
Jean-Pierre Bacri: Not at all. One of the common themes in Cuisine et Dépendances, Un Air de Famille and Same Old Song is the idea that you can go beyond those appearances and get to the
heart of things, despite the dangers of conflict, even with yourself, and the risk of seeing yourself as you really are. Too bad if it's even further from that particular ad and the songs. You discover
yourself. That's the main thing. Discovering yourself.
Agnès Jaoui: Odile (Sabine Azéma) is the character who maintains this need to put on a front the most stubbornly. She is always on top of the world and doesn't understand other people's
suffering because she refuses to accept her own.
Jean-Pierre Bacri: For her, as for many people, admitting one's weaknesses is tantamount to failure. It's a defeat.

In the film, Camille (Agnès Jaoui) has a nervous breakdown just when everything is going well for her. She is in love, she has just obtained her doctorate... Do you think that often happens?
Jean-Pierre Bacri: When you spend years - as someone working on a thesis does - devoting all your energy to a specific goal, once you reach that goal, you end up in a void.
Agnès Jaoui: You say: "So what, I've obtained my doctorate - or whatever - and nothing has changed. I'm not different, better, more beautiful, I'm just myself. I could die tomorrow. What use is it all?" And in general that happens when you're twenty-five or thirty. Becoming an adult, marks the end of a certain dream, a certain projection into the future, and you have to face the present and the absurdity of this life... You are. that's all.

A Merchant Ivory Films Release
in association with
Artistic License Films

 6 ) 你们还记得这些歌吗?

一部非常有趣的电影,那些歌都是8,9十年代的歌,虽然现在听起来有点过时,却会让你难望,当电影最后所有故事都说玩时,老人突然眼睛望着镜头,手里拿 着说:“你们还记得这些歌吗?”如果你是那时代的人,有听惯法国歌,你心一定会给这句话震撼!


夏薇依影展@上海影城4厅 雷乃执导 轻快诙谐小可爱 正常女性拜编剧夏薇依所塑 白日梦骑士可人 聚会水母影亦迷人 je suis malade... 一起 人人忍俊不能 XD 像我这样前一日熬了通宵的 都乐呵呵无睡点看完 ps. 可惜字幕糟糕+放映室喧哗=偶尔出戏

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好有趣,笑死了〜 Fin时观众集体鼓掌,好aimable啊〜

  • 伯樵·阿苏勒
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难以想象老爷子捣鼓出来的musical?竟如此欢乐!原声必须收!谁说这比划着像新白娘子来着!女声男人or相反的设置妙哉~不过剧情实在普通了些,长得有些像不那么马脸的范尼的sweet Marc肿么最后就成真小人ORZ PS.白色羽绒服男子,good luck with ur date~

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有意思~ 令人印象深刻的转场

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4.5. Sabine Azéma的表演充满力量既内敛又有爆发力!可惜都听不懂里面的歌词,水母也好喜欢。还有在餐厅里吃饭失恋金发女说羡慕Pierre Arditi和Sabine Azéma两人对视的眼神,结果Sabine Azéma却说“我连一个知心朋友都没有”。是一部不是让人“哈哈哈”但却因为有收获而很开心的电影

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心理全部用唱歌来描写特别是性别错位的时候好雷。。不过看着看着就觉得很有意思 剧情其实蛮俗套不过叙事形式改变后也就有趣起来了

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谎言。动不动就唱起歌来很新白娘子啦,尤其是歌声和演员是两个性别的时候o(╯□╰)o “别哭了我的小狼”啊哈哈哈这歌太……了谁也给我唱唱嘛。不断浮现的水母画面的意味是?她姐在乔迁派对上穿的那件裙子很美~

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