Spooks ended its sixth season with a bang, which is what it have been doing every season. When a fast-pacing, shocks-stuffing series enters its sixth season, it’s much more difficult to provide more surprises. The strategy seems to have one story throughout the season. The story, that Iran is acquiring nuclear weapon technology, is quite timely, as usual. Spooks has distinguished itself with topical and sensitive storylines, which wins a lot of admiration. In the previous season, Adam Cater has to decide weather or not to shoot a terror suspect on spot, on the crowded street, who is believed about to blow himself and bystanders off. Of course Cater’s decision is the correct one, fully vindicated afterwards. It is darker and uglier in real life.
But I feel it’s kind of lost the focus a bit at the beginning of the season. And gosh, MI5 is so seriously short of hands. Everyone in the section D has to do everything, even Harry has to kidnap someone, and a retired officer and a noisy journalist have to be called into action. They also seems spending a large amount of screen time trying to save each other. In such genre, it is most interesting and intense when the personal safety and integraty of the protagists are threatened. However when it happens too often, it loses the power of shock, only lookes careless.
Fortunately it’s back to form in episode 6, when Adam and Rose try and fail to stop the handing over of the nuclear bomb trigger on the plane. However in the next episode, when some white extremists hijack the stagged live Question Time type of show, it’s just a bit silly really. The plot has never quite recovered after that I’m afraid, although in the last episode, it comes back, albeit with the old trick - the personal destiny of our protagonists.
Having seen the stranger than fiction reality of the war on terror, and enjoyed many similar shows with twisted plot and morality, the audiences are almost immuned to any kind of horror. By turning to the establishment and to each other, Spooks managed to shock the unshockable once again.
http://waterink.net/2007/12/24/spooks/今晚 Spooks 第7季播出了最后一集(第8集),我觉得虽然到了第7季,这套剧集依然保持水准。不过要讨论这一季的Spooks不得不谈到最后2集的剧情,所以如果你还没看又不想被剧透,就不要点下面的链接。
Spooks的剧情经常能紧跟当前国际局势的发展,上一季的主线是伊朗。最近几个月来,俄罗斯与西方的冲突又回到公众视野,比如美国打算在捷克部署反导弹系统,俄罗斯则宣布会在波罗的海部署短程核导弹作为报复、格鲁吉亚战争等等事件,似乎欧洲的冷战格局有隐隐重现势头。于是这一季的主线是 MI5和俄罗斯FSB的较量。世界金融危机是在夏天忽然加剧,但在本季就已有一集是以此为主题。相比之下,伊斯兰恐怖活动就不再是最重要的主题。
http://taohuawu.net/2008/12/06/spooks-season-7/ 刚刚从BBC网站看到,BBC已经和Spooks的制作公司 Kudos 签约,将会拍第8季。
前三集讲到的政治社会议题十几年后来看竟然都恶化了很多。后三集没那么有份量的话题了。但取代的官僚笑话还是挺好看的。很难想象这个内容拍了十季。Keeley Hawes和DO都好棒。
我知道为嘛那么多人喜欢MM了,就一慢性毒药。只要不演Mr Darcy啥都好说。
英国军情五处的故事,拍的很写实。演员有好多我喜欢的,比如《灰飞烟灭》里的Keeley Hawes、《白教堂》里的Rupert Penry-Jones等等等等。但是也是因为写实,所以看得有点压抑,主要是因为后面人物结局不是很好,所以....
前3季绝对是5星。。ADAM 死了以后觉得灵魂就没了。。这剧最大的魅力不是动作也不是悬疑推理,是众多和现实紧密联系的政治元素让你觉得很有真实感。。
Matthew Macfadyen!!跟美剧比起来,英剧又慢热又拖沓,但是英伦范儿决不是美国男人穿得出的!
Although a little bit exaggrated, I still love it, especially the most handsome man and the most pretty girl~
matthew~~~唇红齿白 好过分 睫毛好长 还一直特写 真心瞎(´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥`) 剧情略沉闷 又拍得那种酷酷的感觉其实现在看来蠢蠢的 喜感( ´・◡・` ) 最后一集真猥琐!
N&S Effect
情节还不错,不过最让我惊喜的是演员,从Matthew McFadyen ,后来的Rupert Penry-Jones到现在Richard Armitage,都是我非常喜欢的。