• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:卡茜·瑟波,Taylor Kalupa,Georgia Leva





尖叫安魂曲 剧照 NO.1尖叫安魂曲 剧照 NO.2尖叫安魂曲 剧照 NO.3尖叫安魂曲 剧照 NO.4


  Artemis (Cassandra Scerbo) plans a party without permission at her parent’s lake house, which is normally vacant for the winter. A killer is trying to compose a symphony made up of the screams of his victims. At the very same time, Artemis is planning a party at her parents’ vacant lake house, which is right next door to the RV that a killing machine named Caleb (Michael X. Sommers) is using.  Her friends Shira (Georgia Leva), Delan (Zachary Roozen, Romeo and Juliet Killers), Theo (Brandon Santana), Ellen (Erica Shaffer), Alex (India McGee) all come out to visit, take cocaine and watch Night of the Living Dead on an iPhone while Caleb haunts the halls with his murderous and melodious hammer…热播电视剧最新电影风光大嫁遭遇·阮玲玉无心法师忧郁的解药受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect纸飞机2014异形公园令人信服的证据我的弟子都超神第三季敬人生科学救援组38岁离婚单身女尝试相亲APP的成果日记工作女郎漂亮的推理出轨星条红与皇室蓝17号音乐仓库 第三季秋天里的春光密战2017我们在这里生活我会变成巨人凯尔特不列颠的历史乌海观世音菩萨传奇鬼屋历险记港珠澳大桥2019倩女幽魂1960国语La Octava Cláusula




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