• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:Cyril Aventurin,费尔南·贝尔塞,罗兰·伯汀,Gérard Bloncourt,Toto Bissainthe,菲利普·克利夫诺






  It’s winter in France, the light is dull, the camera pans over a snowy wasteland and enters a massive construction of steel and glass that is open at the sides, stopping in front of the reproduction of a wooden ship. The structure that juts out over the upper deck is inscribed with the words ‘Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité’.  Med Hondo uses this tracking shot to establish the setting of his feature film West Indies ou les nègres marrons de la liberté (1979), while opening up a much larger space to the imagination at the same time. The ship turns out to be a most versatile stage for a grotesque narrative of colonialism, slavery and the struggle for independence in the French West Indies. Med Hondo explores his many themes in this limited space, whether it be the Middle Passage, marronage, abolition or the history of labour migration to France. The film marries an aesthetics of thrift with the flamboyance of a musical; different time periods glide into one other as elegantly as the geographical points of reference; and only occasionally do the actors’ visible exhalations, an alienation effect created by the cold, remind us that West Indies was not shot on Martinique.热播电视剧最新电影黑霹雳 第一季逃出熔炉魔鬼特训营感動味蕾美味餐廳100強 關西篇五台山儿女英雄传女子搏击俱乐部激情信箱暮白首代号:杀手麻辣教师GTO 复活拜托了,别追我EDA记忆清除公司海岸线一次聚会2024北京台春晚咸鱼翻生买房今天开始做明星机动奥特曼:崛起匹田先生,恭喜你太太怀孕了民俗怪闻录之出马仙舞夜痴迷喜新不厌旧第三季寻味贵阳

