本来想给两颗星,但是想想查宁跳的马驹舞和镜子舞实在太赞,还是给三颗星吧。台词神马的都是浮云,肉体美才是重点。不过还是觉得第一部比较赞,也直接,就是浪,就是各种body。第二部明明可以好好讲疯狂之旅,非要加点什么类似追梦啊,自我实现,治愈啊balabala的东西,台词又不是很好,觉得有点不知所谓,特别是马特的角色,可以看出加了蛮多戏份,但是又觉得没讲出个所以然。还有几处羞耻play,就真的看的挺羞耻的,尴尬症爆发,哪个店员会在便利店看到有人跳这样的舞还不报警,反而笑出来的呢?反正我没见过 ╮(╯_╰)╭ 另外觉得演里奇的男演员颜真的不错,雕塑般立体的五官,当然还有body也是棒棒哒。。
"Alright, alright, alright", something you would not hear much in this LONG and WIDELY (XXL, wink wink) expected spinoff since Dallas (the character played by McConaughey) is quickly ditched in the begging of the movie (oops) , I have finally watched this XXL tonight. Yeah! (hard for just two seconds), and "it was all right", which was my very instant feedback right after coming out of the cinema.
Don't get me wrong, it is funny, occasionally, and I laughed, occasionally and perhaps some would say, "It's a striper movie, what do you expect?" Well, first of all, it's "Male Entertainer" to address the characters professionally, accurately and consistently with the movie. Secondly, as a matter of fact, it is very ironic that this movie turns out to be rather different from what is usually expected from it, sadly in a bad way - it would be FANTASTIC if it follows the typical pattern and pace of unveiling a drama/comedy (the genre of this movie), the cinematography included. - The furniture dream did not work out for Mike in real life that he decided to reunite with the old crew (not exactly) for their perhaps-last ride to the stripping endeavour, yet shit happens along the way, but they finally made it.
Yes, the story line is as simple as that, which i'm afraid is exactly what freaks out the screenwriter. "It can't be simple like that",he/she may think. Therefore, excessive nonsense of events and dialogues are added here and there (on the road, in the van, in the living room, you name it), which makes it less Channing (lean) but more Gabriel (fluffy), if you know what i mean. In this case, the genre of this movie is distorted unfortunately, from a should-be drama/comedy to a semi-documentary/road-film.
Yes, documentary indeed, as clearly found not only in the way of story telling, yet also and especially in cinematography (use a bloody cane if you could, cut between more camera angles, drum up the magic, would you?). Somehow actually, I'm not surprised, and it can make sense if you consider that a legacy from its predecessor, directed by Steven Soderbergh who is of course the Executive Producer of the fellow spinoff. HOWEVER (a big one), IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. As I couldn't help but share with my fellow viewer on the spot, "the movie feels like a fresh piece of great sashimi got boiled in water rather than served raw as righteously destined." In my two cents, a brilliant idea is shamefully not delivered to its full potential. Give it to Michael Bay, for cry out loud.
Educated by the screenplay books I've been reading, I'm lucky to come to realise it is essential to RESPECT the pattern and pace of each genre, if you are not genius enough like Quentin Tarantino to create your own, as they do make sense and work well. In this sense, I'd rather see the Magic Mike volume cheesily successful, than innovatively mediocure.
Well, to make ya all less disappointed, as said in my title of this review, the XXL was luckily saved by the last act/dance, not too bad.
To read my last review on FURY, which I'm more proud of, haha, here is the link -
口水哗啦啦 哗啦啦 哗啦啦啦啦啦
這是一個雌性取向電影 沒什麼劇情 全方位不如第一部 但是我卻多給了一星 因為觀影體驗MAX! 這種片兒一定要在大半夜的時候跟著一群飢渴的姑娘們佔滿整個影!院!一起看, fucking awesome!! 滿屏皆肉 全場狂歡. 請錢老闆趁著各位大哥們兒身材年齡尚佳儘快籌備3好麼
其实并不需要什么剧情(。 你们资本主义太腐朽了
其实 除了跳舞的部分 其他时候我都在走神。。这片一出跟下海没差别了hhhh 比上一部还暴露 不过没有那个带王冠的青涩boy惹 有点想他
看完我也想在美国国庆日去Mythe Beach看Male Stripper年会了,CT瘦下来依旧很帅诶,最后还不忘恶搞了下Step Up…
孔雀应该进军歌坛 这样就没别的男歌手什么事了
话太多 舞太少 没啥肉看...