上班时间的罅隙,看完了一季的澳剧《Please Like Me》。很短,六集,且每集只有二十多分钟,这样算下来,全篇加起来也不过三个小时,真的只看了一下午就看完了。第一次看澳剧,没想到却很是惊艳。这不到三个小时的过程中,很温馨也很惬意,没有大悲大喜,但泪点和笑点都很丰富,消磨时间都能让人通体舒畅。
其实在一部六集的电视剧中,本篇的人物已经算很多了,但没想到编剧竟能把每个人物都表现丰满,不得不承认他是一个才华横溢的人,Josh Thomas。据说他还是主演之一,那个夹着胳膊一扭一扭“Josh”的扮演者。
Is Josh Thomas's show too gay for ABC1?
Colin Vickery & Darren Devlyn From: National Features February 27, 2013 8:18AM
IS Please Like Me too gay? That is what Josh Thomas is asking as he prepares for the debut of his new TV comedy.
Please Like Me was originally set to screen on ABC1 last year but has been shunted into digital channel ABC2.
Thomas plays twentysomething Josh who lives with best mate Thomas (Thomas Ward) and, at first, is in a steady relationship with girlfriend Claire (Caitlin Stasey).
Claire splits with Josh, telling him that he is obviously gay. His despair is short-lived when young hunk Geoffrey (Wade Briggs) enters the scene.
Geoffrey wants to get physical with Josh. Cue lots of man-on-man kissing, bed scenes, and jokes about sex.
Later, Josh is forced to move back into the family home after his divorced mum Rose (Debra Lawrence) overdoses.
Please Like Me has a sweetness that sets it apart from other boundary-pushing comedies such as Chris Lilley's Angry Boys and Summer Heights High which happily found a home on ABC1.
The ABC insists the gay content isn't the reason Please Like Me was shunted to ABC2, where it is sure to attract a smaller audience.
"The tone of Please Like Me and the issues discussed are principally aimed at an audience in their early 20s," an ABC spokesperson says.
"Since ABC1 is largely a channel of mass appeal that tends to attract an audience with an average age the other side of 35, we decided the best home for Please Like Me was ABC2."
Thomas isn't convinced.
"They told me it (the switch to ABC2) was a compliment. I don't believe them," Thomas says. "I don't know if what they were really saying was, 'Josh the show is a bit s---' or, 'Josh the show has too much suicide and gay sex in it'.
"People have suggested to me that (too gay) is why they did it (put it on ABC2). I would be shocked if that's why but I also wouldn't be."
If Thomas is right, this wouldn't be the first time networks have become squeamish about gay content.
In 2009, Aussie Melissa George played bisexual intern Dr Sadie Harris on Grey's Anatomy.
There was speculation her character would have a full-blown screen romance with Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez). The show's creator, Shonda Rhimes, changed tack after George started filming. George initially signed for between eight and 11 episodes, but finished early.
Her exit followed that of Brooke Smith, who played lesbian Dr Erica Hahn in the medical drama. Smith was dropped after her character consummated her relationship with Callie.
Gay lobby group, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, expressed its concern about the short-lived nature of the Callie-Erica storyline, which initially had been hailed as a breakthrough for mainstream American television.
That same year, Channel 7 censored a lesbian kiss between policewoman Charlie Buckton (Esther Anderson) and deckhand Joey Collins (Katie Bell) in Home and Away.
Seven's decision came after complaints about the lesbian storyline from conservative lobby groups.
"The plot lines that young kids and teenagers should be presented with should be about really authentic relationships that are not just sexualised," Pro-Family Perspectives director Angela Conway said.
Anderson had said she had no problem with the scene.
"I don't think it's like I'm lifting the lid on something they don't already know about," Anderson said. "To me, there's no difference love's love."
US producers have used the controversy surrounding lesbian kissing scenes to boost ratings in TV shows. First there was Amanda Donohoe and Michele Green in LA Law, then Jennifer Aniston's Rachel kissing Winona Ryder's Melissa on Friends and Mischa Barton going girl-on-girl in The O.C.
In the late '70s, Billy Crystal played gay son Jodie Dallas on Soap, but he later admitted to early misgivings about taking the role.
In 1997, comedian Ellen DeGeneres went public with her homosexuality on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
There was an early backlash but DeGeneres is now one of the most successful and admired women on American television.
Number 96's gay lawyer Don Finlayson (Joe Hasham) was a groundbreaking character on Australian TV. Water Rats featured another notable gay character, Sgt Helen Blakemore (Toni Scanlan).
Neighbours introduced gay character Chris Pappas (James Mason) in 2011. To its credit, the Ten soapie didn't use Chris's sexuality to shock.
This was no cynical ratings grab. Instead, the soapie dug deeper to show that Chris's sexuality was only one aspect of his personality.
"The good thing about Chris is that he is an ordinary person who is a mechanic and happens to be gay," Mason has said.
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/entertainment/tv-radio/is-joshs-show-too-gay-for-abc1/story-e6frf9ho-1226586521979优点1:情节轻松自如。老是有自己漏了一集没看的错觉……感觉编剧想到啥就写啥。就算这么跳脱,写出来的东西还是没有隔阂,这也是一种才能吧otz 不过,这样写也能看懂的原因,大概是因为它是一部没什么大情节的喜剧吧。而且编剧就是导演,感觉会比较能hold住这个问题。
4星半 突然发现散漫的结构+轻戏剧性完全是我的那杯茶 看似零碎的故事和时而蹦出的精妙台词 有些设定虽然解释不通 Geo这么就会喜欢上Josh呢 但一切又不疾不徐地发展得合乎情理 Josh对Geo确实没那么动情 他懒散被动自私逆来顺受缺乏判决力又害怕寂寞 可我又在Josh身上看到无数自己的影子 才觉得格外贴切
没想到这个清新温暖治愈的故事拍摄地竟然在猫本,好喜欢Josh萌萌的澳洲口音还有他的心态,六集看下来真的觉得蛮美好的。。也不知道会不会有第二季了,不过会一直持续关注Josh Thomas这个人的。
又可爱又真实 又好笑又伤感。请拍第二季!!!!!!!!!快点拍快点拍快点拍(敲碗~~~)!!!!!josh和geo请在一起!!!在一起在一起在一起(敲碗~~~)!!!!!!姐姐告诉乃们!乃们这个样子是做不了朋友的!!!!!!
All I want to have and want to be. Josh Thomas自编自演的这部剧很容易让人想起Simon Amstell的在外婆家,希望也能像在外婆家一样推出第二季。
好喜欢Geoffrey!!!好可爱!!!傻傻的!!!Josh真令人讨厌!Geoffrey deserves a better man!这个就这么结束了?!G做了一个还算明智的选择!
amazing! 前三集又软又萌后三集笑点泪点萌点虐点大乱炖 josh太棒!