初来咋到 请多关照,没想到一路走来都第十季了。四个智商150以上的人却能给我这个智商为负的人在忙碌之余无限欢乐,大概是因为penny这个“普通人”存在吧 哈哈 开个玩笑啦!
谢尔顿 莱纳德 霍华顿 拉杰什,他们都是物理学家,但绝非你从小梦想着想成为的拯救世界的大科学家。他们不是我们想象的那么严肃,反而个性鲜明 爱找乐子爱玩游戏也爱找资源。当然谢尔顿尤为突出。啊啊啊 my sheldon 已经结婚了 wish you happiness
欲知后事如何 请看后九季。
非常想…,渴求:I do yearn for Sth
为…生气/烦:be mad/upset about Sth
生你的气:I’m mad at you. (S03E06)
需要扩大社交圈:We need to widen our circle.
当我压力大时,When I’m undergoing stress,
就当在自己家一样:Make yourself at home.
不急:Take your time.
影响你的性格:affect your personality
抱歉把你拖下水了:I’m so sorry I dragged you through this.
抱歉你被牵扯进来:I’m sorry you got dragged into this. (S04E17)
和…建立关系:establish a relationship with Sb
…可以吗?Is Sth okay with you?
我有打扰吗?Am I interrupting?
备用钥匙:spare key
毋庸置疑,It is well established that ….
增加/减少…的几率:increase/lower the odds of doing …
几率几乎为零:The odds of that happening is practically zero. (S02E20)
合理的解释:a reasonable explanation as to why +句子
我好奇为什么:I'm curious as to why +句子 (S04E03)
我睡得很好:I slept deeply and well.
显著提高生活质量:It’ll be a measurable enhancement to our quality of life.
我考虑到…了。I’ve taken Sth into account.
晕车:get car sick
呕吐:throw up = vomit
呕吐物:the throw-up (S05E18)
回到过去:go into the past
工作取得了重大进展:His work has made an amazing leap forward.
一次买一个月的量:purchase Sth one-month supply at a time
八天量的食物和水:an eight-day supply food and water (S03E21)
在日历上做记录:mark the calendar
炒蛋:scrambled eggs
谢谢你这么快过来:Thanks for coming on such short notice.
逊毙了:be suck at doing/Sth
太丢脸了:That was absolutely humiliating.
我没听懂:I’m not following.
冲一碗麦片:pour Sb a bowl of cereal / a cup of tea
吃剩的打包:take the leftovers home
意大利面没吃完剩下了:There is pasta left over. (S02E09)
我快被你逼疯了:You are driving me crazy!
找到折衷办法/中间立场:find a middle ground
拜金男/女:a gold digger
把你的联系方式给我:give me your contact information
是常态,很普遍:be the norm
一反常态:a departure from the norm
朗朗上口的曲调:catchy tunes
我搞砸了:I've screwed it up. / I've blown it.
周五(时间)可以:Friday works for me.
熟能生巧:The key to acquiring proficiency is repetition.
正在经历困境:Sb is going through some difficulty
练习调酒:practice mixing drinks
续杯:a refill
引起我强烈的共鸣:I relate to sth/sb quite strongly.
梳头:comb one's hair
撩妹:pick up girls
我起鸡皮疙瘩了:I’ve got goose bumps.
有点吵:It’s a little loud.
扔掉某物:throw Sth out / throw away Sth
我马上回来:I’ll be right back.
我马上过去:I’ll be right there.(S02E08)
在那边:They are right over there (by Sth) (S02E13)
没想到会有这么多人:I wasn’t expecting such a crowd.
跳过这个部分:skip over the part
让我想起…:It started me thinking about Sth
正如我反复解释的那样…:As I’ve explained repeatedly, …
从那开始就急转直下了:It was straight downhill from there.
剪指甲/趾甲:cut my fingernails/toenails
为图片加上标题/说明:caption a picture
得出结论:have/reach/draw a conclusion based on Sth
退出:drop out (of school or a race)
真幸运:What a lucky break!
参加一个研讨会:attend a symposium on …
凌晨两点:two o'clock in the morning
叫醒某人:wake Sb up
没心情做…:be in no state of mind to do
有一个全新的心态:get into a whole new state of mind
我该怎么做?What am I supposed to do?
我该说什么?What was I supposed to say?
那我应该怎么说?How else was I supposed to say it? (S02E19)
伤害某人:hurt one’s feelings
社交礼节:social protocol
你有没有意识到…?Are you aware that + 句子
我以前不知道:I was not aware of that.
向下滚动到....:scroll down to Sth
强项:strong suit
细节决定成败:The success or failure of Sth turns on details.
让我免于…的尴尬:spare me the embarrassment of …
编谎话:make up the story about Sth
祝演出成功:Break a leg!
替你善后:clean up after your mess
我感觉自己是个局外人,无法融入…:I've often felt like an outsider, never really fitting in…
擤鼻子:blow one’s nose
在杯底:on the bottom
我鼻塞得严重:I'm very congested.
死胡同:a dead end
研究失败了:My research ran into a dead end. (S03E04)
放大镜:a magnifying glass
门卫:caretaker [英] / janitor [美]
坐在前排:sit / take a seat in the front row
现在比分显示:The score now stands: Team 1 XXX, Team 2 XXX
太便宜了:It’s a tremendous bargain.
基本原则:ground rules
我滑倒擦伤了膝盖:I slipped and skinned my knee.
我滑倒了:I slipped and fell. (S02E12)
撮合Sb1和Sb2:fix/set Sb1 up with Sb2
把你打晕:knock you unconscious
你为什么心烦?What’s bothering you?
收拾行李:pack up (your things)
下决心,决定了:make up one's mind
我已经决定了:My mind is made up.
摆脱过去,开始新生活:get rid of all of it and move on with my life
招志愿者:look for volunteers
谢谢你跑一趟:Thank you for coming by.
在高峰时段:in rush hour
戴头盔:wear a helmet [ˈhelmɪt]
不理…:ignore Sb
去做指甲:go and get my nails done
别管,别插手:back off
我能和你单独谈谈吗?Can I talk/speak to you for a minute alone / in private?
尴尬,难为情:be embarrassed about Sth
不是什么尴尬的事:Sth is nothing to be embarrassed about.
没什么好尴尬的:There is nothing to be embarrassed about. (S03E01)
魅不可挡:incredibly attractive
绕路:take a detour [ˈdiːtʊə]
泡妞:hit on her
错失良机:miss a big opportunity
药效退了:The medication is wearing off.
传阅某物:pass Sth around/round
陷入僵局:be/reach a stalemate ['steɪl.meɪt]
把…刮掉:scrape Sth off (Sth) [skreɪp]
星座:horoscope [ˈhɒrəˌskəʊp]
我们没有…的交集:We have no overlapping areas of Sth.
闲聊打发时间:pass the time with some chitchat
他说得很清楚…:He made it very clear + 句子
声明一下(强调要点以引起注意):For the record, …
蒙着眼睛:blindfolded / with the eyes covered
全新的:be in mint condition / mint-condition Sth
限量版:a limited edition (+ Sth) [ɪ'dɪʃn]
送礼物:I got Sb Sth
刮奖券:lottery scratchers ['skrætʃə]
设定基调:set the tone for Sth
改变基调:change the tone of Sth
无线路由器:wireless router [ˈruːtə]
冲着…吼:yell at sb
遭受童年创伤:experience childhood traumas
有童年阴影:have childhood issues (S03E07)
你了解这个吗?Do you know anything about this stuff?
填表:fill out the form
过敏:be allergic to Sth / have an allergic reaction to Sth
创可贴:a Band-Aid
找停车位:find a parking spot
(兼卖化妆品和某些日用品的)药店:a chemist's [英] / drugstore [美]
拖住某人:stall Sb (a little longer)
完全忘了:I completely forgot.
去死吧,自恋狂:Drop dead, you self-centered bastard!
碎得修不好了:It's smashed beyond repair.
感情无法挽回了:The relationship is broken beyond repair.
我要过去:I'm going over there.
我要去…:I'm going over to + 地点
有什么好解释的?What is there to explain?
你真棒:good for you
换个话题:change the subject
掷骰子:roll the dice
掷出二:roll 2
缠绕着…:Sth1 be wrapped around Sth2
随便选一个:pick one at random
把沙发顺时针旋转30度:rotate the couch clockwise 30 degrees
找一时的乐子:look for a fling
脑中浮现了…的画面:The image of … comes to mind.
Sheldon太好笑了- -哈哈哈哈哈
挺逗 但还是犯罪题材比较得我心