阿马罗(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 饰)是一名年轻的神父,他被教会派往一个偏僻的小村子,帮助在那里传教的神父本尼托(Sancho Gracia 饰)。谁知道本尼托早已经放弃了对上帝的信仰,他利用自己的身份,参与了替毒贩洗黑钱的行动牟取暴利,与此同时,他和寡妇桑嘉娜里(Angélica Aragón 饰)一直保持着肉体关系。
桑嘉娜里的女儿艾米丽(安娜·克劳迪亚·塔兰康 Ana Claudia Talancón 饰)是一名虔诚的信徒,她常常找阿马罗忏悔,久而久之,两人之间竟然擦出了爱的火花。一场意外让本尼托的所作所为濒临曝光的边缘,与此同时,艾米丽告诉阿马罗自己怀孕了,她天真的希望阿马罗能够放弃神职娶自己为妻。
Against the censure of the Catholic church, Carlos Carrera’s THE CRIME OF PADRE AMARO is the all-time box office champion in Mexico of its time and reaps appreciable international clout as a final nominee of Oscar’s BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM.
Transposing Eça de Queirós’ 19th century titular novel to the present day. the film tears into Mexico’s Catholic Church with both barrels, most blatantly for the depiction of a deluge of corruptions and scandals inside the Church: fornication, money laundering, transaction with local drug lords, internal friction and the most harrowing, the disinterestedness towards those who are in distress (like the wretchedly disabled).
Phrasing the term “crime” instead of “sin” in its title, it betrays that the wrongdoings committed by the young Father Amaro (Bernal) is profane rather than religious, his torrid carnal knowledge with a young, impressionable Catholic girl Amelia (Talancón) is not the “crime” here, but a venial sin, the true crime lies in its tragic aftermath, where we can see Amaro suppresses his conscience in order to pursue benefice, his vocation, this reveal of opportunism is the last nail in the coffin, before you become a man of clothes, you should first be a decent man, that is a prerequisite breached by most of these clergymen. In Amaro’s case, it is so easy to get off the hook of his crime, so he takes the low road and shows almost no compunction, it makes him a hypocrite, a coward that Bernal tries to relate us to his dilemma, but to little avail because his conducts are beyond the pale, also the abortion subplot is musty, its final pro-life snide is a sellout.
It is a priest’s clash between divinity and humanity Carrera sets to explore, and it takes guts and canniness to take the Church to task and stay afloat afterwards, but the entire affair progresses in a lackluster pace, larded with soapy theatrics, emotion is written all over one without finesse (Luisa Huertas’ happy-clappy Gorgon is so repulsive that it can breed misogyny). In the event, what is left valid is a muted outcry, innocence is lost, commission goes unpunished, with a corrupt elder priest expressing his disgust to his young successor as the final fade-out, is it a pot calling a kettle black? THE CRIME OF PADRE AMARO is an Ibero-American cause célèbre, but its bark is worse than its bite, a curate’s egg whose original luster has been etiolated.
referential entries: Fernanda Valadez’s IDENTIFYING FEATURES (2020, 7.3/10); Luis Buñuel’s VIRIDIANA (1961, 8.2/10).
Title: The Crime of Padre Amaro
Original Title: El crimen del Padre Amaro
Year: 2002
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: Mexico, Spain, Argentina, France
Language: Spanish
Director: Carlos Carrera
Screenwriter: Vincente Leñero
based on the novel by José Maria de Eça de Queirós
Music: Rosino Serrano
Cinematography: Guillermo Granillo
Editing: Oscar Figueroa
Gael García Bernal
Ana Claudia Talancón
Sancho Gracia
Angélica Aragón
Luisa Huertas
Andrés Montiel
Damián Alcázar
Ernesto Gómez Cruz
Lorenzo de Rodas
Verónica Langer
Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Gastón Melo
Fernando Becerril
Rating: 6.4/10
盖尔加西亚神似antton harri
关于一个神父的故事,本该禁欲的他却和她发生关系,女孩因流产而丧命的故事。 看了让人觉得社会,男人都不可靠
public sphere.........= =
El unico infierno es la soledad.
这种不知名的片子没人做字幕的 都是机翻 弊端是时间轴对不上 都演过去5分钟了才是刚才字幕 下了好几个版本全这样 所以没有看完。看评论不少人夸男主颜值的 我觉得连中等都够不上 可能我比较讨厌愣的
Gael García Bernal无感再+1,之前是他出演el che的摩托日记,开场段落马上想起chicuarotes,之后再无印象分