• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧





主演:Natasa Dangubic,Ines Bojanic,Stojan Matavulj,Ljubisa Savanovic





 Young Rinus Jongbloed, the new boss of a Croatian marketing agency which has recently changed owners and is now in the Dutch property, has organized for his employees a weekend of white-water rafting and paintball battle, with the purpose of the popular team building. During the rafting trip an incident happens, but what happens the following day will completely outshine the rafting incident. During the paintball war simulation, our heroes will face a local family determined to terminate some of them, they will meet strange hiker"s couple and they will realize that their paintball instructors have hidden agenda.
  As the day approaches its end, they all slowly realize that the lives of those who manage to survive will never again be the same.热播电视剧最新电影非法正义养鬼粤语秘密商店体坛秘史:沼泽鳄霸山月不知心底事砍人快乐深宅谜影远古入侵第四季走进阳光的女人成为火星人 第一季宝贝老板2公子,我娶定你了2别扭合租房 カカフカカ-こじらせ大人のシェアハウス-机器人笔记加油二师兄夜樱家的大作战穷凶极恶爱在星空下雷神3:诸神黄昏(原声版)凝香劫上校村官假面骑士加布美国寓言求求你,表扬我骚乱俱乐部咬子

