• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧









  n the year 20XX, humanity has almost come to an end. A tsunami of meteors bombarded the entire planet; remaining survivors are forced to kill for food and power. The meteorites contained a mysterious material causing certain death to anyone who encounters it. But in very rare cases, some humans survive the exposure and undergo a metamorphosis into horrific “meteorite beasts”. People call them 'ANOROC'. These new beings hunt and kill humans for their lifeforce and have become the enemy humanity has ever known. The Earth has one last defender against ANOROC; her name is 'LION-GIRL'.
  A modern exploitation film like no other, and featuring story and character design by legendary Manga artist, Go Nagai (Cutie Honey, Devilman, Mazinger Z), alongside glorious practical effects, gratuitous nudity, and an utterly unhinged story, Lion-Girl is an outrageous sci-fi epic.热播电视剧最新电影美妆搭档情人动态漫画·徒弟个个是大佬第二季果宝特攻之水果大逃亡黑白双雄1990高海拔之恋Ⅱ国语我是路人甲远去的牧歌何帅的爱情九三年之夏克隆宝贝狐狸的夏天第二季莲花警队 The Lotus我的天劫女友春雨沙沙残次品·放逐星空徘徊年代正义小包公跟随节拍跳起来黑蜥蜴 黒蜥蜴真爱复苏谁邀请了查理边缘战士1986雏妓木乃伊狂鲨

