故事发生在旧金山一个华人家庭,弟弟尼克(波波·斯图尔特 BooBoo Stewart 饰)是患有阿斯伯格症候群(自闭症)的高中生,他有一个完美的哥哥查斯(岑勇康 Harry Shum Jr. 饰)。查斯是尼克唯一的倾吐对象,他热情善良,照顾弟弟无微不至,有一帮有爱的好哥们。然而一场意外夺走了查斯的生命,全家都沉浸在痛苦中,尼克更在压力下几近崩溃。查斯的生前好友纷纷向尼克伸出援手,带领他走出阴影。尼克也终于发现了哥哥身上并不完美、但真实坦然的一面。哥哥隐藏的秘密也终于让全家懂得了宽容的意义,重新凝聚在一起...... 本片是华裔导演李孟熙的最新作品,由美剧《欢乐合唱团》的岑勇康、《少狼》的泰勒·珀西、《暮光之城》的波波·斯图尔特等一众新生代的青春偶像领衔主演,著名华裔女星陈冲在片中饰演母亲一角。《白色蛙》获得费城亚美影展的最佳剧情片奖。
热播电视剧最新电影富贵在天蛮战 第一季速度与激情:特工飞车手第三季一起音乐吧2023平常的心青衣道师带轮子的家第二季苦甜曼哈顿第一季爱你的人瘦身男女(原声版)东京塔2005欢迎来到谋杀镇:谁杀了圣诞老人?禁止吸烟恋爱之道红色通道哀悼人全城爱恋宠儿2018收获的天空下街女中产家庭第四季人体雕像爱在黄昏日落前深夜食堂电影版拉斯维加斯 第五季古城69号院60秒可活>> randy coming out to his father
- dad, i need to tell you something... i'm gay.
- is that it?
- wait, you knew? why didn't you tell me?
- what? i'm supposed to tell you that you're gay? i think you're supposed to tell me that.
- well, you could've saved me so much agony.
- agony?
- discomfort.
- so, uh, what prompted this confession?
- nick saw pictures of me and chaz taken in a phott booth.
- nude?
- dad!
- is that it? hmm? 'cause if so, i really should get back to my work.
- no no no, it's about this community service center. chaz's parents want to close the place down today, just because of a show that they think is gonna out chaz. we need your legal help.
- oh, friends in need. wind in my hair. i'm feeling young again. maybe i'll even crash your poker party.
>> chaz's video diary
dear nick... i need to tell you something. but i can't seem to do it in person, so i'm gonna try it the firehouse way. i encourage the kids that i mentor there to tell stories in a video diary. the kids, like you, look up to me, but... what you don't know is - is that i'm a fraud and a coward. by definition, i'm a different breed from our parents, and so are you, nick. you live in this bubble, but you're always the real you. but you don't pretend. and i've always been jealous of that. thay say that aspies can't communicate. oh, they are wrong. you laugh, you sulk, you roll on the floor. you comminicate if not only in words, and in moods. soon i'm gonna tell the world i'm gay. and when the shit hits the fan, i'm gonna need you to watch my back. i love you, bro.
>> nick's speech
( chaz: grandma said a long time ago that vietnamese people used to eat coconut frogs. oh yeah, coconut and frogs. they'd take a coconut and make a small cut and insert a tadpole. then, a few weeks later, they'd open up the coconut to find a blind frog with white skin.) after a couple of weeks...you open the coconut...and you'll see...a blind frog with...with white skin. and it'll have the smoothest skin and the softest coconut-flavoured meat.
for most of my life...i've been like one of those tadpoles. growing up in a strange world that never seemed right, but trying my best to fit in, to grow...into a frog. after spending time at the firehouse, it hit me. our parents wanted us to be perfect. they had an image of what perfect should be. but in the end, i don't deserve to live in a coconut. no one does. chaz was gay, and i have asperger's. but i agree with chaz. i am not a white frog. and i will not be a white frog, even if i'm weird or different or strange. 'cause you know what, everyone is different.
很不錯 真的!
难怪觉得看着几只眼熟 导演明显驾驭不了这样混杂的题材啊 呐 包括了好几个点 同志 自闭症 少年问题 教育问题 东西方教育问题 一个点都能拍个电影 导演却搅在一起了 演员尤其是主演没这个演技 结尾用力过猛 前后太不协调了 唯一的亮点在陈冲的前段 收到儿子录取通知书那段还是很精彩的 后面就有点儿....
好久没看那么优秀的青春电影了!最后超级感人 T T 演员们赞一个!!被BooBoo的长睫毛萌翻 > < OST试听:http://www.xiami.com/song/showcollect/id/22286120
太说教了。screw normal,screw you!
这导演不是初哥了怎么拍得像习作(背景还出现了ethan mao的海报),男主角好奇葩,多国血统混得结果是巨像泰国人。
"brand new me"
Tedious as it is, I still feel touched.