• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧













主演:艾伦·卡明,加瑞特·迪拉胡特,Isaac Leyva,弗兰西丝·费舍,格雷格·亨利,杰米·安妮·奥尔曼



爱若此时 剧照 NO.1爱若此时 剧照 NO.2爱若此时 剧照 NO.3爱若此时 剧照 NO.4爱若此时 剧照 NO.5爱若此时 剧照 NO.6爱若此时 剧照 NO.13爱若此时 剧照 NO.14爱若此时 剧照 NO.15爱若此时 剧照 NO.16爱若此时 剧照 NO.17爱若此时 剧照 NO.18爱若此时 剧照 NO.19爱若此时 剧照 NO.20



音乐人鲁迪(艾伦·卡明 Alan Cumming 饰)在从事变装表演时邂逅地区检察官保罗(加瑞特·迪拉胡特 Garret Dillahunt 饰),两人一见钟情。晚上回家后鲁迪被邻居喧哗搅得无法休息,当他气势汹汹的上门投诉,却惊讶发现原来屋里只有一个叫马可(埃萨克·莱瓦 Isaac Leyva 饰)的矮胖男孩。鲁迪尝试联络保罗商量对策,但由于马可存在先天智力缺陷,妈妈又因为吸毒而被捕,很快家庭福利署就将马科带走了。后来当鲁迪和保罗看到马可一个人在街头流浪时,他们没有多做考虑就将男孩带回了家。 两人反复讨论后决定收养马可,为他提供一个安稳的生活环境。 不料法院在审核监护权的过程中发现了他们的性取向,法律体系就像一把枷锁狠狠劈来,要斩断他们和那个有特殊障碍、但他们却视如己出的男孩的关系......   本片根据真人真事改编,背景设定在70年代的美国加州,讲述...

热播电视剧最新电影老虎?伍兹和菲尔?米克森之巅峰对决紫檀巷洪拳小子不要小看我赞美皮蒂权欲第三章第二季上层男孩 第三季科米的规则幸福里的故事复制强者第三极塘鹅暗杀令花间提壶方大厨第二季失控2018夏花爱她就捧她夜限照相馆普通话版笑面杀手赏金姐妹花蜀山封魔传狙击职业杀手千里追凶深宅大院明天和每一天纽约风暴咱爸咱妈六十年


 1 ) Any day now

It's god dam an amazing movie.

    Alan 浑身都是戏.

    看惯了hollywood大片的人会说,没高潮啊?但是,不觉得整部戏都是高潮吗?Alan的眼神和歌声,marco的背影,这么多感情就堆积在胸口慢慢积累,但是无处喷涌,就像结局你无法看到一个hollywood式的happy ending。

    同性之情,爱子之情都无处渲泄,只能在结尾处无奈的唱出来,we shall be release. Can we?

 2 ) the songs

只看故事的話還是很感動 只是不知道要關注的重點是
只看大人和小孩之間的感情會想起那部關於只有6歲孩子智商的爸爸的電影一樣 關於兒童福利制度?
看大人的話是 追求愛的平等權利么
總之 有點不知道怎麼去側重 所以只當做是愛的故事
哦 裏面的歌不錯

written by Tony Green
performed by France Joli

written by Biddu

written by B.Mitchell and M.Wright
performed by Betty Padgett

written by Marc Bolan
performed by T.Rex

written by George Clinton Jr.,Edward Hazel, William Nolson,Lucious Ross
performed by Funkadelic

written by General N.Johnson and Gregory S.Perry
performed by The Honey Cone

written and performed by Jeff Lass

written and performed by Jeff Lass

written by Travis Fine and Jeff Lass
performed by Jeff Lass and Alan Cumming

written by Eddie Horan,Hadley Murrell and Dwight J.Emlie
performed by Black Ice

written and performed by Teddy Rabb

written by Martyn Buchwaid
performed by Marty Balin

written and performed by Miles Davis

written by Katharine Lee Bates and Samuel A.Ward

written and performed by Teddy Rabb

written by Marc Bolan
performed by T.Rex

written by Tony Green
performed by Alan Cumming

written by Kenneth Gamble, Leon Huff, Cary Grant Gilbert
performed by Thelma Houston

written by Gregory Miles
performed by Alan Cumming

written by Bob Dylan
performed by Alan Cumming

written and performed by Rufus Wainwright
string Arrangement by Joey Newman

 3 ) 给我讲个故事吧,我喜欢喜剧收尾。


马可喜欢Happy ending.所以也以为这个会有好的就结局。如果有相信的就去相信也并非盲目。

1.what u see is what you get.







3. “这不是歧视,这是现实”


4.Happy ending

 4 ) advocate.com: Alan Cumming Has Never Been Better

Alan Cumming Has Never Been Better

The story of Any Day Now may take place in the past, but the discrimination against same-sex families it depicts is unfortunately still all too real.

George Arthur Bloom lived in Brooklyn in the late 1970s, back when it was a rough-and-tumble area. He was inspired by a larger-than-life character everyone seemed to know, Rudy, who developed a fatherly relationship with, as filmmaker Travis Fine puts it, a “kid who was terribly handicapped, both mentally and physically” and whose mother was a drug addict. Bloom turned Rudy’s real-life experience into a screenplay, which almost got filmed several times during the ensuing years (at one point Tommy Lee Jones and Sylvester Stallone were attached to it). Then it went nowhere, Bloom gave up, and it sat in a drawer until his son, an old high school friend of Fine’s, showed the director the script.

The movie that came of it, Any Day Now, which hit theaters this winter and garnered awards on the festival circuit, follows The Good Wife’s Alan Cumming as Rudy, Raising Hope’s Garret Dillahunt as Paul, the closeted attorney who becomes his partner, and Isaac Leyva as Marco, a teen with Down syndrome who’s abandoned by his mother and taken in by the men. They all must fight a biased legal system so the couple can adopt Isaac, a heart-wrenching storyline that will resonate with many of the 2 to 6 million LGBT people who say they’d like to adopt.

“The story of Any Day Now may take place in the past, but the discrimination against same-sex families it depicts is unfortunately still all too real in some parts of our country,” says GLAAD president Herndon Graddick.

It’s real too for kids like Marco. As of 2011 there were 104,236 children in foster care awaiting adoption, many of them considered special-needs children because they are black or Latino, are older than infants, or have some form of mental or physical disability. “What the film’s remarkable performances and eloquent script reveal, though, is how unjust and hurtful to same-sex couples and children that discrimination really is,” Graddick adds.

Cumming, whose performance is riveting and one of his most inspired, talks about making the film.

I found Any Day Now just completely absorbing and really moving. And I notice people just seem to really have a gut reaction to the film. Why do you think it reaches people that way?
I think that we see the story of people who are damaged and devastated by bigotry and prejudice and ignorance. And we understand how wrong that is because we’ve invested in these characters and we want them to be together. And then I think in a larger way, we know that the reason that happened is because that bigotry and that prejudice still exist in our society. And I think we are so moved by it because we know that we are complicit in that because we are all members of that society.

This is a story about many things — about family, the foster care system, and coming out, but at the heart of it, it’s a love story between your free-spirited Rudy and Garret’s buttoned-down, closeted Paul. How did you develop the sort of chemistry that viewers see between you and Garret on-screen?
We just had to fake it, because we didn’t know each other. It was very well-written. and obviously Garret is a really brilliant actor and we luckily felt very comfortable with each other and got on. And I think that’s half of it. Once you feel comfortable with someone you can just dive in. But you’d imagine we’d have lots of time to talk and get comfortable with each other. No, we were practically in bed on the first day.

One of the other parts of the film that we don’t see a lot of — but is so true — is that there’s so much difficulty over same-sex couples trying to adopt. But the reality is there are a ton of children and teenagers, especially with physical or mental disabilities, that will just languish in the system.
Absolutely right. And that to me is the biggest idea—because everyone falls in love with Isaac. Garret says at one point, “I’m just hoping that this child doesn’t slip through the cracks in the system,” and sadly he does.

Tell me about working with Isaac.
Oh, it was great. I loved it. I mean people think…you’re going to make a movie with someone who has a learning disability, what’s that going to mean? I had no idea. But I just went into it…with an open heart. And he was just an absolute darling and so lovely.… He’s got kind of openness to him and…he’s not at all jaded. Everything there’s pure, and it kind of reminded me of what acting should be like. Everything’s really on the surface and completely authentic.

That's great. You have some scenes of just real heartbreak and anguish. Was there anything in your own life that you could call on to sort of nail those scenes? To inspire?

Well, yes. I have had heartbreak and anguish in my life. That's not difficult for me to access.

So, ten years ago, we used to ask straight actors if they had any hesitation about playing a gay role. Now it's more common to ask gay actors if they worry about being pigeonholed. This is certainly not your first gay role, but do you ever worry about that?

No, I actually don't. I mean, [I'm] playing a straight man on TV every Monday. I just don't deal with that. I mean, I've played gay people, but I don't know the percentage. I just I don't think much in that way, you know. I don't correlate it in that way.

But I'm drawn to the stories and the character's heart, you know. And perhaps because… I'm comfortable with it, I'm likely to be offered things, I could see people know that I would be more ready to be comfortable with doing it. But I don't worry at all. I'm not really a worrier. I refuse.

That's great. So assuming they met somehow, what would Rudy think about Eli, your character on Good Wife?

I think… in terms of the story, I think he'd probably try to see what he could do to help his situation. I think probably they might lock horns a little bit initially because they're both quite sensitive types. But I imagine that, you know, they might get on eventually because they look so alike. That was a joke.

What’s the most critical thing for you to get across with this film? What do you want people to take away from it?
I want people to…have a real emotional experience and an emotional connection. But really…I want people to go away and think, Wow, look at the effect of prejudice and ignorance and bigotry, and look at how much our society is still engendering and encouraging that.

Speaking of, you and your husband, Grant, got married earlier this year in New York. What are your thoughts on the recent marriage equality successes?
I think it’s great that we have a president who is very vocal in his support of equality and gay rights. I think the last election is really exciting in that it showed that the country was rejecting all that sort of prejudice and fear-based prejudice. We’re still the second-class citizens. And people still can be fired for being gay and people are gay-bashed.… So, you know, I don’t mean to be ungrateful but I don’t see why I should be so grateful for my rights. I think that’s what we should all remember.


I have one last question. You have a book coming out in 2013: May the Foreskin Be With You. I read a little excerpt from it and it made me want to ask, what made you want to talk so intimately about your penis and other people's penises?

Because I was shocked when I first came to America, [and] I realized that the people who were seeing my penis were so utterly ignorant of what a real penis — a normal, intact penis —looks like. I thought, God, I'm here, I'm in New York City, this progressive, cultural, melting-pot of the world, and these people don't realize that they are genitally mutilated as children. And that was really what got me going, I was like, this is how it's supposed to be.

And then I've [found] out more about it, and saw all the things about lack of sensation that people have, and I became aware of that because you just are aware that people with their circumcised penises are less sensitive. And so it just became a cause for me, really.

And then of course you find out all these things about how the circumcisions can go so horribly wrong, and how these poor kids have terrible, terrible things happen. I've been in situations where I've been in a car, and me and an interviewer are talking about the book or other things, and the driver will go, "I heard you speaking and you know, my circumcision went wrong and I… pee out of two holes."

And I think it's this unspoken thing, of men, that don't want to talk about it and they certainly don't want to be told something that irretrievable, irreversible. It's so wrong and they're losing so much. Also, it's fighting the medical system that [doesn't want to] admit they're wrong, and they don't want to lose the money that every circumcision brings them.

To me, it seems to me this huge conspiracy. And actually … if it was girl circumcision, I mean female genital mutilation, we would be horrified about it. And we are, when it happens.

Yes, [female circumcision] is illegal here, yeah.

Yes, so why is it? If anything happens to thousands of little boys and we think that's okay.

Yeah. And there always seems to be the excuse that a boy's penis should look like his father's. I hear that again and again.

To which I think, do you go home get your cocker in front of your dad? I didn't. Is that an American custom? Because I don't think that's right, if it is.


Dillahunt, who plays the often clueless but nonetheless progressive and lovable Burt Chance on Raising Hope, isn't new to playing gay and bisexual characters. But this film, he says, is special. He tells us why.

I found Any Day Now completely absorbing and really moving and viewers seem to have a real, visceral reaction to the film. Why do you think that is?
I guess, hopefully, they find it honest and relatable. I think, despite the specific circumstances these characters are going through, there's a lot of common ground.

This is a story about family, the foster care system, disability, coming out and so on. But at the heart it’s a love story between your button down closeted character, Paul, and Alan Cumming’s free-spirited drag performer, Rudy. What was most critical to you to get across in the film?
That these were living, breathing human beings. The whole thing will fall apart, obviously, if the audience doesn't believe the love between these two, seemingly, opposites.

Ten years ago, we used to ask straight actors if they had any hesitation about playing a gay role but not so much any more. So I’m wondering what made you want to take on this role?
I just thought it was a challenge. I like mixing it up as much as I can, and Paul was much different from the previous character I'd played, and I thought it would be fun to tackle. The icing on the cake is that it's a beautiful story with themes that are, sadly, still resonant today. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?

I love that while Paul is really navigating new territory as a gay or bisexual man, the film certainly isn’t just a traditional coming out narrative. There’s no big “I am gay” scene, for example. Was there sort of awareness that Paul’s coming out was almost secondary to what was happening with Marco?
Yes. I think the center of this story is Marco. Rudy is an incredibly tough guy — he's a drag queen in the '70s, for Christ's sake. It is almost unsurprising that he would take Marco under his wing. I think his comfort as a gay man is something Paul envies. Probably one of the things that attracts him to Rudy, this unapologetic "gayness" and willingness to fight — it brings out Paul's quieter strength. And the catalyst is this boy.

It’s hard not to think this film as a modern Kramer vs Kramer. Dustin Hoffman’s character loses his job to care for the kid; Rudy does the same. Hoffman and Streep go to court to battle for custody; Paul and Rudy do the same. Though it’s set in the 1970s, the storyline feels particularly timely as Kramer did when it came out. What do you think of comparisons like that?
I don't mind them. I suppose they're going to happen however I feel about it.

My sister-in-law has Down syndrome so it was lovely to see a storyline about a teen with Down syndrome. Tell me about working with Isaac, who plans Marco in the film.
Isaac was terrific. He was excited and joyful, prepared, and serious. He'd shush Alan and I if we were too goofy when Travis was about to call "action." He gives great hugs and listens — which makes him a great actor. He really reminded me why I do this, and how I should do this. He shamed me, truthfully. And I am so grateful.

What about working with Alan. How did you develop enough trust to connect so easily in the film? You have great chemistry.
We got on well, didn't we? We seem like a couple. I wish I had a great story to tell you — some incredible bonding experience or conversation we had prior to filming that clicked everything into place. But we didn't have time for that. We met at the wig fitting and got to work. I guess we're professionals! Sometimes it's easy, though. Alan is real easy to act with. We share a belief, I think, that if you're not having fun, why do it? And it is fun, no matter how harrowing the scene, when it works. And with Alan, it works every time. Heh, he'll love that quote.



 5 ) 不添加個人情緒的客觀影片



故事發生在70年代的美國,圍繞著一個患有唐氏綜合癥14歲的男孩Marco DeLeon展開。


導演所刻畫的第二主角Rudy Donatello是個鮮明討人喜愛的人物,在導演一步步把Ruby對於Marco的愛緩緩帶出後,讓觀眾更能投入到Ruby那份對Marco的真摯愛中。Ruby在影片里親自演唱的3首歌曲"Come to Me" " Love Don't live Here Anymore" "I Shall Be Released" 貫穿整部電影。導演在歌曲方面的安排不僅純粹只是電影插曲,而是以Ruby的方式更好的帶出他對Marco深厚的愛。歌曲成為電影重要的一部份完全融入其中,很是難得。

檢察官Paul Fleiger,雖然導演並沒有過多深入述說他的背景,但依舊成功讓觀眾對Paul有一種難以言說的敬佩之情。我想大家都會記得這個畫面,Paul一臉認真的教導Marco做功課,從他眼中就可以感受到他對Marco滿滿的真摯的愛。當然還有他在法庭堅定不移的言語,字字入人心。他是個絕對成功且不用過多刻畫的第三主角。




最後,我想分享一下對「And Day Now」 這個名字的看法:

"Any Day" 在我們平凡生活里的每一天,都會有無數向Marco這樣的人身處在我們彼此的身邊。而"Now",此刻的你能為他們做的或許看似微小,但對於他們卻是最大的,最為珍貴的。


At the court, Paul say:『This hearing is about Marco. who at this very moment is sitting in some foster home. and who will sit in some foster home forever. because no one want to adopt him. No one wants to adopt some short, fat, mentally handicapped kid. No one in this entire world wants him...except us. We want him. We love him. We'll take care of him and educate him, keep him safe and raise him to be a good man. Isn't that what he deserves? Isn't that what every child deserves?』


 6 ) 不喜剧的故事和现实



今晚跟美国朋友Sandra出去,我说到昨晚看的同性题材影片Any Day Now,Sandra开始对同性恋发表看法。原话大致是,不支持同性恋,据她所知大部分同性恋者年幼时都受到过成年同性的侵犯,所以长大以后对性别困惑,这些人虽然可怜,但还是得改。虽然这些话我没一个字同意,但也懒得跟她吵。后来去超市购物,出来时我拎着半打啤酒,Sandra又说,不支持人喝酒,据她所知大部分喝酒的人都有醉酒的情况,醉酒会引发犯罪,所以,虽然圣经(此人基督徒)都没有说喝酒是一种原罪,但还是应该杜绝酒精。

再说回周四看的影片,Any Day Now。其实是在网上打印了四张免费电影票,四个人浩浩荡荡准备去看新版Evil Dead。到电影院被告知满场,不过可以换成任意其他场次。于是就换到了时间最近的Any Day Now。进场后只有我们四个人,萧条地完成了观影。



  • 兮称
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  • 徐若风
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Alan Cumming你这个妖孽哟,怎么那么会卖弄风情,最后还要虐一把

  • 加州站街男孩
  • 力荐

哽在喉中的痛 吐不出咽不下去

  • 燙傷半邊
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  • =_=秋叶
  • 较差


  • L'automne
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感动。 惊奇发现怎么是2012的片子,香港现在才上映

  • 渡口
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  • 同志亦凡人中文站
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rudy君完全是我的菜啊 要被迷晕了

  • 雅 罗 米 尔 。
  • 力荐

preview反響很好——期待requiredviewing的distribution&marketing campaign!

  • 廿四
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  • 亵渎电影
  • 还行

The boy Isaac adds an usual documentary stroke to this bit cliched gay parenting melodrama. Touching, even heart-smashing. P.S. Alan is incredibly talented like always.

  • V_Lachesis
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  • 推荐

似乎是想拍出云淡风轻的悲伤感,结果真的就云淡风轻了,虽是真人真事改编但少了点力度。不单是当时的社会充满敌意,主人公多少也有些自作多情。原声出色,Love Don’t Live Here Anymore和Any Day Now两首很煽。总体来说是个好电影。

  • CharlesChou
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  • 巴喆
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  • 懒羊羊的蛋糕
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  • 啾啾
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叫马可的魔法男孩最后没能拥有属于自己的happy ending。一部关于歧视、正义和爱的LGBT主题电影。没有精妙绝伦的构思,电影结构也搁置一边,一切为故事服务。你的眼前没有电影,只有故事,这种回归故事本身的电影像上个世纪许多电影一样纯粹而打动人。

  • 雨夜飞行
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  • 404
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