热播电视剧最新电影乱斗美人2020三毛流浪记1949暗翎之舞家园2009不够完整的我们再见,少年盖瑞2002偷情小丈夫奥特曼 新世代之星全裸导演第二季密西西比第二季我如何爱上黑帮成员天蚕变之布衣神相国语行将就木 第五季极品山炮之恋爱大师我家侯爷不宠我洛神(1955)割草者早间新闻 第三季我才不会对黑崎君说的话言听计从2016圣诞树4:温暖在人间海底喋血战周围有婴儿的哭声吗?劳琳:死亡之旅唐顿庄园第二季原始森林2022布朗斯坦太太太有意思了,别人尴尬的时候装聋作哑。临走前还嘲讽一下玛雅,(玛雅发现丹妮的秘密愤怒过头,片中她性格直率,布朗斯坦太太直接问她you drive a car? 两个小女孩都没听懂)。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
It’s debut feature assessment time! Two aspiring female filmmakers delight and impress us in rather different ways. Emma Seligman’s SHIVA BABY, a US-Canada production extended from her eponymous short, is a faux-spontaneous, concise film that whirls around almost in real-time, it runs only 77 minutes but what a whirlpool of anxiety-ridden quagmire it is! SAINT MAUD is a British psychological horror about a Catholic zealot consumed by her savior complex, first-time director Rose Glass stylishly flexes her muscles of genre-moviemaking and it features a blue-ribbon performance from Morfydd Clark.
In SHIVA BABY, American Jewish college girl Danielle (Sennott) attends a shiva with her parents. There she touches base with her ex-girlfriend Maya (Gordon) and bumps into Max (Deferrari), who is the last person in this world she wants to see under the circumstances, one of her clients since on the sly, Danielle moonlights as a fille de joie to earn some quick cash, which her clueless parents think she earns from baby-sitting.
Actually, a sitter is gravely needed when Max’s Gentile wife Kim (Agron) brings their bawling bundle of joy to the shiva, Danielle’s secret is at risk when telltale signs are observed by Kim, her naive act of sexual autonomy backfires and it is Maya who twigs her side hustle, a falling-out dampens their renewed passion. Beset by family friends’ gossipy inquiry, a hot-and-bothered Danielle is desperate to leave, when measured small talk becomes exceedingly awkward, only a cup of lukewarm coffee can offer her a breather, and the family’s egress is another scrape where everybody is squeezed out of their comfort zone but Seligman also celebrates the girls’ solidarity whereas their older generation is predisposed to pass judgement.
Sennott bestirs herself particularly well, her Danielle seems perpetually teetering on the brink of cracking up, but like many people of her age, Danielle’s irritable facade is her go-to defense mechanism, underneath that, her insecurity, vulnerability and strength are all in nascent form needs to be seen and nurtured.
SHIVA BABY is a quirkily energized, even frenetic (when Danielle’s anxiety level surges, her vision of reality is also pertinently warped and roasted, on the strength of Seligman’s showy technique and composer Ariel Marx’s eerie string klezmer) practice of mapping out a Jewish girl’s bisexuality (without making a fuss over it) and inquietude caused by the constraint of a suffocating family tie (the overbearing Jewish mother/the insensitively amicable Jewish father tropes are worn-out), and if you suffer from social anxiety disorder, the film’s relatability is spot-on.
Title: Shiva Baby
Year: 2020
Country: USA, Canada
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
Director/Screenwriter: Emma Seligman
Music: Ariel Marx
Cinematography: Maria Rusche
Editing: Hanna A. Park
Rachel Sennott
Molly Gordon
Polly Draper
Danny Deferrari
Fred Melamed
Dianna Agron
Glynis Bell
Jackie Hoffman
Vivien Landau
Sondra James
Cilda Shaur
Rating: 7.5/10
哈哈哈 好喜欢Maya啊 又酷又温柔 剧情算是挺dramatic的 虽然经不起推敲 但是 室内戏能够拍成这样很可以了 台词比较刻意 sister fk sister 那段笑s
“Feminism is a lens!!!” 台词真妙啊。改编自导演的同名短片,丧礼上的混乱局面,透过银幕的二手尴尬😅 不过是人人都有一层伪装,迎合对方的幻想罢了,女孩子才是真爱💕
life is a fucking disaster,
American indie clichés trying too hard to be smart.想装特别但又太学院派,拍法很楞(可以数数导演为了表现“手机丢了”这件事时,在几十分钟内用了几句台词、几个特写、几次平行蒙太奇),配乐也用得自作聪明,导致每场戏的表义都被限死(大概是对自己的情节编写不够自信),想同时做知识分子喜剧和焦虑电影,哪有那么简单。
主观视角melodramtic到极致的melodrama 导演特别会踩点 密闭空间处理成这样也是不容易 眩晕拍法加分
看这个电影好累 全程窒息 被女主最后那 I can’t I can’t… but I don’t know why噎到 有时候就是生活有巨大的缺口 而我们无从填补 于是就不知道自己在做什么以及做了什么 需要被闷头一棍敲醒 然后重新开始 so everything will be alright, right?
被早期woody allen影响的不浅,犹太女导演是不多,多一个就是好的吧,都一个🌟送给导演的身份。另,主演表现都一般。法国直接上了流媒体平台,电影院无缘。
比想象的好,诙谐的风格很有之前Greta Gerwig的范儿。
我现在能理解为什么Film Twitter/IG 会那么喜欢这部电影了🫠 导演技巧不行,一直不停的重复用同样的视听效果来营造很刻意的焦虑气氛,但有些台词写得还是挺好笑的。Rachel的气质很独特,很看好她~
想要一个maya这样的前任(不是 是现任