汤玛斯(大卫•鲍伊 David Bowie 饰)和其他人看起来并没有什么不一样,但其实,他是来自另一个文明高度发达的星球的人类。汤玛斯原本在他的星球里有着自己的家庭、亲戚和朋友们,一次他发现了地球这颗充满水的星球,出于对水的迷恋,他离开了自己那个缺水的星球,来到了地球。在这里,汤玛斯利用他所掌握的先进技术创办了公司,很快就成了百万富翁。在地球上呆的时间长了,汤玛斯开始想念自己原来的星球、原来的家,但地球对他的诱惑实在太大了,汤玛斯最终将如何选择?
热播电视剧最新电影地师传人X计划2012德里科的托儿所毁灭者柯南高校痞子田中生死时速2艾娃2017最终一夜不可饶恕代嫁新娘隐私部分1972被诅咒的哭声光荣之都小驴比姆无罪的罪人第一季缉毒英雄1996宝山之歌戴洛奇小镇永恒之光艰难险阻巫山春回海韵秋天的童话粤语版过往人生帝女花(剧情解说)斗魂卫之玄月奇缘 第二季你将不再孤单有宝的颜值还要追求些什么!一个素颜出演却自带眼线和橘色眼影的人是什么感觉!不过剧本也超前卫的,追求物质等回首时却再也回不去以前的生活。每个人似乎都会这样,但只愿自己不要成为自己当初不想成为的那个人。 在阳光下白得透明的宝就像天使一样,nonono,他本身就是一个天使,纯粹且天真。他就是the man who fell to earth,而现在他也回到自己的星球。落入凡间的一颗星辰
唯有落寞二字,堪配这部片子。 当一道火光从天而降。我知道那是亲爱的宝儿来了。 当宝儿从山顶风尘仆仆地走到他人生的第一条溪流边,喝上第一杯清甜的水。那时镜头长长地定格在他苍白而清俊的面容和细长的手指。他后面是如宝石般灿烂的过午太阳和水光。 他在店里卖掉妻子给他的戒指,在一个特写镜头中,我终于清楚地看到了他的金银眼,如波斯猫或者妖一般美丽的双眸。 他因无法适应电梯带来的失重和超重感而眩晕流鼻血。 当女招待横抱起瘦削的他放在床上。我知道这个女人会迷恋他追随他。 他同时看那么多台电视,像个天才孩子一样。 他那么特别,让女招待无法远离他不经意间散发的魅力。 他在湖边建了座木屋。那个静谧的湖,却让他以一种海啸般的形式看到了他的过往,他在那个干旱无水、有灰白色尘土的外星球的家,他的妻子,还有两个孩子。这不是第一次了。他总是间歇性地恍惚着回到过去,游走在回忆与现实的边缘。 他在湖滨别墅和他的情人住在一起。当他庸俗的情人越来越俗不可耐,歇斯底里,他还是那么淡淡的,像个不食人间烟火的漂亮的精灵。我知道他从不曾爱过她。 他那时早已经成了富翁,因为他有地球人不曾掌握的技术。 他还是像个孩子一样,兴致勃勃地坐在特制的座椅上,搬弄着遥控杆,不停地换台,同时看着那么多台电视,不同的节目。 不知多少年过去,他的屋外成了一片荒沙,旷野的风呼啸着卷过他已经破旧失修的木屋。 他的情人无法忍受和他继续相处而离开,这个女人的眼角和两鬓已经有了抹不去的岁月留痕。 沧海桑田纵变,却不能改写他的容颜。他还是那个俊美得让人爱怜的年轻人。 在那个外星球上,他的妻儿盼不到他,在屋外的荒尘中挣扎,行将就木。 而他无能为力。或者已经无所谓了。 最后一个镜头里,他戴着一顶帽子和一副墨镜,坐在老友面前自言自语。他端起一杯酒,低下头,帽沿遮住了他的面孔。 我知道那会是世界上最美丽而落寞的一张面孔。 无论回不回去,无论能不能回去,他都无法让自己活得更好了,我知道。 家乡有他的妻子,有他们的两个孩子,有安宁的生活,远离喧嚣,他不会被人欺骗被人暗算被人利用被人孤立,不会被那些叫做科学家的人拿来做实验。 可那里除了一望无垠的白色尘土,什么都没有。 而地球上有他最喜欢喝的水,有他看不够的风景,有那么多的人陪他玩,有他施展才能的空间。 但是他无法回去,重温家庭的温暖,只能在这个星球上回忆妻儿的容颜。 他逃离了一种寂寞,却陷入了另一种落寞。 他怎样都不能彻底快乐。他的脸上同时写着心不在焉和忧郁这两种矛盾语言。 一个人看着身边的人和物渐渐老去,而自己永远年轻,永远面对一个簇新的世界,永远无法在原地停留,该是一件多么可怕而无奈的事情。 他唯一的停留,只能是回忆。像过电影一样无法抓在手中的回忆。 有人说,有回忆是一种幸福。但在这里,他的回忆却只是一剂聊以自慰的悲哀。留给他的,只有更深的落寞。
A male alien disguises himself as a British citizen Thomas Jerome Newton (Bowie, in his first movie role), who crash-lands on earth in hope of transporting water back to his draught-plagued home planet, but in iconoclast Nicolas Roeg’s thrall, THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH is much less a heartstring-tugging inter-species tale à la STARMAN (1984) than a rhapsodic welter of total corporeal abandon and existential chaos.
Shot and edited in a desultory but blistering, wired fashion that leaves large portions of elision in its sprawling plot, Mr. Newton is a quick adapter of earthling mannerism and capitalistic canniness, cashes in lucrative patents he immediately accrues masses of fortune and becomes the reclusive wirepuller behind a technology conglomerate, with a figurehead personified by lawyer Mr. Farnsworth (Henry), an implicit gay character whose loyalty is too inflexible for his own good.
While Newton shacks up with an unsophisticated hotel maid Mary-Lou (Clark) in New Mexico, who introduces commonplace human diet to him, booze, church-going and sex, worts and all; a tributary pivots around a skirt-chasing college professor Dr. Nathan Bryce (Torn, in a rapturously predatory mode) merges into the main stream when he is hired as a key technician in fulfilling Newton’s home-returning project, only Bryce soon begins to suspect Newton’s alienness. After revealing his real form to Mary-Lou (which leaves her incontinent and horror-stricken) and leveling with Bryce, a naive Newton is snatched and immured by government agents nearly before his home-returning journey and put under close scientific examination (who tips off the tidings? Bryce or Mary-Lou? We have no clue, maybe Newton is spotted as early as he first emerges, as we glance a suit-attired figure near the commencement).
Marooned on earth and having no means to return to his wife and children, who are languishing on a remote, desert-looking planet, deadly or alive, the television-addicted Newton stays youthful as time wears on, a reunion with an aged Mary-Lou years later blatantly celebrates the film’s most rousing set piece, the “sex and pistol” manifesto in human flesh, copulation and blank gunshots, a heady delirium capturing the epoch’s ethos. A final encounter with Bryce, on the other hand, reveals that earth-stranded Newton might have already assimilated and acculturated to the life as we know it, a sad sack burdened with eternal youth.
An emaciated, auburn-haired Bowie aptly embodies his cult alter ego under pallor, lethargy and an amusing air of self-awareness, his alien comes across as urbane, benevolent, vulnerable, even in front of a dainty Candy Clark, but also strangely disinterested, inscrutable and sexy; Rip Torn and Candy Clark, represent human race’s different sexes, tangibly establish a triangle tie-in with Bowie, though each’s character arc is dismembered and perfunctorily strewn into the scramble which doesn’t go anywhere eventually. When its deadening clamor anticlimactically settles (the foley artists invent a cacophony of noise through the narrative), Roeg’s bash into Sci-Fi sphere is much more self-revealing than horizon-broadening, for what it is worth, it is a hot mess salted with glint of ingenuity.
referential entries: Roeg’s PERFORMANCE (1970, 6.9/10), BAD TIMING (1980, 7.5/10), DON’T LOOK NOW (1973, 8.3/10).
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus Pieter Breughel c. 1558; Oil on canvas, mounted on wood, 73.5 x 112 cm; Musees royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels <Musée des Beaux Arts> About suffering they were never wrong, The Old Masters: how well they understood Its human position; how it takes place While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along; How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting For the miraculous birth, there always must be Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating On a pond at the edge of the wood: They never forgot That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer’s horse Scratches its innocent behind on a tree. In Breughel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away Quite leisurely from the disaster; the plowman may Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry, But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky, Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on. W.H. Auden 1940
一年前看Bad Timing的时候我完全没有记住Nicolas Roeg。这部呕心沥血的实验作品至少在视觉上令我无比享受。论则前卫性我并不认为有多少超脱之处,毕竟他不是以先锋为耀。但枪与性的那段床戏太棒了。Roeg的电影带有明显的人类学视角,疏离,鸿沟,相异,自我迷失。一次奇异之旅,一部上乘之作。
本片是当偶像剧看的 断断续续看了好几遍才看完 也没看懂什么。。。但是bowie绝对够美!
真是一部悲伤落寞的电影。The man who fell to Earth注定不属于这里,他真诚的对待他遇到的每一个人,可是他也是冷酷的,这就要夸一下David了,他那几个前一秒还温柔和善下一秒就充满杀气的表情转换的太棒。终究,一个异类的身份被发现了,总是躲不过以科学为名的迫害。被囚禁那段太难过,那么有礼貌的说,请不要伤害我的眼睛,可是,还是被粗暴地对待。最后那张专辑,The Visitor, 旅客至少还有归处,可是他在遥远星辰的家已经没有了。。在家的时候,渴望异乡的风景,终于跨越千万光年来到这个渴望的异世界,却又用在思念着家。这样的折磨让人迷失。最后,这是为David Bowie订做的角色嘛,他的气质太贴合了!
哦哦爲david bowie的全裸獻上五顆星!
-Who did you make it (the record) for?-For my wife. She could hear it one day, on the radio.原谅我这里看哭了。ps 大家都吐槽鲍伊的演技,其实我觉得很好啊……
本片和《The Hunger》都有David Bowie被女人抱起来的场景,他这么轻吗?
除了香港我实在想不出华人圈哪个地区的人会把<The Man Who Fell to Earth>翻译成《天降财神》。这是一部1976年具有实验性质的科幻电影,影片晦涩且处处渗透着迷茫与绝望,如果您不是大卫·鲍伊的死忠或是资深的科幻迷,真的不需要在这片上浪费时间。
DavidBowie露屌 清晰多图