This documentary combines recent interviews and old footage to provide a comprehensive view of The Clash, one of the world's most influential rock bands. Footage from old club shows and stadium concerts is intercut with interviews with band members Mick Jones, Paul Simonon, Topper Headon, and Joe Strummer. The Clash began as rebellious punks eager to combine their influences: Simonon leaned towards reggae, and Jones leaned toward harder-edged British rock, while Strummer favored American R&B. Despite various fights and conflicts, The Clash emerged as "the only band that mattered," a punk rock band which ventured beyond punk to create a unique and unforgettable sound. WESTWAY TO THE WORLD documents their beginnings, their rise to stardom, and their collapse. Written by veloc <[email protected]>
热播电视剧最新电影网约车司机边境第一季不明飞行物1979定义2021爱爱囧事2半夜不要照镜子假面骑士Ghost 传说! 骑士之魂!万家乐神刀御厨娘母亲(2008)肥龙过江(国语版)她2016十六支蜡烛快嘴李翠莲反贪风暴4粤语超完美夺分蚂蚁很忙猛鬼卡拉OK亲爱的她不是孙大圣七日生神探默多克第五季白蛇:缘起沙罗摇摆艳夏出发!趣玩吧幽灵女孩突击者污垢
The Clash: Westway to the World (2000)
我們接受新的事物 我們比其他原生朋克走的都遙遠 我們也苦澀地懂了不要亂來 該結束了 片子也結束得猝不及防
we did our job and that is the story and now we are gone.嘤嘤嘤.然而纪录片真的拍的不嗨哇!
1.NDLTR就是抄这个的 连猴子那句chemistry的台词都是抄Joe Strummer的 2.猩猩现在玩的这堆东西人家80年就弄过了 3.我应该在猩猩巡演前看这个片子的 4.Paul...Paul...Paul...Paul...Paul...
Every band has a sad story
被误认为是sex pistols的经历很有意思,但Joe的出生背景决定他无论做什么都显得有贵族气,the Clash比sex pistols更丰润。
“三个和弦引发的革命”浪潮中坚力量,大部分摇滚乐迷的启蒙一般很难绕开他们的存在,是整个7、80年代朋克巅峰不可缺少的一部分;再有才华的乐队也无法避开内斗的消耗,Joe Strummer强调“有机组合”,的确,在分工协作与合力上升这两件事上很难达成趋同。
strummer好贵气 好美啊
看完rise and fall看这个觉得有些被抚慰到……大家都比我想象得还要可爱……四个人(不止Paul)年轻时都很漂亮啊,,趣味小故事多来点,,
所有这些曾经有些小成就的乐队一被问起来”当年怎么那么牛逼?“ 统统答日”chemical mixture“。。。
感觉单薄(其实是嫌短)。最后十分钟回忆解散挺伤感的。interview footage太好玩了。Pauly Pauly Paul!!!
已自制中字: | 章节式,以乐队大事件为脉络以单曲为标题,用了不少Rude Boy的内容(感觉和Viva Strummer以及London Calling 25周年制作特辑有部分素材重叠