In the summer of ’76, as President Jimmy Carter pledges to give government back to the people, tensions run high in a working-class Philadelphia neighborhood where the Black Panthers once flourished. When Marcus returns—having bolted years earlier—his homecoming isn’t exactly met with fanfare. His former movement brothers blame him for an unspeakable betrayal. Only his best friend’s widow, Patricia, appreciates Marcus’s predicament, which both unites and paralyzes them. As Patricia’s daughter compels the two comrades to confront their past, history repeats itself in dangerous ways. Night Catches Us masterfully reckons with the complexity of its characters’ revolutionary ideologies and internal desires. Bell-bottoms, Afros, potlucks, and Caddies set the scene as the film potently interweaves political media with an evocative soul-inspired score, summoning a vivid sense of place and time. The golden light that bathes characters’ faces seems to express the promise—and elusiveness—of the necessary change Marcus and Patricia struggle for so dearly—each by separate means.
热播电视剧最新电影东北插班生无脑魔女第二季XGirl我们梦中见恋恋星辰大决战少数派报告黑侠(普通话版)纹身大改造第一季诸神的黄昏 第三季
威信出碟了···hoho~~配乐by the roots
A melodrama wears a historical blazer.
发现今天看了两部电影都有Kerry Washington,政治背景不了解,难入戏。
南北战争怎么拍都是主旋律,联邦的再造,自由的新生,黑人的解放,所以黑皮肤姜戈大爆白人头都能让人拍手称快。不过1960年代的黑豹党就是绝对的敏感题材,这部黑人女导演Tanya Hamilton的处女作设立了1976年的时间点,去触摸黑人民权运动的最激进一翼,却又要兼顾市场和观众,只好欲说还休。
女性视觉的黑豹党伤痕文学电影,爱情得有点勉强。看在小愤青在被就地正法前的那一草地萤火虫,加颗星。又是The Roots全程配乐,愤青说唱啊愤青说唱
黑哥们苦难史 THE ROOTS的音乐配的没的说
extraordinary costume and BGM
到底是讲黑豹党 还是讲爱情故事 还是讲什么 不懂
也许不了解美国七十年代关于黑人的背景,还真不好说看明白了,基本一头雾水。大概是黑人社区里有个组织反对白人统治吧,但他们针对警察做袭击,虽然个别警察有种族主义倾向。加上中情局在中作祟,有的青年极易做出袭警的啥事。影片就是讲了组织头目被打死在家中之后妻女的生活。阅读(21) 评论(0)2012-11-03 10:14