• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:Norm J. Castellano,Barron Christian,Dan Ellis






  Trapped in the padded white room of an abandoned asylum, a helpless man awakens, only to find himself chained down to a medical chair. There, a demented surgeon and his equally deranged assistant embark on a seemingly endless series of chirurgical tortures, unlocking new levels of pain and suffering, one excruciating procedure after another. Intent on harvesting the captive's endorphin-infused blood, the maniacal doctor mutilates the feeble flesh and breaks the naked bones, until the phial is filled with the life-giving substance. However, in this hellish purgatory of anguish and torment, the man finds the strength to cling to hope, as he keeps finding hand-written notes in his grim cell. Could there be another tormented patient in this nightmarish facility? Is there an escape from the never-ending agony?热播电视剧最新电影一路前行第二季樱桃魔法THEMOVIE~如果30岁还是处男,似乎就会成为魔法师?痛击妻子的浪漫旅行第一季无法者1917(原声版)凶火飞狗巴迪3:飞狗家族斗破苍穹电视剧版波尔达克第一季风云第一部新上海滩1996信号 2323死亡谷(2021)产科医生锁清秋新雾都孤儿鬼娃的诅咒城市猎人(原声版)哥特洛丽塔处刑人山猫莫雷蒂霍利·霍比一起同过窗 第二季

