1 ) 只是熬夜的时候突然想到= =
这里面gay couple的形象和QAF里面Emmett在电视台当主持人时候的感觉很像吧?
= =也没有别的想法了……只是突然想到这个……
当然也有可能是有但是我没有注意到= =
2 ) you never know what can happen
第二十四集 本以为和奶奶有特殊情感纽带的Alex却在奶奶逝世以后收到了奶奶给予她的一个普通打火机,而留给其他孩子的都看起来颇有意义。她略有些失望,后来却发现那封本来只写了“this is a lighter”的信可以展开,里面有一大段内容:“This is a lighter. It's belonged to my favourite actor, Paul Newman.
One day he came into the restaurant where I was waitressing .
And accidentally lefbehind first.For the first time in my life,i did something I wasn't supposed to doand slipped it into my pocket.One of the customer saw, and said, don't worry .Your secret's safe with me. That customer turned out to be the love of my life,your grandfather.So my Alex,who I love dearly who. who is probably too much like me fogood everything.every once in a while , don't be afraid to break the rules .you never know what can happen.”
3 ) The lighter
“This is a lighter. It belonged to my favorite actor, Paul Newman. One day, he came into the restaurant where I was waitressing and accidentally left it behind. For the first time in my life, I did something I wasn't supposed to and slipped it into my pocket. One of the customers saw and said, 'don't worry. Your secret's safe with me.' That customer turned out to be the love of my life, your grandfather. So, my Alex, who I love so dearly, who is probably too much like me for her own good, every once in a while, don't be afraid to break the rules. You never know what can happen.”
4 ) Some sentences I picked in the series
真的觉得这部剧很温馨很有爱 还记得看第一部的时候Lily还是刚领养回来 现在已经那么大了 里面的她好可爱>< 还有热情奔放的Gloria 浓浓的西班牙语口语的英语 还有Alex他们三姐弟 哈哈哈 有个兄弟姐妹吵吵架还是蛮欢乐的 好基友cam&mitchell也好有爱 Gloria's new born baby Jeo 怎么可以那么乖 都不乱哭 好可爱啊!!
还有Manny 整天把自己弄的跟个小大人一样 哈哈哈 Jay &Phill就是典型家庭好男人 爱妻子儿女 努力工作 当然经常也很无奈 哈哈哈 还有好妈妈Clair 总之这部剧还蛮能反应现代家庭的各种温馨小事和烦恼 对于外国家庭这种父母和儿女的相处方式真的觉得很赞耶!
Modern family
Never be afraid to reach for the stars,because even if you fall, you'll always be wearing a parent-chute(parachute)
Success is 1% inspiration ,98%perspiration,and 2% attention to detail.
I've always seen life like a serious of doors.sometimes you get to choose the door you go through, sometimes you don't get that choice. But you still gotta walk through . So you can either go kicking and screaming... Or walk through with your head held high .
"I am mad at you because you didn't say anything."
"Cause I didn't want to get yelled at."
"Well too bad. When you married to me, you're going to get yelled at many times. And you're tough enough to take it. That's what I love about our marriage . We can say whatever we want , but the next day we're still there."
" that's what I like it, too."
The minute I stopped caring what other people thought and stared doing what I wanted to do , is the minute I finally feel ...Free!
I'm terrified of motorcycles, but sometimes you have to do things to show the world you're still a man.
Oh, she's just sarcastic on the outside . Inside , she's just a fragile little girl. If she wants to get her heart broken by a gay guy, she can do so when she's 18 or 19 and can drink her way through it.
He really oughta run things through his head first.
What's your return policy?
You return, I call the police .
In Colombia , if you snoop around the wrong box, you might end up inside that box.
Making a child is the easy part . The hard part is everything that comes after . Keeping them safe... Making sacrifices for them... And standing by them , even when they let you down .
This's the funny thing about marriage. You fall in love with this...extraordinary person, and over time , they begin to seem ordinary.
Sometimes I don't understand people , they do crazy things for the dumbest reasons. They convince themselves it'll all work out...despite all the evidence to the contrary.
New Years is so weird ,the way it makes you think about time. I think that's why people put so much pressure on themselves to have fun. I mean I guess I sorta get it.
There's all kinds of milestones in life, the kind you expect to live through--the first kiss, birthdays, graduations. If you're lucky, a wedding or two, or even a new addition to the family. Then there's the kind you never dreamed you'd get to live through again. And that's the best kind of all.
Raising a kid is like sending a rocket ship to the moon. You spend the early years in constant contact, and then one day, around the teenage years, they go around the dark side and they're gone . All you can do is wait for that faint signal that says they're coming back.
Marriage is a promise. It says to the world that you share a love and a commitment to each other that will only grow deeper as the years go by .
Never be afraid to go after a girl who's out of your league.
My kids are helpless, but maybe that's okay. Because years from now when they have their own houses, they'll call me on their hologram phones and say,"help me , dad . You're my only hope."
When it comes to raising kids, you get what you give.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange , mixed after we call life... When a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke... Though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns... And more than suspect that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
Oh . Dumpy , I can play you like a ukulele, cause you're small and dainty.
We all weave a web of lies. Some we tell to try to help the ones we love. Some we tell to try to fool ourselves . And some we tell because , when you're out of bullets and staring down the barrel of a Kalashnikov , the only weapon you've got left I'd guile .
Plus, this is one of the many benefits of being gay . We can be friends with our exes without all the petty jealousy straight people go through .
What qualifies someone as a hero? Obviously, a hero has to be someone we respect. A person we look up to. A person who is generous of spirit. Who's willing to grow and learn. Maybe it's the person you love most in the world or the guy who makes the most out of life, no matter what anyone thinks. For me though, the hero in my family is my family. Because of who we are together .
5 ) 这是我们都想要的生活
6 ) 享受与放弃
MF是现在最好的喜剧! 这种无敌的人物塑造 和节奏感 天才级的作品