Phil Collins --- Against all odds
菲尔 苛林斯首度帮电影谱写,演唱的主题曲,电影名称叫做<再看我一眼>。是一个社会写实片,故事描述过气的运动员在奉命寻找富商女儿的过程中, 情不自禁的爱上富商的女儿,因而卷入一段纠葛的爱恋情仇,菲尔 苛林斯近乎嘶喊的情感唱腔深刻传达片中男女主角深陷情义困境的无奈。 How can I just let you walk away,
just let you leave without a trace
When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh
You're the only one who really knew me at all
How can you just walk away from me,
when all I can do is watch you leave
Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain,
and even shared the tears
You're the only one who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now,
'cos there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now,
'cos there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against all odds
and that's what I've got to face
I wish I could just make you turn around,
turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you,
so many reasons why
You're the only one who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now,
'cos there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now,
'cos there's just an empty space
But to wait for you,
well that's all I can do
and that's what I've got to face
Take a good look at me now,
'cos I'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
That's the chance I've got to take, oh, oho
Just take a look at me now
against all odds
一部粗制滥造,莫名其妙 的电影。唯一的亮点是Phil Collins的歌还有雷切尔·沃德的眼神
Take a look me at now,别了,我们一起走过的那些狂野和任性!大叔用他的放荡不羁和狂野随性,诠释了什么叫铁汉柔情。简直帅到摄人心魄!另外,那首片尾曲《Against All Odds》简直是对这部电影意境的升华,经典中的经典,太好听了!
拍过雷和魔鬼代言人的导演居然拍了这样一本无趣的电影 爱情是突如其来的虐恋 阴谋诡计特别小儿科 过去阴影只是鸡毛蒜皮 三角恋和凶杀整得莫名其妙 最后男女主角几步外的凝视也不觉得可惜 督爷年轻时还是有几块腹肌的 片尾那首take a look at me now是唯一流传下去的了
真好,所有商业片元素都有了,I got you 导演!
看到最后两人互望时,背景音乐响起...take a look at me now... 才知道这首歌原来渊源于此
A sanctuary from the crowding and crime of the city below us. You know, there’s never just one game. There’s always a whole mess of ‘em, like life. You can hit hard by one, you get blessed by a couple of others./ Why don’t you size up? No one in Beverly Hills is ever gonna do business with a black man./ based on the film” out of the past “.
Out of the Past翻拍 那时候的卡斯蒂略金字塔还能攀登 科苏梅尔岛也有不错的风景
毁了那首歌 唉
片尾赫然告知这是翻拍Out of the Past给我整懵了,就改成一个这么二了吧唧的爱情故事? 不知演妈的Jane Greer做何感想。但这种因为想法太多而风格诡异的黑片致敬作确实比90年代那些一本正经但空洞无神的新黑片要更欢乐,很多地方都能感觉到导演追求的是别的效果但翻车得很彻底。台词实在是cheesy得我都替演员们尴尬,可能导演把老黑片的cool理解成了cheese。