• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
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主演:沃纳·赫尔佐格,Jean Clottes,Julien Monney,Jean-Michel Geneste,Michel Philippe,Gilles Tosello,Carole Fritz,Dominique Baffier,Valerie Feruglio,Nicholas Conard,Maria Malina,Wulf Hein,Maurice Maurin,Valerie Milenka Repnau,查尔斯·法西,沃尔克·施隆多夫





忘梦洞 剧照 NO.1忘梦洞 剧照 NO.2忘梦洞 剧照 NO.3忘梦洞 剧照 NO.4忘梦洞 剧照 NO.5忘梦洞 剧照 NO.6忘梦洞 剧照 NO.13忘梦洞 剧照 NO.14忘梦洞 剧照 NO.15忘梦洞 剧照 NO.16忘梦洞 剧照 NO.17忘梦洞 剧照 NO.18忘梦洞 剧照 NO.19忘梦洞 剧照 NO.20


  法国南部的Chauvet岩洞里,有三万年前的原始壁画,还有冰河时期的哺乳动物化石,但洞口一直被落石封住,直到1994年被科学家偶然发现。这个宝贵的洞穴被严密保护着,赫尔佐格只获准进洞拍摄六天,每天四小时,他还采访了相关研究的科学家们,用他特有的方式,探索史前人类对事物的认知和表达方式、艺术和文明史的诞生、以及现今围绕在洞穴四周的好奇人群。他还注意到现代工业对史前遗迹的侵蚀——Chauvet岩洞附近恰有一个核电站,已经因为温水汇流形成生态圈,里面连鳄鱼都有了,Chauvet未来可能受到被淹没的威胁。  这是沃纳·赫尔佐格首次用3D形式拍摄他最热衷的纪录片。热播电视剧最新电影双姝奇缘 4女管家吞噬星空罪证子弹2来生再爱驴得水好女孩的谋杀调查指南第一季执剑人白狐的人生突破山脉瑞克和莫蒂第七季飞来横财 2024长相思1947奇迹2021超脑48小时为你钟情百星贺囍坂本日常从前有座灵剑山第二季好女十八嫁布罗肯伍德疑案第四季勇士汪洋七海大鲨鱼2021幻乐之城澪之料理帖2020


 1 ) 0823雨天

你知道吗。台湾人就像踏着浪花跳跃的白鸥 是吗 西班牙人总是在一轮红阳里现出剪影 是在攀登海崖 是的 英国呢 英国人可爱。因为总是多云到雨,整座岛就像一个巨大的露天体育场,无数难懂的厚厚的云层压在头顶上肆意变化。他们也就安详躺在下午茶里休憩,说一说逻辑颠倒的笑话,发发幻想,或者认真起来准备几个预言什么的。 印度人就很不同了,阔叶雨林的沉静生命把他们的生命都熏透了。万里土地的闷热干燥里的忍耐让他们终于嗅到了时空中那些弥漫着的永恒的密语。 而,阿拉伯的土地上却只有一汪无垠的星潭,所以它们的心灵是荡漾在梦幻里的。周期性的神秘光芒都纹在他们的被毯与屋顶上。皮肤和骆驼一起在粗砺的风之沙丘里坚韧。 你这个学究,那你说说法国 浪漫的法国?肖维岩洞的壁画和那条阿克什河就可以说明一切了。古典乐的基因,温白馨甜的灵魂,都在那个干净梦幻的河谷和两旁的方峭石里了。在无数个流淌着星碎的夜里静静地编织着生灵们未来的模样

 2 ) 史前艺术知识普及片



一直在想为何是鳄鱼?个人理解为:因为鳄鱼是曾和恐龙生活在一个时期、并幸存至今的古老生物。拿它做时间的见证人最好。就像后记中提及的几万年前,欧洲覆盖着9千尺的冰河,现在人为造成气候暖化。 所谓沧海桑田,极是。






据德国《地理》杂志报道,考古学家最近在意大利北部新发现了据认为是欧洲最古老的洞穴岩画。一个以意大利费拉拉大学布罗格里奥教授为首的科考队,在意大利北部一处名为富马内的洞穴中考察时,发现了两块立在地上的石板,外面覆盖有一层很薄的方解石。石板上画有一只四条腿、但无法辨认的动物以及一个18厘米高的兽面人身像。据估计,新发现的岩画的年代约在距今3.2万年到3.65万年之间。考古学家们认为,这一发现将有力地证明人类在该地区的活动时间大大早于迄今为止的认识。此前,欧洲最古老的岩画是在法国南部岩洞中发现的,距今有3.2万年,图案和这次发现的兽面人身像类似。其次是20世纪70年代在德国施瓦本山发现的带有狮子头雕像的岩画,距今约3万年。( 链接见:http://www.people.com.cn/GB/guoji/25/95/20010129/385499.html

新闻(2):西班牙发现4万年前欧洲最古老洞穴壁画( 链接见:http://tech.shaoqun.com/a/16566.aspx

尼安德特人是曾经生活在欧洲大陆和亚洲部分地区的一种古人类,大约在3万年前消失,被智人也就是现代人所取代。( 链接见:http://news.sohu.com/20120618/n345855538.shtml

 3 ) 被遗忘的梦

我是作为一个考古学研究生的身份去观看这部电影的, 原因很简单: channel 4 TIME TEAM 的producers 强烈推荐这部电影,在kcl 的visual lab的工程师强烈推荐这部电影, 连我们学院的考古学家也老是在提这部片子, 好奇,究竟是什么样的影片让这些人如此的着迷。

想说的很简单, 人生不过梦一场。

撇开3d的细腻的技术不说,当那一幅幅史前壁画展现在你眼前的时候, 除了美,就是震惊。就是惊叹人类创造力的伟大。

然后你会思考, 我们从哪里来, 要到哪里去, 世间的所谓永恒不过是岩洞上那静止的画面,而创造永恒的我们, 早已经化为了虚无。

p.s, 这部片子可以从以下角度参考, 视觉人类学的先河,考古学和媒体的结合。

 4 ) Unforgettable dream in the cave

Chauvet cave in southern France contains 30,000 years old primitive frescoes and fossilized ice age mammals, but the opening was sealed by falling rocks until scientists stumbled upon it in 1994. A team of scientists and documentary makers entered the cave. In their own method, they explore the prehistoric way of knowing and expressing things, the birth of art and civilization, and the curious people who surround the caves today. The documentary Cave of Forgotten Dreams records one such incident in Chauvet Cave.

The documentary made viewers feel the beauty of art thousands of years ago, but also expressed their concerns about the development of industry today. Modern industry has eroded prehistoric sites, a nuclear power plant has been built near Chauvet cave, and hundreds of crocodiles live in an ecosystem of cooling water. Chauvet cave is threatened with future flooding. To convey the feeling of beauty and call for the protection of the ecological environment is the main theme of this film.

The scientists used technology to create a 3D map of the cave, which is about 1,300 feet long from front to back.But technological restoration is not the ultimate goal of scientists. Their ultimate goal is to reconstruct the past and let the present know what happened here. Scientists are not only using technology to find the cave, but are also going back to ancient times, using the backs of their hands and faces to sense the wind blowing out of the cave.Exploration here every day thoughts and emotions of scientists the impact caused by staff in the cave feel himself become small, artificial light to illuminate the whole cave, some scientists felt a strange, irrational feeling, like a pair of eyes, and they, as they enter the disturb of the paleolithic artists' creation. The cave is an organic combination of the landscape outside, and in this landscape, there is a musical atmosphere that not only modern romantics, but Stone Age people may have felt in the same way, like cave painters, who seem to be speaking to us from a familiar but distant universe. The most notable features of the cave are the frescoes, animal skulls and stalactites of various shapes. Murals are the most characteristic of the three landscapes.Imagine the ancients lighting a fire in the cave, casting shadows on the mural, and dancing with the mural in the glow and moving natural light.Since the cave itself is not flat, ancient artists used it to create in 3D painting. What is more amazing is that the ancient artists showed the dynamic movement of animals by drawing many legs, which undoubtedly made the murals more vivid. The most impressive picture in the mural is that of four horses running at the same time, it reminds me of the galloping horse drawing by the Chinese painter Xu Beihong. The two paintings share the same characteristics, both of which adopt bold and unconstrained lines and freehand brushwork, and focus on depicting the charm and temperament of horses. The horse in the painting is vigorous and light. It has the aesthetic feeling. The skulls in the caves were arranged in a deliberate way, probably representing a place of worship that had been eroded by water and soil to resemble pieces of fine porcelain.

The process of making this documentary was also difficult. The cave is under the watchful eye of the French government and is completely off-limits to the public. Herzog had special permission from the French culture ministry to enter, but it was also strictly controlled: they had to wear certain clothes and shoes, could not communicate with the outside world, could not touch anything, and could only move within the built walkway. The crew can't be more than four people, which means that only the director, cameraman, sound engineer and an assistant are allowed in. Each person has their own job, and the director has to operate portable, non-heating lighting equipment. All equipment must be battery-powered, no wires. After the 3D camera assembly is large, it is difficult to enter the hole, so it is assembled in the hole. Under such conditions they were allowed to film for six days, four hours a day.

Herzog's documentary, shot in a narrow space, also has a dramatic effect. It is a pilgrimage through French cave paintings 30,000 years ago, which makes the film more surreal and artistic style beyond time and history.Background music is creative, it is full of wildness and power, combined with the documentary images so that the audience better back to the ancient times.When those prehistoric murals unfold before your eyes, in addition to beauty, is shocked, we marvel at the greatness of human creativity.

 5 ) 我们是被锁在时间里的人


Early in Cave of Forgotten Dreams, Werner Herzogpoints out that the artist appears to be capturing a sense of movement, an almost “proto-cinema” style of representation where a beast is drawn with 8 legs instead of four, which suggestsmovement, said “For them, the animals perhaps appeared moving, living [...] almost a form of proto-cinema."For Herzog, these drawings felt like "frames from an animated film."

Protocinema was named to embody motion and cognition, after a Werner Herzog observation, in which he refers to The Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave paintings as almost "proto-cinema" in style of representation - capturing a sense of movement, "not unlike the futurist paintings of the early 20th century whereby a figure was captured moving through space and time."Proto-cinema is a term that does not bear cinematic conventions, it suggests a form that tackles the issues in film relating to the concepts of truth and fact as well as reality and representation. The curiosity to see beyond and within human life is existent in Herzog's films. Just as early photographs and films reflected the possibilities and limits of the photography in motion, Herzog's films are surveys into the ontology of film. Herzog's relationships with films and filmmaking are the only personal and autobiographical aspects of these films.

People in the Old Stone Age have their own ways to understand the world. In Cave of Forgotten Dreams, two theories by which people know the world had been mentioned: liquidity and penetrability. Liquidity means that objects can transform into each other while penetrability means objects can choose either to communicate or not. Maybe, people painted because art works made by human not only has a larger ability to transmit messages than languages created by human, but also can communicate with future.Comparing with wall painting, with the development of digital technology, we use computers and cellphones to transmit messages in the effect of modern technology, which makes messages are stored and transmitted more easily. However, sometimes we have to accept some messages without willing.

As for wall painting, the observation and imagination of these artists were the same as ours. We feel closer to the drawings on the walls of Chauvet than the painting of, say, an Egyptian mural. These artists are not remote ancestors; they are brothers. They saw like us, they drew like us; we wear essentially the same clothes against the cold. But despite their proximity, there is something fundamental that cuts us off from them. The time they lived in connected everything. They lived in an enormous present, which also contained past and future. A present in which nature was not only contiguous with them, but continuous. They flowed in and out of a continuum of everything around them; just as the animals flow into and out of the rock. And if the rock was alive, so were the animals. Everything was alive. And perhaps this is what truly separates us: not the space of time, but the sense of time. In our minute splicing of our lives into milliseconds, we live separated from everything that surrounds us. Do you know who made your clothes, or even what they are made of? "We are locked in history; they were not," says Herzog.

Work cited

Akçali, Elif. "A Form of Proto-Cinema: Aestheti

cs of Werner Herzog's Documentary Essayi

sm."Cineaction, no. 97, 2016, pp. 50-2.

 6 ) 恐怕导演自己都知道至少10种方法让这个片子更有可看性




纪录片《The Power of Myth》中形容法国另一处史前洞穴画:“就像进入了孕育全人类的子宫。”——电影再立体也达不到那个效果


1. 素材真的太少。摄制组只被允许拍6天,每天4个小时,出来的素材捉襟见肘。
2. 感觉这部片子拍得太早,科学家对这些岩画的绘制者也不是太了解。或者他们藏私。
3. 我对两个研究很有兴趣,一是电脑描绘出整个洞穴的形状和画面分布,二是研究出那副群马图是N批人经历前后5000年分别绘制的……然后呢?观众竖起耳朵愿闻其详,电影没下文了。图画的分布到底说明什么啊?为什么5000年里那么多人要去完成那副画啊?你不知道就说不知道呗,挑个头不说明白算什么事啊?你要急死我啊?
4. 研究者和摄制组都故作深沉,藏着掖着的。说真的,你们这些东西,五大洲哪都有,有必要吗?不是说不珍贵,而是,已经决定拍电影了,就全脱了呗,兴冲冲跑去看发现是骑兵,要急死我啊?
5. 赫尔佐伯本人的故作深沉就不说了,就那德行。有个恶搞他的赫尔佐伯读小人书系列,用来诠释这个电影真是太好了。什么都能被让他读出恐怖气氛。



  • eighthday
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3.5 結語挺讚。

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3d docu. sheer beauty.

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Whoever decide to make this 3D is a genius

  • The_Carrot
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  • 永泽
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Cave of Forgotten Dreams,多好的名字啊!

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极简 迷人 配乐赞 能看3D就更完美了 尼姆计划不如预期的好 竟然更喜欢这部

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