一开始觉得这两个意大利男人好烦怎么一直强调女人要学做饭,不做饭找不到男人,什么鬼?不想学就是不想学,有什么关系,男人找老婆是找厨子么~可是第一集最后的部分去了San Patrignano,一个为失足年轻人恢复建康学习生活的地方,整个就是给我看哭了。这里的年轻人都是曾经吸毒犯罪入狱有爱滋无家可归的人,在这里可以学习做饭做奶酪各种和食物相关的技能,在这个过程里慢慢学习生活和与人相处。其中一个年轻人对奶酪制作充满了热情,他以前是个诈骗犯,我想这大概也是个很有创造力的年轻人,只是以前用在了犯罪上,现在用在做奶酪上。结尾时San Patrignano的工作人员说: You can't buy it, because it's free. 我们这里的生活你是买不到的,因为一切都是免费的。简单的制作食物也可以是治疗,健康的生活方式就是治疗。真想去参观下San Patrignano.
最初喜欢上Gennaro是在Jamie Oliver的Youtube频道上。在各种撕逼骂战带节奏的网络平台中,Jamie和Gennaro的视频下面都是清一色的正能量留言,或是搞笑的插科打诨,或是认真的发问,或是各种赞美,可以说是各类社交平台上很难得的一方和平净土,每次心情不好就会点进去看,然后发觉世界上还是有很多美好的人和事。
而且每次看Gennaro就超开心!十分开心!会忍不住跟他一起笑!技术层面讲,里面的食谱操作很可行,材料易得,需要的只是时间和耐心,就能在家体验到正宗的南意美味……再大喊一句,"Why I cook so good!"
1. Pork fillet with honey and ginger (Serves 4-6)
(1) 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
(2) 100g pancetta or bacon, roughly chopped
(3) 800g 12oz pork fillet
(4) 2 garlic cloves, left whole
(5) 4 tbsp honey
(6) 1cm fresh root ginger, peeled, finely sliced
(7) 2 carrots, roughly chopped
(8) 4 baby parsnips, peeled, cut in half
(9) 4 shallots, halved or quartered, depending on size
(10) 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
(11) 300ml vegetable stock
(12) freshly ground black pepper
(1) Heat the olive oil in a lidded saucepan and fry the pancetta until golden-brown. Remove from the pan and set aside. Fry the pork in the same pan used to cook the pancetta for 4-5 minutes, or until browned all over.
(2) Add the garlic, honey and ginger and continue to cook over a medium heat until caramelised.
(3) Add the carrots, parsnips, shallots, rosemary, cooked pancetta, stock and black pepper, cover with a lid and cook on a medium to low heat for 30 minutes.
(4) Check the vegetables are tender, remove them and set aside.
(5) Continue to cook for another hour, or until the meat is tender and cooked through. Remove the pork from the pan and set aside to cool slightly. Carve into thick slices.
(6) Return the vegetables and the pork slices to the pan to heat through before serving.
2. Seafood linguine (Serves 4)
(1) 500g/1lb 2oz mussels
(2) 250g/9oz whole raw prawns
(3) 6 tbsp olive oil
(4) 1 garlic clove, crushed
(5) ½ red chilli , finely sliced
(6) 50ml/2fl oz white wine
(7 )1 lemon , juice only
(8) small bunch flatleaf parsley , roughly chopped
(9) 400g/14oz linguine
(10) salt and freshly ground black pepper
(1) Clean the mussels by scrubbing them in cold water, and removing the beards. If any remain open after tapping them against the side of the work surface, discard them. Peel the prawns, removing the heads but leaving the tails intact.
(2) Heat the olive oil in a large lidded saucepan, and add the garlic and chilli. After a minute or two, add the mussels and the wine. Cover with the lid and continue cooking for 1-2 minutes, or until the mussels open. If any mussels remain closed at the end of cooking, discard them.
(3) Add the prawns and cook for a further 4–5 minutes, then squeeze in the lemon juice. Remove the pan from the heat and add the roughly chopped parsley. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
(4) Meanwhile, cook the linguine in lightly salted boiling water for 7-8 minutes, or until al dente. Add the pasta to the pan with the shellfish sauce, mix together well and serve immediately.
3. Warm chocolate and amaretto pudding (Serves 6)
(1) 500ml/18fl oz milk
(2) 1 tbsp plain flour
(3) 2 tbsp caster sugar
(4) 1 vanilla pod , halved lengthways, seeds removed
(5) 80ml/2½fl oz Amaretto (or other almond liqueur )
(6) 100g/3½oz dark chocolate , finely chopped
(7) 50g/2oz unsalted butter
(8) 30g/1oz amaretti biscuits, crushed
(1) Warm the milk in a saucepan over a low heat.
(2) Mix the flour, sugar and vanilla seeds in a separate saucepan until smooth, then whisk in the warm milk, a little at a time, until smooth. Place the pan onto the heat and cook over a gentle heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously.
(3) Whisk in the Amaretto liqueur and continue to whisk until the mixture thickens.
(4) Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the chocolate and butter.
(5) To serve, spoon the mixture into serving glasses and sprinkle over the crushed amaretti biscuits.
4. Lemon and ricotta tart (Serves 8)
For the pastry
(1) 1 x 400g/14oz ready-made puff pastry
(2) plain flour , for dusting
(3) 1 lemon , finely grated zest only
For the filling
(1) 300g/10½oz ricotta cheese
(2) 200g/7oz mascarpone cheese
(3) 200g/7oz candied peel , roughly chopped
(4) 125g/4½oz caster sugar
(5) 6 free-range eggs , separated
(1) Preheat the oven to 180C350FGas 4.
(2) Roll the pastry out on a lightly floured work surface to a 3mm/⅛in thickness. Use the pastry to line a 25cm/10in pastry case. Cover with a damp cloth while you make the filling.
(3) In a large bowl, mix the ricotta, mascarpone and candied peel with 100g/3½oz of the sugar and five of the egg yolks until smooth and well combined.
(4) Whisk the egg whites in another large, clean bowl until fluffy. Whisk in the remaining sugar and continue whisking until stiff peaks form when the whisk is removed.
(5) Using a large metal spoon, fold the whites into the ricotta mixture, then pour into the pastry-lined tart tin.
(6) Beat the reserved egg yolk in a bowl. Fold in the overhanging pastry and brush with the egg yolk. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, until the pastry is cooked through and the filling has a slight wobble in the centre.
(7) Set aside to cool for two hours, then sprinkle with lemon zest.
5. Easter lamb with peas (Serves 6)
(1) 1kg/2lb 4oz boned lamb shoulder , cut into large chunks
(2) 150ml/5fl oz extra virgin olive oil
(3) 2 onions , roughly chopped
(4) 1 large carrot , sliced
(5) 1 celery stalk, roughly chopped
(6) 5 garlic cloves, crushed
(7) ½ x 50g/2oz tin anchovy fillets
(8) handful thyme sprigs
(9) 1 red chilli , sliced
(10) 250ml/9fl oz white wine
(11) 25ml/1fl oz white wine vinegar
(12) 250g/9oz fresh or frozen peas
(13) 400g/14oz potatoes , cut into quarters
(14) 200g/7oz cherry tomatoes , halved
(15) salt and freshly ground black pepper
(16) 6 portions fresh bread , to serve
(1) Season the lamb chunks with salt and black pepper. Set aside.
(2) Heat the olive oil in a large lidded pan and fry the onions, carrot and celery for 4–5 minutes, or until softened. Add the garlic, anchovies, thyme and chilli, and continue to cook, stirring, until the anchovies have almost dissolved into the oil. Add the lamb chunks and fry for a further 4–5 minutes, or until browned all over.
(3) Stir in the wine and continue to cook until the volume of the liquid has reduced by half, then add the vinegar. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes.
(4) Add the peas, potatoes and tomatoes, cover again and continue to cook for about an hour, until the sauce has reduced by half.
(5) Serve hot with plenty of bread to mop up the sauce.
看到一半才知道Antonio老爷爷去年底过世了Q Q 于是再也不会有第三季了_(:з)∠)_ 四集是通过上下班和午休的碎片时间看完的,两个絮絮叨叨的老爷子环游意大利一路品尝当地美食一边自己做饭的纪录片。第一集基本上围绕着love and family,第二集是Gennaro故乡意大利南方美食,第三集是Antonio故乡北方,最后一集讲到了朝圣之路,与修道院,宗教节日相关的美食。
最后记一下第一集片尾的老生常谈惹,life has two principal functions, all you need is food and love.
看到一半才知道Antonio老爷爷去年底过世了Q Q 于是再也不会有第三季了_(:з)∠)_ 四集是通过上下班和午休的碎片时间看完的,两个絮絮叨叨的老爷子环游意大利一路品尝当地美食一边自己做饭的纪录片。第一集基本上围绕着love and family,第二集是Gennaro故乡意大利南方美食,第三集是Antonio故乡北方,最后一集讲到了朝圣之路,与修道院,宗教节日相关的美食。
最后记一下第一集片尾的老生常谈惹,life has two principal functions, all you need is food and love.
天啊一起做菜太甜了T^T 【意大利口音的英语莫名的可爱www
I am in love with italian food
3.5 真是不错。故乡行、味觉之旅、还夹带着探讨社会问题。美食下料之狠难以置信。