1 ) 牧羊犬郁金香与麦兜故事
2 ) 大家在哪找到的
[email protected] 3 ) 爱狗人士的情书
4 ) 因为无法与人相爱,英国人把爱给了狗。——乔-伦道夫-阿克利
5 ) An ideal friend
For as long as I could remember, I had been searching for an ideal friend. But I have never really found the person who fitted my exacting requirements. There was always some flaw, too tall, too short, too outgoing, too shy, too insecure, too independent... As the years passed and the opportunities grew fewer, I had a mental image of the ideal friend as a plain jug containing a delightful mix of good companionship and intellectual stimulation, the shape, age and size of which no longer had any importance for me. I still felt that if I only turned this corner instead of that or boarded this bus rather than that one, I would find the ideal friend waiting for me and that we would reconize each other at once after the exchange of a few words. Ah, and a further complication was that I did not want anyone to think that I was pursuing them. It was therefore necessary to encounter the ideal friend face-to-face, which is not easy if you happen both to be moving in the same direction.
6 ) loved, hated, albeit stupidly...
It was Roger Ebert's highly favorable review led me to this little animation dog film, adapted by Paul Fierlinger and Sandra Fierlinger from J.R.Ackerley's 1956 memoir with the same title, voice over by Christopher Plummer, Lynn Redgrave and Isabella Rossellini. Released June 10, 2009.
It's a story about companionship between an old lonely man with his unruly female German shepherd dog whom he had rescued in her 18th month in 1947. The story is told in such a minute way involving every detail of the canine bodily function: almost one third of the length was on urinating and defecating, remaining two third was mating detail -- for someone never have kept a pet before these too intimate informaton made me more than a little uncomfortable, ha, my bad. However the film is thoroughly enjoyable, the painting are beautiful and simple done by paperless system but retains a strong hand-drawn flavour, the odd and dry humour permeated through the film prevented it being ever oversentimental, and what counts the most, it touches that string deep in our hearts that in this overcrowded and lonely world, all we need is love, wherever we can find it.
Unable to love each other, the English turn naturally to dogs.
It seems to me, both touching and strange, that she should find the world so wonderful.
Whatever blunders I may have commited in my management of my animal's life, she lived on to the great age of sixteen and half. I was a bit drained in spirit when Tulip came into my hands, and the fifteen years she lived with me turned into the happiest of my life. She entered my life when I was quite over 50, and she entirely transformed it. She offered me what I have never found in my life with humans, constant single-hearted incorruptable uncritical devotion, which it is in the nature of dogs to offer. She placed herself entirely under my control. Looking at her sometimes in her later years, I used to think that the ideal friend whom I no longer wanted, perhaps never wanted, would have the mind of my Tulip. Always at one's service through the devotion of a faithful and uncritical beast, are not all human contacts based upon one person's wish to claim the affairs of another? Everyone it seemes wishs everyone else different from what they are.
What strained and anxious lives dogs must lead, so emotionally involved in the world of human, whose affections they strive endlessly to secure, whose authority they are expected unquestioningly to obey, and whose mind they can never do more than imperfectly reach and comprehend. Stupidly loved, stupidly hated, acquired without thought, reared and rules wihtout understanding, passed on or 'put to sleep' without care, did they, I wondered, these descendants of the creatures who, thousands of years ago in the primeval forests, laid siege to the heart of man, took him under their protection, tried to tame him, and failed...did they suffer from headaches?
unable to love each other, the English turn naturally to dogs.不懂画的我很喜欢这样的画风 PS:俨然一副狗狗情色小动画的样子 但‘情色“的都那么风轻云淡
4.0 為裸女與公牛還有穿著小裙子豪邁撒尿的Tulip加星。寂寞男人的世界總會有一個懂他的狗或貓,或是其他的,總之真誠的懂他。
"Unable to love each other, the English turn naturally to dogs." J.R. Ackerley
这颤抖的画风实在太萌了~不唯美,但让人无比喜欢,十分适合看腻了“你的名字”的人们…… 究竟什么是完美的改编呢?旁白的加入让人感觉就跟在看原著小说一样,这种生动而简单的改编,是不是也很棒呢?
So british and so lovely.