Professor Mary Beard, renowned classicist and TV historian, is to explore what life was like in one of the world’s most extraordinary and iconic archaeological sites, in Pompeii: Life Before Death, a new landmark programme for BBC One. Mary Beard – a world Pompeii expert and author of Pompeii: Life Of A Roman Town – will be joining an international team as they bring the very latest technology to bear on this most extraordinary of archaeological sites. Mary Beard says: “This is a really exciting chance to find out more about the ordinary people who lived in ancient Pompeii. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm hoping we're going to unlock some if the secrets about who the people were.” For the first time, a team is CT scanning and fully investigating the world-famous casts of the bodies to analyse the skeletons trapped within, to ascertain all they can about who they were, where they came from and how they lived. A team is also conducting DNA analysis of the bodies for the first time. Elsewhere, the documentary will follow the work of recovering damaged frescoes and mosaics, the excavation and rebuilding of certain key buildings and the organisation and cataloguing of the thousands of astonishing artefacts in the storerooms – from loaves of bread to pet monkeys, paint pots to purses. It will shine a light on the work of archaeologists who are exploring the third of the town that has never been excavated, and will present a unique first look at the complete Pompeii in stunning CGI. Using the evidence gleaned from all this research, the BBC One film will piece together a full picture of daily life in Pompeii before the town was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79.
热播电视剧最新电影迷妹零一获千金游戏帮派2019尖东枭雄冷冻灵魂边隧谜案 第一季太阳的孩子2015死刑台的美女
原來所謂文物 古蹟 是可以不用戴手套就能摸的 路中間的下雨過河石頭台子在沒有城市排水的年代顯得很是可愛
就是很喜欢这个教授婆婆 很有感染力,听她讲历史会感觉她是真心喜欢,从而就有共情
这部其实还是简介一下。我仔细看的一集是Discovery 家的《the lost world of Pompeii》,但是没找到词条。看到庞贝城的方方面面,就更有一种特别强烈的感觉,欧洲中世纪就是实实在在的历史倒退!其中利用现代科技重新阅读那个已经碳化的古代卷轴那段超级精彩!竟然是根据碳元素的含量来还原纸面上的字迹,真是感叹!现在出土的庞贝古城,仍然面临着火山喷发、水土流失等等问题,希望在他们彻底消失之前,能解读出更多有用的历史信息,让人们还原当年的情形,更好地理解当下的现代生活。
Cannot get enough about ancient Rome
Mary Beard真的是多产 她对这个领域的研究和了解的求知欲是有感染力的 看现代技术模拟和还原的似乎对实地游览没有太多帮助 有很多也不对公众开放 Mary Beard在一部部纪录片的讲述中 庞贝遗迹不仅仅是用来缅怀的 而是去发现和还原被时光掩埋的历史和趣事
只要有古罗马考古,就会有Mary Beard教授。